U.S. Department of Education
FY 2009 Forecast of Contract Opportunities
This FY 2009 forecast of U.S. Department of Education (ED) contract opportunities is based on the best information available at the time it is posted online. Although an acquisition is listed on the forecast, ED may, at any time, delay or cancel it, if the Department's requirements change. All contract award dates are projections. The information is subject to change and is in no way binding on the Government. Interested parties should check the forecast periodically for updates as well as monitor FedBizOpps for notices providing specific information, such as anticipated solicitation release and close dates,on ED contract opportunities. The last page of this forecast contains a key for Principal Office and Anticipated Contract Action Type codes.
POC / Tracking No. / Title/Description / Point of Contact / Estimated Award Date / Anticipated Contract Action TypeOCIO / eio 090001 / Advisory Services. Advisory and assistance services to support the OCIO’s successful delivery of a wide range of strategic information technology services to the Department. / / 08/10/09 / GSA or NEWSM
OCIO / eio 090002 / High Priority Projects. Support to implement corrective actions in response to OIG audits and A-123 audits. / / 08/10/09 / NEW8A
OCIO / eio 090003 / HSPD-12. Enable HSPD-12 smart cards to access the network logon and ready for digital signing and encryption; and support Identity Management access control to network logon and email with advanced security controls and audit capabilities at the business application level. / / 03/01/09 / GSA or NEWSM
OCIO / eio 090004 / Educational Resource Organization Directory Labor - EDWeb / Holly.Le@ed,gov / 09/30/09 / GSAAWD
OCIO / eio 090006 / Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Support -- Phase 1 C&A - QA Process. Update Dept guidelines & procedures, ATO package reviews, C&A tech support, support IV&V process, and prepare "over the horizon reports". / / 09/27/09 / GSAAWD
OCIO / eio 090007 / Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Support -- Phase 2 C&A - ST&E CRG - vulnerability scanning, pen testing, security assessments, C&A doc review, and validation of Remediations. / / 06/30/09 / GSAAWD
OCIO / eio 090008 / Assistive Technology. Provides subject matter expertise to support new and emerging HW and SW tools for Department customers with disabilities. Ensures compliance with ADA. / / 01/31/09 / NEW8A
OM/FMS / emo 090002 / Database Management Services. Web-based solution for ED Transit Benefits & Parking Programs. / / 05/23/09 / NEWRFP
OM/FMS / emo 090003 / ED PUBS. ED's "One Stop Shop" and dissemination contract for Publications and Products. (Includes Schedule A and Schedule B costs Department-wide). / / 09/30/09 / NEWRFP
OM/HRS / emo 090005 / HR Web Recruitment (EdHIRES). Web-enabled, automated HR recruitment system that allows applicants to view vacancy announcements, apply online and submit applications to a rating system. / / 10/30/09 / GSAAWD
OM/HRS / emo 090006 / Sign Language Interpreter Services. Sign language services are arranged and provided to ED's Deaf/HOH employees and customers to ensure communication access. / / 09/15/09 / NEWRFP
OM/HRS / emo 090007 / Computer Learning Services Contract. Provides computer classroom training, desk-side support, reference/resource materials and MS office suite help desk service for headquarters and regional employees. / / 09/01/09 / NEWSM
OM/SS / emo 090008 / Verisign-PKI Certificate. Required support contract w/ the provider of the Department's PKI (formerly funded by OCIO) / / 03/01/09 / NEWRFP
OM/SS / emo 090010 / ID Access annual Maintenance Agreement--repair and/replacement of malfunctioning DSX security equipment / / 12/31/08 / SOLSO
OIG / efo 090001 / C&A ITACCI Lab & ODAS / / 12/01/08 / NEWRFP
OCR / eco 090001 / Maintenance and mounting of Civil Rights Data Collection / / 02/01/09 / New RFP
OCO / eoo 090002 / News Clipping Service / / 06/15/09 / NEWSM
OCFO / elo 090002 / Multiple Award Task Order (MATO) Contracts. These contracts will result in a competitive pricing mechanism to purchase a wide range of products and services across a wide range of subjects relating to key educational issues. / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
IES/NCES / ern 090001 / IPEDS Web-based Data Collection (2009-10). This will incrementally fund the first year of a contract for the 2009-10 IPEDS data collection and all related work; also includes incentive. / / 03/15/09 / NEWRFP
IES/NCES / ern 090002 / Postsecondary Pricing Tools. This award will support the development of informational and analytical tools that help college students and parents determine and understand the price of attending college. / / 06/01/09 / NEWSM
IES/NCES / ern 090003 / Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) national contract. Contract to support PIAAC data collection in the United States. PIAAC is an international study of adult literacy and life skills. / / 05/15/09 / NEWRFP
