Tyne Valley Paranormal Investigations

A Scientific Paranormal Investigation at 20 Lesbury Street, Lemington, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Investigation No: 005a

Date of Investigation: Saturday 15th April 2017 into the early hours of Sunday 16th April 2017


i Acknowledgements

1. History ……………………………………………………….. Page 2

2. Pre-Survey……………………………………………....Page 3

3. Set Up…………………………………………………………...Page 4

4. Contamination………………………………………Page 6

5. Investigation…………………………………………....Page 6

6. Results…………………………………………………….…….Page 7

7. Conclusion………………………………………………..Page 10

8. Recomendations...... Page 11

i Acknowledgements

I wish to thank Steven & Claire Elsender for contacting Tyne Valley Paranormal Investigations and allowing us into their property to conduct a scientific paranormal investigation


1. History

Steven and Claire have only be living in this current property since September 2016. Since moving into this Property, Steven explained that when he first moved into this property that he started to notice strange things happening and then after a couple of months Claire also started to experience unexplainable activity. The activity that Steven and Claire have been experiencing is as follows:

  • Moving Shadows
  • Disembodied voices including a young child's voice (a girl)
  • A Disembodied Growl
  • Doors Opening by themselves
  • Windows Opening and Closing by themselves
  • Objects Disappearing then Re-appearing at a later date
  • Kitchen Taps coming on by themselves
  • Both Steven and Claire can feel the presence of something heavy next to them following them around the property
  • Claire has had her feet pulled and has been shaken in her bed by an unknown force
  • Both have a strong feeling of anxiety especially Claire
  • While Steven and Claire are in bed they could hear what sounded like someone making a cup of tea downstairs in the kitchen, the following morning there was an empty cup in the sink
  • Lights coming on by themselves

Steven and Claire both experience these occurrences in the living room, the kitchen and in their bedroom.



On an initial visit to the property, I conducted a full EMF sweep of the property using a Mel Meter. There were no abnormal EMF spikes detected.

While setting up the equipment prior to the investigation, I conducted an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) survey of the downstairs area that was going to be investigated, for this EMF pre-survey I used a Mel Meter and a K2. The reason for this pre EMF survey was to measure the natural EMF levels within the building and also to identify any areas that might have an unusually high EMF reading. This is done so that when conducting the actual investigation, if I encounter any abnormal high EMF spikes on the EMF meter I would then be able to determine as to whether or not they are natural or possibly paranormal. The reason we use EMF meters to detect unusual EMF spikes on an investigation is based on the theory that spirits will emit an electromagnetic field when manifesting, so when you detect an abnormal EMF spike it could suggest the presence of a spirit. There were no abnormal EMF spikes detected, however, while I was setting up the equipment I had the MF-1 EMF meter switched on and placed upon the coffee table in the front room, this device started detecting unexplained EMF spikes. I also placed the K2 EMF detector on the coffee table next to the MF-1 device and this was also detecting EMF spikes, at this time, this activity was unexplainable.

Apart from the EMF detection on the coffee table, the baseline EMF reading throughout the ground floor of the property was 0.0 milligauss, this is a normal baseline reading.

During the pre-survey, temperature and humidity readings were taken from the living room and bottom of the stairs within the kitchen, they were as follows:

Temperature at 11:00pm / Humidity at 11:00pm
Living Room / 20.4°C / 53.00%
Kitchen / 21,0°C / 60.00%

There were no abnormal temperature or humidity readings during the pre-survey.

The weather conditions outside were mild, dry and calm, no wind.

The property is a two bedroom mid terraced brick house, we have no historical data for this property.


3.Set Up

For this investigation we only had access to the downstairs of the property as the occupants, Steven and Claire stayed in the property and located themselves in the bedroom out of the way for the entire investigation.

For this investigation we used two Vivitar Full Spectrum Camcorders which were used as static cameras, one located in the living room next to the front entrance facing towards the kitchen the other located at the bottom of the stairs facing up the stairs towards the landing and the bedroom door to Steven and Claire's bedroom.

We also had a wide angle full spectrum action cam located in the kitchen on top of the microwave. With this being a wide angle camera and being located on top of the microwave in the corner of the kitchen, this camera had full coverage of the kitchen including the doorway into the living room and the bottom of the stairs. In addition to the action cam we also had a Sony Handycam with nightshot located in the kitchen facing towards the bottom of the stairs. The reason for the two different video recording set ups within the one location is to help clarify any captured evidence by capturing an occurrence on two different cameras from two different viewpoints.

At the top of the stairs in view of the full-spectrum camera which was located at the bottom of the stairs we had the MF-1 device which gives a visual indication of any EMF spikes and also any sudden temperature fluctuations, we also had a static electricity detector located at the top of the stairs. These were located there to try and detect any environmental changes at the top of the stairs which could possibly indicate paranormal activity.

