Type of Meeting: Organizational

Date: July 12 2011

Place: Middle School Cafeteria

Members Present: William Peoples, Jr., Brian Herrington, Lucinda Sutton, Amanda Stuart, Michael Knapp

Member Absent: Trustee Terwilliger

Others: Superintendent of Schools Joseph DioGuardi, Mary Berkan, , Director of Curriculum & Instruction William Howe,

Special Education Supervisor Tanya Loomis and Elementary Principal Deborah Flint

The meeting was called to order by Superintendent Joseph DioGuardi, temporary Chairman at 6:30 p.m. He explained the emergency procedure and then led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. At this time Mary Berkan was appointed Clerk for the meeting.

The temporary Chairman proceeded with the Oath of Office to the newly elected Trustee, Michael Knapp.

At this time the temporary Chairman requested nominations for the position of President of the School Board. Trustee Crane nominated Trustee Sutton and it was seconded by Trustee Knapp. There being no other nominations, the nominations were closed. After voting, Mrs. Sutton was declared President of the School Board for the 2011-2012 school year.

Motion carried.

The temporary Chairman administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected President and then turned the meeting over to her.

President Sutton then asked for nominations for Vice President. Motion was made by Trustee Crane and seconded by Trustee Herrington, that William Peoples, Jr. be nominated as Vice President. There being no other nominations, the nominations were closed. After voting, Mr. Peoples was declared Vice President of the School Board for the 2011-2012 school year.

Motion carried.

The Oath of Office was given to the new Vice President by President Sutton.

President Sutton asked at this time if anyone objected to taking each of the sections on the agenda in consensus for voting. Everyone was in agreement.

To Order

Oath of Office by Trustee

Trustee Sutton Elected President

Trustee Peoples Elected Vice President

Agenda Items taken in Consensus.

Organizational Meeting

July 12 2011

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Motion was made by Trustee Crane, seconded by Trustee Herrington to approve the following appointment of school officers for the 2011-2012 school year.

1. District Clerk - Mary Berkan - Stipend -$10,500.

2. District Treasurer – Patricia Bilinski.

3. Deputy Treasurer – Kimberly Dykes

4. Internal Claims Auditor – Helen Terwilliger - Stipend - $8,500.

(Central Business Office, GST BOCES as alternate)

5. Internal Auditor – Jessica Lawrence

6. Oath of Office by President to: - District Clerk -

(District Clerk will give Oath of Office to Claims Auditor on the next


Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Crane, seconded by Trustee Herrington to approve the following appointments for the 2011-2012 school year:

1. School Physician - Guthrie Clinic (Contract ends June, 2013)

2. School Attorney - Sayles, Evans, Brayton, Palmer & Tifft

3. Census Enumerator – Kristie Hadlock - No Stipend

4.  Attendance Officer – Kristie Hadlock - No Stipend

5.  Student Activities Accounts–

Central Treasurer – Debra Bills - Stipend $2,500.

Auditor _ Sonya English - Stipend $ 750.

6. District External Auditor – Raymond F. Wager, CPA

7. Coordinator of Fed. Funds – William Howe

2011-2012School Officers Approved

2011-2012 Appointments

Organizational Meeting

July 12, 2011

Page 3

8. Committee on Special education:

Chairperson: Tanya Loomis

H.S. Special Ed. - Heather Overton $1,514.

Elem. Special Ed .- Tracy Pryor $1,514.

Psychologist - Michael Wales $1,514.

Parent Rep. - Dianne Burgess

Trish Boutelle

Jessica Clark

Sub Committee: (Non-Stipend positions)

Chairperson/ Tanya Loomis

LEA Rep.

