U Daily Lectionary U

This weekly outline is a devotional reading plan that covers the Sacred Scriptures. Please plan on reading these selected devotions every day. Your daily devotions can be found in the Sunday bulletin insert for the week.


Sun. 7th 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Sunday school

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Tues. 9th 7 p.m. Dorcas Circle

Sat. 13th 7 p.m. Pinochle party

Sun. 14th 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Sunday school

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

with Holy Communion

Tues. 16th 7:30 p.m. Brownville Theater

Wed. 17th 7:30 p.m. Brownville Theater

Sun. 21st Mission Sunday

9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Sunday school

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Sun. 28th 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Sunday school

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

with Holy Communion

0FFICE HOURS 402-245-4643

Pastor Gifford 402-245-4618 or 402-360-4081

Wed. & Thurs. Afternoons at St. Paul’s Lutheran

Kathy Niedfeldt 402-245-5459

Wednesday and Thursday 1-4 p.m.


Don’t Throw Away Those Coupons

Your manufacturer’s coupons are needed. Mosaic of Beatrice will accept coupons, Campbell’s Soup labels, and used stamps. Take what you need from your Sunday morning paper and give the rest to Mosaic. They appreciate you helping them!

Receiving Communion at St. Paul's

If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation and wish to commune here for the first time, please see the Pastor or an Elder first. Persons who are baptized members of another denomination that is not in Altar or Pulpit fellowship are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Please, cross your arms over your heart indicating your desire to receive a blessing. Please announce for communion by indicating your intentions on the reverse side of the attendance sheet. (These will be gathered during the opening hymn.)

Food Pantry Needs

The F.C. Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is dangerously low on supplies and would appreciate community support to resupply the cupboards. The need remains at a high level despite the decline in donations.

Food items needed: canned vegetables, dry pasta, canned fruit, juice, instant potatoes, box dinners, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned pasta meals, peanut butter, cereal and soup. Personal care items needed: diapers, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste.

Cleaning items needed: laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex and household cleaning supplies.

This list of items that are needed has been posted in the church basement. Please help.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

July 7th, 2013

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

65103 712 Road

Falls City NE 68355

Rev. Dan Gifford, Pastor

Dr. Mike and Ann Wade, Missionaries

Dungan Mission of Kyrgyzstan

Our Mission ~ “To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God's blessings among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ's love.”

We remember in our prayers, especially our shut-ins:

Elva Eickhoff

We pray for all members of our congregation remembering especially: Jeff Niedfeldt and Heather McCoy, Kinsey and Ryker; Joe and Katie Niedfeldt, Gaby and Brock; and Rich Niedfeldt

We remember in our prayers this week:

Kathy Bartek, Willard and Janice Boden, Donna Meyer, Mark Meyer, Rich Niedfeldt, Max Roland, Mike Wade, and Larry Wissmann

We remember all military personnel and their families and especially the military serving overseas and our missionaries serving overseas

Special Days to remember this week –June 30th – July 13th

Birthdays Baptisms Anniversary

3rd Connie Rowland 4th Jason Fritz 3rd Chuck and Tami

6th Heather Noa 5th Allan Feek Di Giacomo

7th Paul Meyer 6th Ray Huebner 5th Neal and Marie

11th Nick Meyer 8th Heather Feek Parsons

13th Misty Olberding 12th Kelly Finner 12th Dale and Darlene


13th Will and Janice


The Gospel at Work

Christ’s Servants Today: Our Efforts for our King:

Elder: Mike Vollmer Att. For 6/23/13: 90

Organist: Ray Huebner/Connie Rowland Offering: $939.00

Greeters on July 7th: Wades Mission: $1358

John and Donna Meyer Dist. Mission: $823

Greeters on July 14th: Ablaze!: $602.01

Paul and Nancy Meyer

July Ushers: Tom, Joe and Jeff Niedfeldt

Communion ware July 14th: Katy Gifford

Concordia Guild

Concordia Guild will meet on Monday, July 15th at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Falls City. There will be a program and an auction.