In the kitchen in view of the full-spectrum action cam we had the DT-1150 EMF detector located on the breakfast bench which is located between the entrance to the front room and the bottom of the stairs.

In view of the full-spectrum camera located in the front room we had another static electricity detector located in the doorway between the front room and the kitchen.

We also had a digital voice recorder located in the front room and one in the kitchen and we had a Min/Max thermometer located in the front room and one at the bottom of the stairs.


Here is a full list of all equipment used for this investigation:

Sony Nightshot Handycam Camcorder

Vivitar HD Full Spectrum camcorder x2

Olympus digital voice recorder x2

Synic digital voice recorder (EVP sessions)

MF-1 Multi-Function Device

K2 EMF Meter

DT-1140 EMF Detector

Min/max Thermometer/Hydrometer x 2

Additional battery powered infra-red illuminator x 4

Static Electricity Detector x2

Vivitar 9MP Full Spectrum Digital Camera

Mel Meter EMF Detector

SLS Camera (Sensored Light Structure Camera or Kinect Mapping Camera)

Ultra Violet Torch (Dark Light)

The reason why we use a full-spectrum camera and camcorder is based on the theory that spirits can hide in different light spectrum's. These cameras and camcorders can record in the range of the light spectrum from UV to near infra-red with visible light in between UV and near infra-red. The human eye can see visible light but not UV and near IR, so this camcorder and camera can film what the human eye cannot see, see fig 3 below for diagram showing the light spectrum:

Fig 3

What a Full Spectrum Camcorder can see

What humans can see


The pre-survey and set up were completed by 11:05pm and the lights went out at 12:10am.

4. Contamination

There was only one possible issues that could contaminate the results of the investigation and that was primarily noise contamination.

The property is located in the middle of a row of terraced houses and at the bottom of the street is a road and a couple of hundred yards further down this road is a club. When I arrived at the property there was a party in full swing at this club with a lot of people gathered outside and there was a lot of noise coming from this party.

5. Investigation

The investigation started at 11:10pm once the setup and pre-survey were completed.

At 11:10pm Claire went upstairs to her bedroom and Steven sat with me downstairs until 11:35pm after which I then switched all the lights off.

I conducted the first EVP session at 11:15pm in the front room and I got Steven to hold the digital voice recorder while I asked a number of questions, this EVP session lasted for 5 minutes.

I then conducted a sweep of the ground floor using the SLS camera (Sensored Light Structure Camera otherwise known as the Kinetic Mapping Camera), this was done for a period of 10 minutes from 11:40pm – 11:50pm.

At 11:50pm I then took a number of full-spectrum photos in conjunction with the ultra-violet torch.

At 12:10am I conducted another EVP session which lasted for 6 minutes then I conducted a EMF sweep of the ground floor.

At 12:30 am I conducted another EVP session for 5 minutes, within this EVP session I tried some provocation with some rosemary beads.


At 12:45am I conducted another EMF sweep.

At 01:15 until 01:42 I conducted another sweep of the ground floor using the SLS camera.

Throughout the remainder of the investigation I completed a few more EVP sessions, and another SLS sweep and I took a load of full-spectrum photos with the investigation finishing at 3am.

6. Results

The results will be analysed and discussed as per piece of equipment used:

Vivitar Full-Spectrum Camcorder (Front Room)

As explained earlier, this camcorder can see what the human eye cannot see also the camcorder can record sound. This camera was switched on at 11:05pm and recorded for a period of 3hours and 40 minutes, being switched of at 2:45am.

There were no visual anomalies nor were there any EVP's (electronic voice phenomena) captured on this device.

Static Electricity Detector (front room/kitchen doorway)

This device was in view of the above mentioned camcorder and never activated at any point during the investigation.

Full-Spectrum Action Cam (Kitchen)

This action cam ran for a total period of 3 hours, there were no visual anomalies nor were there any EVP's captured.

Sony Handycam Infra-Red Camcorder (Kitchen)

This camcorder ran for a period of 3 hours and 10 minutes, there were no visual anomalies captured nor were there any EVP's captured.


Vivitar Full-Spectrum Camcorder (Bottom of Stairs)

This camcorder ran for a period of 3 hours and 45 minutes, there were no visual anomalies captured nor were there any EVP's captured.

Static Electricity Detector (Top of Stairs)

This device was in view of the above mentioned camcorder and never activated at any point during the investigation.

MF-1 Multi Function Device (Top of Stairs)

This device has an EMF detector that visually lights up on detection of EMF spikes and a digital thermometer that visually lights up on the detection of any sudden temperature changes. This device was in view of the Vivitar Full-Spectrum camcorder located at the bottom of the stairs. This device never activated at any point during the investigation.

DT-1150 EMF Detector (Kitchen)

This device was located on the breakfast bench and was in view of the full-spectrum action cam, this device did not activate at any point during the investigation.