IES/NCES / ern 090004 / International Development and Analysis Contract. Task order contract to support NCES' work with international organizations to develop and implement international assessments and comparable education indicators. Work performed under this contract will allow NCES to continue its contribution to improving educational measurement and indicators at the international level. / / 08/15/09 / NEWRFP
IES/NCES / ern 090005 / Supports increased archiving operations with the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) for ECLS-B / / 06/15/09 / SOLSO
IES/NCES / ern 090006 / NAEP Information Network Contract. The procurement provides coordination with state-based organizations located in the Washington area that is required for the success of the NAEP-State partnership. / / 06/19/09 / MATORD
IES/NCES / ern 090007 / NIES Support. New small business award to perform work on the National Indian Education Study / / 06/19/09 / NEW8A
IES/NCES / ern 090008 / NAEPState Analysis Contract. Contract to provide technical support/analytical support and special reports related to analyses of state-related issues/topics. / / 03/15/09 / MATORD
IES/NCEE / ert 090001 / Design of the National Assessment of Title I (NATI). This new task order will provide technical and analytic support to IES in developing design options for the next National Assessment. / / 06/15/09 / MATORD
IES/NCEE / ert 090002 / National Study of Implementation of Title I. To conduct a national study of the implementation of key provisions of Title I. Baseline data collection is scheduled for the school year 2011-12 and a follow up data collection in the 2013-14 school year. Given the long lead time needed for design of instruments and OMB clearance, an FY 09 procurement is needed. / / 09/15/09 / MATORD
IES/NCEE / ert 090003 / IDEA Technical Assistance and Dissemination Evaluation. This four-year study is intended to gather information on state practices to promote favorable educational and developmental outcomes for children with disabilities, and see how these practices vary with the receipt of technical assistance from OSEP-supported grantees. The first increment would support the planning of data collection from SEAs to measure the implementation of early intervention and special education practices. / / 08/15/09 / MATORD
IES/NCEE / ert 090004 / Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a digital library providing Internet access to current and archival journal and non-journal materials for educators, researchers, and the general public. This is a new five-year contract. / / 02/12/09 / NEWRFP
IES/NCEE / ert 090005 / Evaluation of the Regional Educational Laboratories program. / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
IES/NCER / err 090001 / Identifying Potentially Successful Approaches to Turning Around Chronically Low Performing Schools. This study will identify strategies used by chronically low performing schools to successfully turn around and exit from low performing status. / / 06/15/09 / MATORD
IES/ NCER / err 090002 through err 090005 / Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program "Fast-Track" competition. Contracts for technologically innovative research and development (R&D) in education. Note: Anticipate an estimated 4 "Fast-Track (Phase I and Phase II)" contracts in FY09. / / 05/15/09 / NEWSM
IES/ NCER / err 090006 through err 090009 / Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program "Phase II" competition. Contracts for technologically innovative research and development (R&D) in education. Note: Anticipate an estimated 4 Phase II contracts in FY09. / / 05/22/09 / NEWSM
IES/ NCSER / erh 090001 / Administrative and logistical support for NCSER. Provide logistical support for meetings, conferences and seminars; expert papers and practice guides on topics relevant to activities of NCSER; quick turn around activities; and technical assistance on NCSER and ED-related issues. / / 06/15/09 / NEWSM
OESE / escp090001 / Even Start Technical Assistance. These technical assistance activities reinforce the key principles of Even Start - instructional activities based on scientific research and increased participant literacy achievement. / / 09/26/09 / MATORD
OESE / esgp090001 / Sign Language Interpreter Services. Sign Language Interpreter services for OESE/SSTP Deaf and Hard of Hearing employee. / / 09/15/09 / NEWRFP (contract action through OM - em090005)
OESE / esmp090001 / MSIX Technical Assistance Contract / / 02/01/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / esmp090002 / Technical Assistance on Effective Re-Interviewing / / 12/31/08 / PURORD
OESE / estp090001 / Program Evaluation. Collection, analysis and synthesis of evaluations that have been conducted by State and sub-grantees (PPICS). A report will be generated that captures the results from the years of continuous evaluation that has occurred across the program. / / 06/30/09 / NEW8A
