Ms Sue Lovecy, Head of School
Tuesday 27 March 2018
Dear Parents/Carers,
After School Activities
As you are aware, during the school year, staff provide a range of After School Clubs in order to provide further opportunities for our pupils. Please complete the page attached and return it to school by Thursday 29 March.
Clubs will start the week beginning Monday 16 April and run until week beginning Monday 21 May. All clubs are free of charge (apart from TNS).
The SATs Booster classes will end before SATs and the dates have been specified on the table.
The children are working towards a competition (26 April) and so Miss Devismes would like the same children to attend next half term. We have kept a waiting list and these children will be given the first opportunity to attend the next time the club runs.
Science Club has been very popular this half term and we will try to ensure this runs again in the future.
TNS will continue in light rain or cold weather so please ensure your son or daughter has appropriate clothing and footwear. If it is too wet, the coaches will cover some skills in a classroom. Pupils can be collected from the sports field or the Primary Studio door in very wet weather.
Yours sincerely
Mrs C.A. Jones
Assistant Head - Primary Phase
Summer Term 2018 (first half) After School Activities
Pupil’s Name …………………………………………………………………. Year …………………………
Please tick the club(s) that your son/daughter would like to attend. Please note pupils may only select one club per night. Please assume that your son/daughter has a place at a club unless you hear differently. If the club is over- subscribed, you will be notified and your son/daughter will be placed on a reserve list. Please inform class teachers if for any reasons your son/daughter is unable to attend a session so that we know that they are safe. Collection of pupils will be from the Studio door.
Day & Time / Club / Teacher / Age Group / Maximum number / Venue / TickMonday
3pm – 4pm / Grammar Booster
(16.4.18, 23.4.18, 30.4.18) / Mr Lewis / Year 6 / - / Year 4 classroom
3pm – 4pm / Maths Booster
(17.4.18, 24.4.18, 1.5.18, 8.5.18) / Mr Spelman / Year 6 / - / Year 6 classroom
3pm – 3.45pm / Languages / Miss Faulkes / Years 1,2 and 3 / 15 / Nursery
3pm – 4pm / Gymnastics / Miss Devismes / KS2
(Years 3 – 6) / NO SPACES / Studio
3pm – 4pm / Choir / Mrs Jones / Years 3 - 6 / 40 / Nursery
3pm – 3.45pm / Yoga / Mrs Jefferys / Reception and Year 1 / 12 / Reception classroom
Friday / TNS Football / TNS Coach / R - 6 / - / Meet in the Studio
My son/daughter will be collected by …………………………………………………. □My son/daughter will walk home unaccompanied.
□My son/daughter would like to attend TNS Football coaching sessions on a Friday (we will send you the TNS form to complete). □My son/daughter will attend After School Club afterwards.
Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………………………… Dated: ………………………………………………………………………..
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St Martins
SY10 7BD
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