Types of Poems: #4 Found Poem

A found poem is one where most of the words/phrases are taken from a single novel or other text. You use those words and phrases to create a poem.

·  The poem does not need to rhyme

·  The structure is up to the poet


Finding Imagination

Through the watery curtain
Are things unimaginable, fantastical and unknown
A necklace of lakes trembling like moonbeams
Parading peacock plumes painted in spring colors

Rolling green waves dashed to shore like white horses
Seashells chimingwhile bees sing in tenor and bass
An ancient willow is a weary old man in a dirty green coat
Wind whispering through grassy fields the way feet itch to dance
Standing in the midst of a summer sea, the mist snaked like a scarf along the shore
Through the watery curtain
Are things unimaginable, fantastical and unknown

The words and phrases are taken from the novel The Hunter’s Moon by O.R. Melling.

Activity: You will be writing one found poem

·  Make a list of all the words/phrases/sentences that you may want to use for your poem. You need to have a minimum of 15-20. Show the teacher before moving on to the next step.

·  Create a poem that is between 10 and 15 lines long using the words/phrases/sentences you copied from your text.