Manufacture Name:
Trade Name / Product Code:
POC Name / Phone Number:
Site(s): Marietta
Type of Use:Facilities Contractor Use Only
1 / Material description *(Note: See Page 2 for complete pick-list)
2 / Aerosol?* Yes No / 3 / Radioactive?* Yes No / 4 / Contains nano material? Yes No5 / Maximum quantity used per day: / 6 / UOM: / ______OuncesFluid ouncesPoundsGallonsLitersGramsKilogramsMillilitersPintsQuartsCubic ftPiece(s) / 7 / Estimated annual usage: / UOM: / ______OuncesFluid OuncesPoundsGallonsLitersGramsKilogramsMillilitersPintsQuartsCubic ftPiece(s)
8 / Multi-component system?* Yes No
Process Information
9 / Process Description* / ______Apply heatBrushCureDipDischarge to sinks/drainsDrinking water treatmentExtrudeFlush cleanHand lay-upMaterial machinedOther-describe belowProcessing tankRollSpraySpray gun cleaningThinningWipeWipe Solvent / 10 / Substrate applied on / ______CompositeMetalOtherPlasticWood
11 / Additional Description (if multi-component system, specify other MSDS(‘s))
12 / Materials thinned?*
Yes No
If Yes: Thinner MSDS / 13 / Mix ratio: / parts material to / parts thinner By / Weight
For questions concerning use of this form, contact George Loch at 770-494-6407
1. Material Descriptions
Important Notice: A hard copy of this blank form may not be the version currently in effect.
The current version of this form is the version in the LM Intranet. 11247-09102008
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Abrasive Mate
Important Notice: A hard copy of this blank form may not be the version currently in effect.
The current version of this form is the version in the LM Intranet. 11247-09102008
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Absorbent Materials
Adhesives (non-aerospace)
Bldg/Maint Materials (asphalt/concrete filler, caulk, plaster, etc.)
Catalysts (curing agents, accelerators) (non-aerospace)
Cement/Glue (non-aerospace)
Ceramic Material
Cleaner Material/Degreaser (non-aerospace)
Composites (Ceramic fiber reinforced)
Composites (Glass fiber reinforced)
Composites (Graphite/carbon fiber reinforced)
Composites (Kevlar fiber reinforced)
Coolant/Cutting Fluid
Fire fighting agents
Foams (syntactic, packing, etc.)
Gases (cylinders or bulk)
Glass Beads/Spheres
Housekeeping Materials
Inks (Silk Screen)/Marking Materials (non-aerospace)/Dyes
Insulation/Insulating Materials
Metal coating – chemical milling maskants
Metal coating – Clear Coat
Metal coating – Coatings that utilizes air or forced air driers
Metal coating – Extreme performance coating
Metal coating – Low-bake coating
Metal coating – Other coating appls-including high-bake coatings
Metallic Core
Metallic Shims
Modeling Clay/Molding Compound
Non-metallic Core
Non-metallic Shims
Office Materials
Packing Materials
Paints (non-aerospace)
Part Marking Materials (non-aerospace)
Personal Use Item (hand cleaners, lotions, soaps)
Potting compounds
Preservative Materials
Rubber and Rubber like materials
Sealants (non-aerospace)
Solvents (all other uses)
Stripping Materials
Thermoplastic Resins/materials
Thermosetting Resins/gel coat
Welding Wire/Rods
Wiping cloths (no solvent)
Wood and Woodlike materials
Wood coating – Clear sealers
Wood coating – Clear shellac
Wood coating – Clear topcoats
Wood coating – Final repair coats
Wood coating – Opaque ground coats and enamels
Wood coating – Opaque shellac
Wood coating – Semitransparent wiping and glazing stains
Wood coating – Varnish
Wood coating – Wash Coats
Important Notice: A hard copy of this blank form may not be the version currently in effect.
The current version of this form is the version in the LM Intranet. 11247-09102008
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6. UOM
10. Substrate Applied on
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The current version of this form is the version in the LM Intranet. 11247-09102008
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Ounces Kilograms
Fluid Ounces Milliliters
Pounds Pints
Gallons Quarts
Liters Cubic ft.
Grams Piece(s)
9. Process Description
Apply heat Processing tank
Brush Roll
Cure Spray
Dip Spray gun cleaning
Discharge to sinks/drains Thinning
Drinking water treatment Wipe
Extrude Wipe solvent
Flush clean
Hand lay-up
Material machined
Other-describe below
Important Notice: A hard copy of this blank form may not be the version currently in effect.
The current version of this form is the version in the LM Intranet. 11247-09102008
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- Material Description*: Select material type from the pick-list. (Note: See page 2 for complete pick-list) If exact material type is not found, select the most similar choice and describe the material further in the “Additional Description” box at the bottom of the form.
- Aerosol*: (Yes / No) Is the material in an aerosol can? Select “Yes” or “No”.
- Radioactive*: (Yes / No) Is the material radioactive? This information can be found on the MSDS. Note: The form default answer is “No”.
- Contains NANO Material: (Yes / No) Does the material contain “NANO” materials? This information may be on the MSDS, technical data sheet or product information page. If you don’t know, leave blank.
- Maximum Quantity Used Per Day: On average, how much material will be used for a job/project per day? Enter a number here: 5, 10, 100, etc.
- UOM: Select the appropriate unit of measure: Ounces, Fluid ounces, Pounds, Gallons, Liters, Grams, Kilograms, Milliliters, Pints, Quarts, Cubic ft, Piece(s).
- Estimated Annual Usage: On average, how much material will be used for one calendar year? Enter a number here: 5, 100, 1000, etc. Select the appropriate UOM.
- Multi-Component System*: (Yes / No) Does the material require mixing of multiple components? For example, base and catalyst, paint and thinner, etc.
- Process Description: Select process description from the pick-list. (Note: See page 2 for complete pick-list) If “Other” is selected, provide process information in the “Additional Description” box at the bottom of the form.
- Substrate Applied on: If applicable, select the type of surface the material will be applied on. (Note: See page 2 for complete list of Substrates)
- Additional Description: Explain how/where the material will be used/applied. Identify the component MSDSs (if any) or any other pertinent information.
- Material Thinned*: (Yes / No) Is the material thinned with a solvent? If yes, indicate the thinner MSDS if known. If MSDS number not known, describe thinner in the “Additional Description” box.
- Mix Ratio: If the material is thinned, indentify the mix ratio of material to thinner. Indicate ratio by “Weight” or “Volume”.
* Indicates required field
Note: Approval is typically granted within 4-5 working days. A notification letter will be issued to the submitter via e-mail upon completion.
Important Notice: A hard copy of this blank form may not be the version currently in effect.
The current version of this blank form is the version in the LM Intranet. 11247-09102008
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