H.S. Special Education

Teacher Heather Overton

Elem. Special Education Tracy Pryor

Psychologist Michael Wales

9. Committee on Pre-School Special Education:

Members of the Committee: (Non-Stipend positions)

Chairperson/LEA Representative Tanya Loomis

Pre-School Special Ed. Teacher Melissa Proudfoot

Pre-School Regular Ed. Teacher Anna Mae Gardner

School Psychologist Michael Wales

Parent Representative Jessica Clark

Steuben County Representative Karen Dgien,

Deanne Bagley


Alternate Chairperson Anna Mae Gardner & Joni Makowiec

Pre-School Special Education Teacher Brandi Sherman

Pre-School Special Education Teacher Beth DiLauro

Pre-School Regular Education Teacher Timothy Gates

10. Preschool Evaluation Committee: (Non-Stipend positions)

School Psychologist Michael Wales

Pre-School Special Education Teacher Melissa Proudfoot

Speech Pathologist Michelle Mills

Social Worker Laurie Friends

CSE Appointments

CPSE Appointments

Pre-School Evaluation Comm.

Organizational Meeting

July 12, 2011

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11. Mary Berkan – Records Access Officer Stipend $ 600.

12. Joseph DioGuardi – Record Management Officer

13. Heidi Van Woert – Technology Coordinator Stipend $3,000.

14. Roger Parulski – School Tax Collector - -

15. Frank Bielski – Athletic Director Stipend $6,000.

16. Jodi Mayo-Windnagle – Typist for Athletic Dir. Stipend $1,500.

17. Marge Mosher/Mary Russ – District Newsletter Stipend $2,493 Each

( President Sutton and Trustee Crane declared relative to one of the appointments) Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Crane, seconded by Trustee Herrington to approve the following Designations, Authorizations, Bonding & Re-adoption of Policies for the 2011-2012 school year:


1.  Official Depositories – Community Bank, NA; Fleet; Chase Bank

2.  Official Newspapers - The Leader, & Addison Post

3.  Regular Monthly Meetings:

Day - 2nd. Tuesday – Work Session

4th. Tuesday – Business Meeting

Time – 6:00 p.m. (5 in favor, 1 against Mr. Peoples)


1.  Petty Cash Funds –

$100.00 – Athletic Dept. – Frank Bielski

$ 50.00 – High School Office – Jennifer Crane

$100.00 - School Lunch Program – Pam Drumm

2.  Check Signature and Use of Check Signing Device:

Patty Bilinski – Treasurer

Kim Dykes - Deputy School District Treasurer

3.  Section 504 Compliance Officer:

Elementary Jill Winkky-Wade Stipend $ 650.

High School Jennifer Crane-Hoad Stipend $ 650.



Bonding, &


of Policies

Organizational Meeting

July 12, 2011

page 5

4.  Title IX Contact Tanya Loomis Stipend - $1,630.

5.  Director of Curriculum & Instruction is in charge when the Superintendent is out of the District.

Bonding of Personnel:

1.  Treasurer – Patty Bilinski $3,000,000.

2.  Deputy Treasurer – Kim Dykes $1,000,000.

3.  Central Treasurer – Debra Bills $100,000.

4.  Claims Auditor – Helen Terwilliger $1,000,000.

5.  Tax Collector – Roger Parulski $5,000,000.

The Board of Education of the Addison Central School District does

approve readopting the existing policies, regulations and resolution for the

2011-2012 school year.

Motion carried

Motion by Trustee Crane, seconded by Trustee Knapp to approve the Fiscal Authorizations and Appointments as follows:

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools be and is authorized to make budgetary transfers within and between the General, Federal, Capital and Lunch Funds as necessary to balance accounts with a maximum amount of

$20,000 for 2011-2012

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to approve meetings, conferences, convention attendance and expenses for the District Clerk, Board Officers, Administrators and all other employees within budget limitations.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools be and is authorized to take fiscal actions as Chief Financial Officer as necessary for the fiscal operation of the District.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to employ personnel on a temporary, part-time, per diem, or substitute basis and set appropriate wages for such personnel for 2011-2012 fiscal year until such time as the Board of Education is able to act upon a formal recommendation for appointment.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to certify all payrolls, and that in the absence of the Superintendent, the District Clerk is authorized to certify all payrolls.

