Physical Education & Health Class-Sutherland Middle School

Welcome to Sutherland PE and Health! We are looking forward to another eventful year and we’re glad that you will be a part of it. The following information will help you enjoy and be successful in Physical Education and Health class.

Please read this informationwith your parents or guardians and keep as a reference.

It’s time for PE class READY…..SET…..GO!

Dressing out in a change of athletic clothes is required for each PE class and should be different than what you worn to school that day. Please bring your own athletic shorts, short sleeve t-shirt, athletic shoes and socks. Please keep in mind that the school dress code applies. Jeans and dress shorts/pants arenot allowed. You can wear sweatpants if preferred as long as you have changed your clothes. The t-shirt should be a regular short sleeve crew neck t-shirt. Students also need proper athletic footwear with good arch support and cushioning. Shoes should be laced up to provide needed support for activities. You should not wearhiking shoes, fashion sneakers, slide on shoes, high heel sneakers, nordeck shoes such as Sperry’s. Also,shoes that will leave black marks the gym floor cannot be worn for PE. Socks are also required.

Students will be assigned their PE lockers the 2nd PE class so they should bring their change of clothes the 2nd day of class. (Friday for Black Day and Monday for Teal Day) All students will be in PE class for through the first full week.

Students rotate from PE to health class approximately every 2 weeks throughout the year beginning September 2nd with Mrs. Shiflett’s class. Students do not dress out during health class but are encouraged to wear athletic shoes for some movement activities during health class and/or the opportunity to use the fitness room on occasion. During health class, students will have a fitness log to fill out and have a parent sign and return with the fitness activities they complete outside of school time. The fitness logs count towards their PE grade.


Each student will be issued a combination lock for his or her PE locker that should be returned at the end of the school year. Do not bring a lock from home. We have to be able to get into each locker in case of an emergency situation or accidental lockouts. There will be a $5 fee for lost locks.


Students should bring their agenda with pencil and paper to PE and health class. All students need pencils for class as they record and reflect on the use of the heart rate monitors, pedometers, cooperative challenges, and fitness goals and scores. Agendas and binders, when not in use, should be placed in the bins outside of the locker rooms.


PE lockers in the locker rooms should be locked at all times. Long lockers, located next to the small individual lockers, are available during class time ifadditional space is needed, but students must return items to their individual PE lockers at the end of class so other classes can use the long lockers.

Jewelry, with the exception of stud earrings and sport watches, should be kept in students PE lockers during class time. We suggest that students put jewelry in a small plastic bag or box in your locker or leave jewelry at home on PE days.

Keep your combination to yourself and do not share lockers. Teachers will only give out a locker combination to the student to which the locker is issued. Memorize your combination, but if you forget, ask a PE teacher for help.

.Glass containers, body sprays, cologne and aerosol deodorant sprays should be left at home for safety reasons and so the air is not

congested with sprays. Many sprays can make it uncomfortable and sometimes difficult to breath.

* During PE and Health class, students may be using expensive equipment, such as a pedometer, heart rate monitor, camcorder or digital camera, a computer, anI-touch, instructional material, PE equipment, climbing wall, a mountain bike, etc. Therefore, each student is expected to practice safety for themselves and others at all times. Students must realize they are responsible for proper care of all equipment and replace any items broken from improper use, neglect or loss of items while using equipment.


PE clothing should be taken home for washing on a weekly basis while in PE class.

A private shower is available for student use. We suggest having roll-on deodorant. For safety, no sprays or glass bottles.

Students are encouraged to bring in an old or extra pair of shorts and shirt to keep in their PE locker in case they forget to bring back their PE clothing after washing it.

Please read the back side of this page for information on the PE and Health Curriculum

Physical Education

Generally, physical education classes are based on a fitness component and a skill progression lesson each block. Some of the fitness activities will include fitness stations like the transverse climbing wall, running games, step board and aerobic sessions, group cooperation activities, speed and endurance running activities, jumprope skills, etc. Skill progressions are taught in activities in PE class. Some of the activities that may be included are tennis, flag football, field hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, basketball, track and field, movement forms, badminton, handball, pickle ball, orienteering, recreational games, multicultural games, throwing and catching games, softball, soccer, mountain biking, archery, golf, etc. Students will be involved in many but not all of these activities throughout the school year. All 6th graders have the opportunity to participate in a roller-skating rental program during PE classes for approximately 2 weeks in January. More info will be given out about Skatetime Rental Company’s cost and permission forms in late November or early December. Scholarships will be available so all students can participate.

Grading in PE

Students who dress out for PE everyday and give their best effort will be successful in PE. No jewelry is allowed for safety reasons. Students will provide their own athletic clothing to change into during class as well as proper fitting athletic shoes and socks. A student who has proper athletic shoes but did not change clothes for the day may participate, however he/she will incurpartial loss of points for the day. If a student is unable to participate, parents should send in a note to the student’s PE teacher. Students are allowed 2 parental notes per 9 weeks. Additional times will require a doctor’s note. Students without athletic shoes will not participate andwill be asked to fill out a “PE non-dress” form to be signed by a parent. A second day without athletic shoes or 4 PE days without changing into athletic clothes will result in a time-out in the in-school suspension room for that period and a call will be made to a parent from the time-out teacher. A third time without athletic shoes or 6 PE days with out changing into athletic clothes will result in disciplinary action from the administration. Not changing into athletic clothes, poor effort, failure to participate, or improper participation will result in a student losing several points for the day. Students without athletic shoes will lose total points for the day.

Part of the PE grade will come from fitness logs during health class and portfolio work in PE, which may include cognitive and performance assessments. During each health rotation, all students will be participating in fitness outside of school and filling out a fitness log as part of their PE grade while they attend health class. Additional written or skill based assessments may apply to some units.

Health Education

Health education will be taught by each PE/Health teacher on a rotational basis, except for Family Life Education in which the genders will be separated for instruction. During health class, students will report directly to the health rooms at the beginning of the block and will not change clothes. We ask that students wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing for the opportunity to use the fitness room during some health classes. Health will be taught for approximately 2 to 2 ½ weeks before returning to PE. Students will receive a separate health grade on their report cards.

Listed below is the health curriculum for each grade:

6th grade- “Too Good for Drugs”,Personal Safety, Nutrition, Family Life Education

7th grade- Body Systems,Disease Prevention/Hygiene/ First Aid/Safety/Inhalants, Family Life Education

8th grade- Personal & Mental Health, Community/Environmental Health, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Family Life Education

Family Life Education will be taught in January. Brochures were sent home in the first day packet. Please notify your child’s PE teacher if you do not want your child to attend Family Life. Alternate health assignments will be given to the student to complete during that time to earn a grade for that unit.

Contact info:

Mrs. Davis -

Mrs. Shiflett - ,

Mr. J.Taylor –

*Afterschool middle school sportsinformation can be found on the Sutherland webpage under Athletics and on the Albemarle County Parks and Rec website.