Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and return with e-mail address or a self addressed and stamped envelope to:
TyroneTowers Basketball Camp,
C/oMrs.Barbara Morgan, Club Secretary, 179 Ballynakilly Rd, Dungannon,
Co Tyrone, BT71 6HG
Player details
Name______Date of birth ______
______Post Code______
Home number ______Parent/guardian mobile number______
Emergency Contact No______Relationship______
E-Mail address ______
T-Shirt size: XS/ S / M / L / XL (Please indicate)
Basketball background
School: ______Club: ______
Medical details
Does your child have any allergies? ______
Does your child have any medical condition? ______
If you answered yes to any of the above please state the allergy/medical condition;
Permission is granted to bring my child to the hospital in case of an emergency and authority is given for any emergency medical/surgical procedures as advised by the
treating doctor. Consent is given to photographs being taken for promotional and
sponsorship purposes. The signing of this form signifies our willingness to comply
with all camp rules made by TyroneTowers and we understand thatany camper that
breaks camp rules will be expelled.
Please state amount of cheque enclosed £…………………………………
Player`s signature______Date ______
Parent`s/guardian`s signature______Date ______
Print name______Relationship______
Tyrone towers
Mon13August – Fri 17August
Head Coach Ed Randolph
“Mystery” Guest Coaches to participate
Boys and Girls aged 7 – 19
Registrationtakes place each morning ….
At - St Patrick’s College, Killymeal Road, Dungannon
Monday 13August8.45am
Tuesday 14 – Friday 17August 9.00am
Typical CampSchedule
9amRegistration/Warm-up 9.30amSession 1
10.45amBreak 11amSession 2
11.45Session 3 12.30pmLunch
1.15pmCamp ‘knockout’ 2pmSession 4
2.45Team Practice 3 – 4.45pmLeague games
Players should bring a packed lunch, water and a snack,
as well as a towel and change of T-shirt/shorts.
Frankie O’Loane Charity Cup Match
In honor of one of the founder members of the club
Wednesday 15th August 2012
7-30 p.m.
Dungannon Leisure Centre
Teams are selected fromexisting and former
players of TyroneTowers Basketball Club
Admission £3.00
Donation toNI Chest, Heart & Stroke Association
CampFee – non club member £75-00
(second/third family member - £65-00each)
TyroneTowers - Registered Club Members £60-00
(second/third family member - £50-00each)
** It is important that we receive your completed application form and your payment in full before 20 July 2012**
Please make cheques payable to
TyroneTowers Basketball Club.
Confirmation of registrationcan be sent by email;
If requested, please make sure that you have written your current email address on the CampApplication form.
This is our 30th annual basketball camp and the emphasis, as always, will be on fun and safety for all participants. The following rules MUST be adhered to;
- Strictly no smoking, alcohol or drugs
- Campers will show respect to the camp’s property and obey the directions of the coaches and volunteers at all times
- Campers will not engage in violent, dangerous or rough play
- Campers will not leave the vicinity of the camp without first obtaining permission from their coach
- Campers are encouraged not to bring any valuables as TyroneTowers will not be responsible for property that might go missing
- Should a camper cause damage, he/she will be expected to pay for any necessary repairs.
For further information