Prayers for Mike

Missionary Mike Wade is currently suffering from headaches and is in the United States seeking treatment. Please keep him in your prayers.

Ice Cream Social Thanks!

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Ice Cream Social a success! We were able to raise over $1700 for David Wisdom. Thrivent Financial supplementing! We were extremely lucky to have YOUR help!

Thanks again, Your St. Paul’s Ice Cream Social Committee

“One Toe in the Grave” Performance in July

The Southeast Nebraska Chapter of Thrivent Financial is hosting performances for the Brownville Village Theatre. We will be seeing a comedy entitled "One Toe in the Grave" at 7:30 p.m. both Tues and Wed. July 16th and 17th. Seating is limited to 135 each evening, so with 21 churches in the Southeast Nebraska Chapterwe are limiting initial seating to 12 seats per church.

Please let Glenn know (or any Thrivent Congregational Advocate) if you wish to see this performance.Please keep in mind this chapter activity is reserved for Thrivent members only. Thanks for your cooperation.

Sew ‘n Sews

The Sew ‘n Sews need your help. They need people to sew blocks together and to sew and roll material for bandages. There is no fancy sewing, so almost anyone can do this. Will you help?


Divine Service I~ Page 151

Ringing of the Bell

Opening Hymn…………. LSB 903

“This Is the Day the Lord Has Made”

Inv, Conf. & Absolution….. P. 151

Introit……………………… Insert

Kyrie………………………. P. 152

Gloria in Excelsis………… P. 154

Salutation…………………. P. 156

Collect……………………… Insert

Old Test. Reading. Isaiah 66:10-14

Gradual……………………. Insert

Epistle…... Galatians 6:1-10, 14-18

Alleluia …………………… P. 156

Holy Gospel……….. Luke 10:1-20

Hymn of the Day………. LSB 533

“Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure”


Apostles’ Creed…………… P. 159



Offertory LSB 781 Vs. 1

Benediction P. 166

Closing Hymn………….. LSB 965

“God Bless Our Native Land”


Trinity Needs A Preschool Teacher

Trinity Lutheran at Auburn is seeking applicants for Head Teacher for the 2013-2014 school year. The deadline for applying is 7/8/2013. The ideal applicant should be a Christian who expresses genuine love and concern for young children.

Send a letter of application and resume to

Attn: Julie Fritz

Trinity Lutheran Church

634 Alden Drive

Auburn, NE 68305

For more information, please contact Julie Fritz at 402-274-1424 or via email at

Trinity Lutheran Preschool is in its 31st year, and is a mission outreach of Trinity Lutheran Church, LCMS.

Ingathering Items Needed!

The Dorcas Circle / LWML will be collecting Ingathering Items for the 2013 Retreat in Grand Island (Sept. 27-29).

Items collected will go to Hope Harbour, a homeless shelter in Grand Island and the Crisis Center, a shelter for abused women and children. Items to be collected are as follows:

Personal Hygiene products – toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, hand lotion, fingernail clippers, diaper rash ointment and etc.

Diapers of all sizes


Paper products – copy paper, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, paper plates, plastic silverware, garbage bags (13 gallon), Ziploc bags, plastic wrap and aluminum foil.

Please help the Dorcas Circle and LWML ladies collect these items! There will be containers upstairs and downstairs for collecting throughout the summer. Thank you.

School Supplies Needed

The LWML is collecting these school items to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. We are asking the congregation for your help in gathering these items. Please watch for the upcoming sales and help us collect for the young children of the world who need our help!


·  Please give new items only, except where otherwise noted

·  Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or your congregation’s name.

·  Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage.

What to Include

Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed.

All items should be new and in good condition. Remove any excess packaging, pack all items in bag and close. Do not enclose the Kit or any of its contents in plastic bags.

Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide- or college-ruled paper approximately 8” X 10½”; no loose-leaf paper

One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other

One pencil sharpener

One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well)

Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band

Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink); secure together with a rubber band

One box of 16 or 24 crayons

One 2½” eraser

One sturdy drawstring backpack-style cloth bag approximately 14” X 17” with shoulder straps (no standard backpacks)