Fiscal Authorizations

and Appointments

Budgetary Transfer



Chief Financial


Employment Authorization

Payroll Certification

Organizational Meeting

July 12, 2011

Page 6

Resolved that the Business Administrator is authorized to accept all drafts, checks and other dealings. The Business Administrator is authorized to deal with District funds which bear the signature or official facsimile of the District Treasurer or Superintendent of Schools

Resolved that the Business Administrator is authorized to continually invest idle funds in certificates of deposit or interest accounts offering the most favorable rates.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools and/or Business Administrator is authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the school district and is authorized to execute contracts with any BOCES for contract services.

Resolved that Kevin Rice is appointed to the position of Asbestos Hazard Energy Response Act (AHERA) Officer for fiscal year 2011-2012.

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to consult with professionals and purchase professional services as necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the Board and Superintendent, and mission of the school district.

Resolved that the Central Business Office at GST BOCES be and is authorized as the Purchasing Agent for the 2011-2012 school year.

Resolved that the Superintendent is authorized to require any employee (s) to submit to a medical examination to determine his/her fitness to continue employment. The Superintendent is also authorized to appoint and engage the school physician (s) and make such arrangements as necessary to effectuate this resolution for fiscal year 2011-2012.

Resolved that the Board of Education does and hereby approves legal indemnification of Board Members, Officers, Superintendent, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and School Business Administrator against all uninsured financial or property loss arising out of any proceeding, claim, demand, suit, tort, arbitration or other injury to any person or damage to the property of any person committed while Board Member, Officer, Superintendent, or School Business Administrator is acting within the scope of his/her employment or at the discretion of the Board of Education for fiscal year 2011-2012.

Resolved that the Superintendent or designee is authorized to approve applications for Grants in the 2011-2012 school year.

It is hereby resolved that the Superintendent or designee is authorized to approve student field trips for day travel in New York State not requiring charter or contract transportation for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

District Funds Authorization

Investment Authorization


AHERA Officer


Professional Services

Purchasing Agent – CBO

Medical Examination


Legal Indemnification

Grant Application Approval

Student Field Trip Authorization

Organizational Meeting

July 12, 2011

Page 7

1.  Reimbursement Mileage Rate: 55.5 cents per mile

2.  Reimbursement of Meals:

Breakfast: $8.00 Lunch: $10.00 Dinner: $ 25.00 unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee (not for single day trips as per Purchasing Manual); alcohol, tips and gratuities are not reimbursable.

3.  Cost for Freedom of Information Act (FOIL) requests - $.25 per page

The Board of Education of the Addison Central School district does appoint Mr. William Howe as the Civil Service Appointment Officer for 2011-2012 school year.

It was unanimously decided by the Board that due to the financial constraints of the District, no one would be attending the NYSSBA conference in

Buffalo, New York October 27-30, 2011

The Board of Education of the Addison Central School district does authorize the school to participate in any and all Cooperative bids with

Municipalities and/or NYS BOCES agencies, in cooperation and collaboration in matters relating to the agency’s designated legal publications for all Cooperative Purchasing bid notifications, matters leading up to entering into a contract for the purchase of jointly bid equipment, supplies and contract items; and all of the above as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent of Schools during the 2011-2012 school year.

Resolved that the Board of Education will work by the following

Committee for the 2011-2012 school year.:

Audit/Finance Committee Facilities Committee

Curriculum Committee Goals and Objectives Committee

Legislative Liaison Policy Committee

Safety & Discipline Committee Supt. Evaluation & Salary

Transportation Committee Technology Committee

Motion carried.

Motion was t made by Trustee Crane and seconded by Trustee Knapp to

Move into Special Business meeting after a 5 minute recess.




Civil Service Appointment Officer

NYSSBA Conference

Co-operative Bidding

Work by Committee