

U.S. Becomes World Power

Background:From the Civil War until the 1890s, most Americans had little interest in territorial expansion. The original manifest destiny had been accomplished and America was now a 2 ocean country. America was focused largely on economic growth and domestic concerns and imperial rule seemed inconsistent with America's republican principles.


Economic growth required:

  • ______ such as:

•Copper, Rubber, and Tin

•New markets to sell goods

  • ______ to transport goods and materials

Raw Materials- Alaska

In 1867, Sec. of State William Steward arranged to buy Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million. Rich in natural resources (timber, minerals, and oil), Alaska was a bargain at ______.

  • Some thought Alaska was a frozen wasteland and waste of money.

Competing Veiwpoints

______: The practice of building an empire by founding colonies or conquering other nations. Extending control over areas beyond a nation’s borders.

______: Policy of avoiding involvement in other nation’s affairs. In an effort to remain at peace a country avoids foreign entanglements and responsibilities.

The U.S. had spent most of its history as an isolationist country but there were many people who believed it was time for America to begin expanding beyond its border.

Expansion of Markets & Safe Shipping Lanes

Naval historian ______ wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History

Mahan argued that U.S. national prosperity and power depended on a strong navy that could control of the world's sea-lanes.

"Whoever rules the waves rules the world."~Mahan


______: To acquire/take over

After a revolt that was aided by US Marines, US Ambassador John L. Stevens claimed that Hawaii was under US control and Hawaii was annexed by the United States in 1898

“The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe, and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it.”~Stevens

Provided access to ______.

Opening the East- Japan

The Age of Imperialism saw the most powerful countries in the world competing with each other to control trade in many parts of the world.East Asia was one area where world powers competed for power. While most European powers had already formed strong trade ties with most of East Asia, Japan had isolated itself from the rest of the world.

The U.S. sought to open trade with Japan before the ______ got there.

Japanese leaders who wanted to industrialize to gain its place as one of the world’s most powerful nations, welcomed trade with the United States.As a result, Japan changed from an isolated nonindustrial country to a major world power in just 50 years!

Opening the East- China

______-areas where foreign nations could control trade and natural resources

By the 1890s parts of China were occupied by ______, France, ______, Great Britain, and ______.The United States lacked the naval power to establish its own sphere of influence.

In 1899, scared that the U.S. would be closed out of Chinese markets John Hay (Sec. of State) called for:

1. open access to all of China’s coastal ports to all countries

2. eliminate special privileges for any trading nations

3. maintenance of China’s independence

These requests became known as ______

Boxer Rebellion

An attempt by a group of Chinese nationalists known as the Boxers, in which they attempted to expel all Westerners and Western influences from China.

The Boxer’s were upset about:

Foreign involvement in China

Poor management by the Chinese government



Rebellion was put down by joint Western forces, including U.S. Marines

Result= ______

American Beliefs Reflected in Open Door Policy

1. Growth of American economy depended on ______

2. America had the right to ______abroad to keep foreign markets open

3. A______that closing of an area to American products, citizens, or ideas threatened U.S. survival

Reasons for Imperialism

1. Economic competition for raw materials and markets for its manufactured goods.

2. Political and Military competition, based on the need for a powerful new navy

3. A belief in racial superiority and mission to spread Christianity and civilization to the world


During the late 19th century, the idea that the United States had a special mission to uplift "backward" people around the world also commanded growing support.

Spanish American War

In 1895, ______ revolted against Spanish colonial rule.

In response, the Spanish army forced several hundred thousand Cubans into reconcentration camps.

______ Cubans died in these camps from poor food and sanitation. These harsh measures by Spain caught the attention of many Americans. Many Americans believed Cuba’s battle for independence resembled America’s Revolutionary War

Yellow Journalism

The American press, which was growing in influence, widely reported, and exaggerated the Cuban conflict.

Publishers such as Joseph ______and William Randolph ______ who were competing for readers greatly exaggerated stories.

______: The exaggeration of news stories to sell newspapers.

Both publishers supported military action in Cuba and worked to gain the support of the American people to intervene.

“You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” ~ W.R. Hearst

Spanish American War

Support for war grew after a letter from a Spanish diplomat was intercepted calling President McKinley a weak leader.

“Worst Insult to the United States in its History” ~Hearst Newspaper Headline

6 days after Hearst ran his headline about the Spanish letter the ______ exploded in Havana harbor.

In response to the sinking of the Maine, the U.S. Congress approved resolutions granting $50 million to prepare for war and declaring Cuba independent.

______: Stated that the United States did not harbor imperialist ambitions and would not acquire Cuba.

War in the Pacific:

U.S. attacks Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in Philippines (Spanish territory). Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish Pacific fleet in the Phillipines’ ______.

U.S. and Filipino forces quickly defeat Spanish

War in Cuba:

Fighting is somewhat fierce

Teddy Roosevelt leads a group of volunteers called ______ in the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba. Rough Riders play only small part, but Roosevelt gets famous

Treaty of Paris 1898

Spain grants Cuba its Independence

U.S. gets the ______

______ Amendment allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuba’s affairs, which U.S. did on multiple occasions.

  • Guantanamo Bay

Cuba became a protectorate of U.S.


Group of Americans who opposed the creation of an American colonial body.

Fought against the ratification of the Treaty of Paris 1898

Philippine-American War

Filipinos were outraged when U.S. did not grant independence

War lasted for 3 years 1899 to 1902

  • 20,000 Filipinos died
  • 4,000 U.S. troops died
  • Needed Philippines for easier access to China