Olympus Digital Voice Recorder (Bottom of Stairs)

This digital voice recorder ran for the entire length of the investigation and never captured any EVP's nor did it capture any unexplained sound phenomena.

Olympus Digital Voice Recorder (Front Room)

This digital voice recorder ran for the entire length of the investigation. There were no EVP's captured and there were no unexplained sound phenomena captured.

Synic EVP Digital Voice Recorder

This recorder was used on a number of occasions within the front room and kitchen, there were no EVP's captured.


K2 EMF Detector

This device was used on several occasions when conducting an EVP sweep of the ground floor. At the start of the evening while I was setting up, this device was located on the coffee table in the front room and started detecting electro magnetic spikes. These spikes were unexplainable, however, later on during the evening while conducting an EVP sweep I detected an EMF spike of between 3 – 5 milligauss coming from the sofa which is located against dividing wall to the kitchen. On further investigation I detected that from behind the sofa coming from the dividing wall to the kitchen I detected a 50+ milligauss reading. This is an extremely high milligauss reading and this could possibly explain the EMF spike detected on the coffee table. This high EMF level is quite probably due to some faulty electrical wiring in the wall.

Mel Meter (EMF Detector)

This device was used in the same way as the K2 above and the results are the same as above.

SLS Camera (Sensored Light Structure Camera or Kinect Mapping Camera)

This camera uses Xbox Kinect technology and will map out spirits by way of a stick figure captured on a computer screen. This device was used on several occasions throughout the ground floor of the property. While using this device in the kitchen there were a number of occasions when the camera mapped out a stick figure which was showing to be sat or laying upon the breakfast bench. Also when looking at the breakfast bench from the front room, this device again mapped out a stick figure on the breakfast bench at one point there was a smaller figure detected on the kitchen floor which showed itself then disappeared behind the kitchen door. Sadly I cannot confirm this as the device capturing spirits as the DT-1150 EMF detector which was located on the breakfast bench did not activate, also at one point when the SLS camera mapped a figure I carried out an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) session and never captured any EVP's. As there is no other evidence to support the SLS captures then I cannot classify the SLS capture as true paranormal evidence and so will have to except this as a glitch.

Max/Min hydrometer/Thermometer x2

There were no abnormal temperature or humidity fluctuations recorded.


7. Conclusion

There were no paranormal captures of any kind during this investigation and as explained above, the SLS captures have to be classified as a glitch.

As a Paranormal Investigator I do believe in the paranormal, however, when investigating I have to first look for natural reasons and try and debunk the paranormal. As there is no paranormal evidence captured, there is nothing to debunk, however, we do have to try and explain the passible causes to the experiences that Steven and Claire do experience.

Firstly there is a phenomena known as New Home Phenomena or New House Phenomena. This is where people can move into a new property and from the very first day feel unsettled, and spooked from the unfamiliar sounds of a different property. People can also mislay items due to being in an unfamiliar new property and as more things happen, people start to believe that they are experiencing paranormal activity and they will then class every strange occurrence as supernatural even when it is not. This could be the case with Steven and Claire as Steven said he started noticing things as soon as they moved into this property back in September 2016 and it wasn't long after that Claire started experiencing things.

Long term exposure to high Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) can cause people to experience symptoms that could be linked to paranormal activity for example: The feeling of dread and anxiety and the feeling of being watched, also people can experience seeing shadows and movement out of the corner of their eye and the worst case scenario is that people can hallucinate. So the high levels of EMF detected from the kitchen wall could possibly be responsible for some of the experiences that Steven and Claire experience, however, this would not explain the alleged poltergeist activity

With regards the alleged poltergeist activity, studies have shown that most reported cases of poltergeist activity are not actually the result of a spirit or ghost but are actually a result of a person living in the property. Most cases have revolved around an adolescent girl who is going through some kind of strong emotional chaos and the poltergeist activity is caused through a process called psychokinesis formly known as Telekinesis. Psychokinesis is where material objects can be moved through the power of the mind, however, the person creating this activity is unaware that they are causing the poltergeist activity.


Now I have to be sensitive here, but there is a possibility that Claire's mental health condition could be causing the poltergeist activity through the power of Psychokinesis, although Claire would be unaware that she could be causing this. Secondly, Steven could be contributing to this as Steven has been under considerable stress recently with the severe illness of his son and worrying about his wife, Claire. Again, this is just one possibility and is not an absolute answer. However, if the poltergeist activity is the result of a spirit then I want to reassure Steven and Claire that there is nothing to fear from this. Poltergeist is a German term meaning 'noisy ghost' and that is exactly what a poltergeist is. It is a noisy ghost, a nuisance, it is mischievous, it is a spirit that just wants to remind you that it is there and it does this by making noises and moving objects.