OESE / estp090002 / Training for Grantees/subgrantees on effective after-school practices – 21st Century Community Learning Centers. / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / estp090003 / Winter Institute / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / estp090004 / Summer Institute / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / estp090005 / Math Now Technical Assistance and Support / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / estp090006 / Advanced Placement Research and Technical Assistance / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / estp090007 / Smaller Learning Communities Logistics for Meetings / / 06/30/09 / NEWSM
OESE / estp090008 / Smaller Learning Communities Data Collection and Analysis / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OESE / estp090009 / Striving Readers Technical Assistance and Dissemination / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OESE / estp090010 / ComprehensiveSchool Reform Clearinghouse / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
OESE / estp090011 / AITQ Peer Review (AK Native, Native HI, Literacy through School Libraries, Advance Placement, Smaller Learning Communities, Teacher Incentive Fund, Javits, Striving Readers programs) - this contract is to provide assistance for peer review activities for discretionary grant competitions for the Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Division. / / 04/30/09 / MATORD
OESE / estp090012 / 21st CCLC Logistics Support for Summer Institute. Purpose of this procurement is to obtain logistical support for 21st CCLC for the Summer Institute. The Summer Institute is a large annual meeting of 2,000 plus participants focusing on training and technical assistance to 21st CCLCState administrators, local grantees and after-school service providers. / / 11/01/08 / MATORD
OPE HEP / epp 090001 / Technical Assistance for HBCU Capital Financing program to assist Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to access capital markets. / / 04/15/09 / NEWRFP
OPE HEP IEP / epp 090002 / IEPS Analysis, Dissemination and Outreach -- with contractor knowledge of the international higher education community with writing and graphics skills. / / 05/01/09 / NEWRFP
OPE PPI / epp 090003 / Hewlett Packard Maintenance Agreement -- working with OCIO to see if this should be covered through the EDUCATE contract. / / 03/01/09 / NEWPO
OPE PPI / epp 090004 / Higher Education Studies / / 05/15/09 / NEWRFP
OPE PPI / epp 090005 / Negotiated Rulemaking Facilitator. To provide facilitator and logistical support for Federal and non-Federal negotiators as they develop Title IV student aid policy through the negotiated rulemaking process. / / 05/01/09 / NEWRFP
OPE PPI / epp 090006 / SPSS Software Maintenance Agreement -- working with OCIO to see if this should be covered through the EDUCATE contract / / 06/30/09 / NEWPO
OPE PPI / epp 090007 / Veritas Software Renewal for Student Aid Policy Staff -- working with OCIO to see if this should be covered through the EDUCATE contract. / / 06/30/09 / NEWPO
OPE PPI FIPSE / epp 090008 / FIPSE Dissemination and Database Contract (Base Year) (to be merged with GEMS). / / 09/26/09 / NEWRFP
OPEPD/PPSS / edpp090001 / National Assessment of Career and Technical Education: NCES Data Analysis. This task order will examine NCES data that are related to career and technical education in order to provide descriptive statistics on CTE programs, teachers, and students. / / 04/27/09 / NEW
OPEPD/PPSS / edpp090002 / New Generation, GEAR UP evaluation. -In FY2009, a new GEAR UP evaluation will begin following the current work on evaluation design. / / 09/30/09 / NEW MATO
OPEPD/ Budget Service / edbo090001 / Budget Formulation Database: Note: This task will be part of the new Education Department Internet and Intranet Support blanket purchase agreement to be managed by OCIO. / / 01/15/09 / TSKORC
PIMS / edso090001 / EDFacts Technology & Support Services (EDEN recompete) / / 06/30/09 / NEWRFP
PIMS / edso090002 / EDFacts IV&V Recompete / / 09/15/09 / GSAAWD
OSDFS / eqp 090001 / Small meetings contract. Arrangement of small meetings for OSDFS. / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OSDFS / eqp 090002 / Higher Education Training and TechnicalAssistanceCenter. To help colleges and universities in their efforts to prevent alcohol and other drug abuse and violence on their campuses and in their surrounding communities through the use of comprehensive prevention strategies. / / 09/01/09 / NEWRFP
OSDFS / eqp 090003 / Character Education technical assistance center. Technical assistance center for Character education grantees / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OSDFS / eqp 090004 / NationalMentoringTechnicalAssistanceCenter and Evaluation center will be ED's primary resource for information and training on mentoring services for school-aged youth. / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OSERS/OSEP / ehsp090001 / IDEA, Part D Planning, Policy, Communication and Dissemination Support Contract. Provides logistical and administrative support for the OSEP program planning and policy work, project evaluations, and communication and dissemination work. This work was previously conducted under 3 separate contracts. / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OSERS/OSEP / ehsp090002 / Performance Measures – Task Order to support performance measures work including annual evaluation, analyses, and reporting of Part D Program indicators. / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OSERS/OSEP/MSIP / ehsp090004 / OSEP/MSIP Customer Service Information System. To record customer contacts that OSEP receives through telephone calls, e-mails, letter, etc., that assist in identifying issues across states, improves technical assistance provided to States, and determine compliance of the Part B and Part C regulations implementing IDEA 2004. / / 09/01/09 / MATORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090001 / Improving The Quality of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Provided By Community Rehabilitation Programs / / 09/30/09 / MATORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090002 / Enhancing The DATAR System / / 09/30/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090003 / CSNA Enhancement / / 09/30/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090004 / NTAC / / 09/30/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090005 / Evaluation of Supported Employment service provision by Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies / / 03/31/09 / MATORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090006 / Evaluation Task Order Contract of RSA programs of the State Monitoring and Program Improvement and Training and Service Programs Divisions / / MATORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090007 / Evaluation Plan and Data Improvement / / 01/30/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090008 / Evaluation of Transition Demonstration Program / / 02/01/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090009 / Workforce Planning Study / / 04/15/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090010 / Analysis of VR Consumers / / 03/31/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/RSA / ehrp090011 / Feasibility Study of VR Attrition / / 03/31/09 / TSKORD
OSERS/NIDRR / ehnp090001 / Management and Information Systems Support for NIDRR / / 9/30/09 / MATORD
OSERS/NIDRR / ehnp090002 / New Evaluation contract in place of APAER. / / 06/30/09 / MATORD
OVAE / evp 090001 / Improving Program Performance (Perkins). A project to help States align their career and technical education accountability systems with the provisions of the Perkins IV legislation. / / 07/14/09 / MATORD
OVAE / evp 090002 / National Diffusion of Standards-In-Action Teaching and Training Materials proposes to extend the standards-based provisions of NCLB into the adult basic and secondary systems. / / 07/14/09 / MATORD
OVAE / evp 090003 / Technical assistance to states to develop policies for ABE to postsecondary transitions. / / 07/14/09 / MATORD
FSA / en090088 / Enterprise Performance Testing - Provides the comprehensive environment used to certify new applications or major enhancements for deployment in Federal Student Aid's VirtualDataCenter. / / 03/31/09 / GSAAWD
FSA / en090069 / Security & Privacy Support - Provides support to assure compliance with Federal and Departmental security requirements. Will conduct system risk assessments on general support systems and major applications, and provides system security certifications and provides accreditations and security training. / / 03/31/09 / NEWSM
FSA / en090094 / Student Aid Internet Gateway - Provides an Internet based store and forward mailboxing application system that reduces unit cost while improving data transmission speeds for schools, lenders and guaranty agencies. / / 09/30/09 / NEW RFP
See the next page for Principal Office and Anticipated Contract Action Type code keys.
ED FedBizOpps Notices Online at:
8(a) / Limited to 8(a) Vendors / FSA / Federal Student Aid
NEWSM / Set-Aside for Small Businesses / IES / Institute of Education Sciences
NEWRFP / Competitive Acquisition Using Full and Open Competition / OCFO / Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Delivery Order / Order Under Another Agency's Contract / OCIO / Office of the Chief Information Officer
GSA FSS / Order Under GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract / OCO / Office of Communications and Outreach
MATO / Limited to ED MATO Contract Vendors / OCR / Office for Civil Rights
Purchase Order / Small Purchase Using Simplified Acquisition Procedures / OELA / Office of English Language Acquisition
DELORD / New Delivery Order Against ED Contract or GSA: / OESE / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
TSKORC / New Task Order Against ED Contract (non-MATO), complex: / OIE / Office of Indian Education
TSKORN / New Task Order Against ED Contract (non-MATO), non-complex: / OIG / Office of Inspector General
SOLSO / Set-Aside for a Sole Source / OII / Office of Innovation and Improvement
TBD / To Be Determined / OM / Office of Management
OPE / Office of Postsecondary Education
OPEPD / Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
OS / Office of the Secretary
OSDFS / Office of Safe and Drug-FreeSchools
OSERS / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
OVAE / Office of Vocational and Adult Education
U.S. Department of Education FY 2009 Forecast of Contract OpportunitiesPage 1 of 4
Date of Forecast: December 05, 2008