Twisted Willow Equestrian Centre
Parents and Tots
3300 Putnam Road
Camper Information:
Last Name: ______First Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______Postal Code: ______
Parents Names______
Email Address______
Date of Birth______Age at time of camp______
Any learning disabilities or medications or allergies we should know about?
Please describe your riding experience.
Is the camper in good physical condition?
Are there any physical activities the camper should not participate in?
Twisted Willow Equestrian Centre Parents and Tots
3300 Putnam Road
Conditions of Registration
1. The fee per 4 week session is $80 including HST. Payments can be by cash or EMT in advance to hold the spot.
2. Failure to attend a full session of camp will not reduce the cost.
3. The acceptance by Twisted Willow Equestrian Center of this application, and the signature of parent or guardian on this application, shall give Twisted Willow the right to arrange for any special service or other requirements necessary in the best interest of the applicant and shall give Twisted Willow the right to obtain or approve any medical attention necessary to the applicants, or campers welfare and good health.
4. The parent or guardian agrees to pay for all such services that may be required.
5. Twisted Willow will dismiss any camper from the program, without refund, if such behaviour is disruptive and or unsafe for the program.
6. No refunds will be given for missing the scheduled classes.
7. In signing this application, the parent or guardian, certifies that the applicant is in normal condition and habits and is amenable to necessary discipline.
Signature of Parent or Guardian______
I hereby enter into this agreement in consideration of my / ability and permission to ride OR use any Horse owned by Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson (Name of Stable Facility or Owner)
Whose address is __3300 Putnam Road, Putnam On___.
By signing this form, I hereby acknowledge on behalf of myself that I have familiarized myself with the activities that I will be allowed to participate in, and that I do hereby acknowledge and agree that I will participate in these activities without restriction or limitation. I recognize the inherent risks involved in riding and working with horses, including but not limited to:
- Bites, kicks, abrasions or contusions from horses.
- Being thrown or bucked off by horses.
- Scratches or other injury from stalls or enclosures.
- Scratches or other injury from grooming tools and other equine equipment and tack.
- Allergic reactions to animals, hay, or other allergens.
(Initial) ______
Slipping, falling, or otherwise being injured in the barn, in stalls, or on the grounds, which can be slippery, muddy, or wet.
I hereby specifically forever waive and release (Name of Stable, Facility or Owner) Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ and its principals and agents from any liability for injury arising out of the inherent risks from riding, working or participating in a stable environment and/or with horses, as well as from the active negligence of (Name of Stable, Facility or Owner) Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ its principals and agents.
(Initial) ______
By signing this agreement I hereby acknowledge that although there may or may not be supervision during my time spent at
Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ , there will not be a nurse on the premises and Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ and its principals and agents bear no responsibility for my health or medical care. I agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ and its principals and agents from and against any loss, liability, damage, attorneys’ fees, or costs that they may incur arising out of or in any way connected with either my presence or participation at Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ or any acts or omissions of Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ principals or agents.
By signing this Agreement, and by initialling the paragraph below, I hereby acknowledge my complete understanding, agreement and consent to my presence and/or participation in the activities at Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ without restriction, without liability to Twisted Willow Equestrian/Kate Aitcheson _ its principals or agents, and with full knowledge and understanding of the disclosures, waivers, and releases herein.
(initial) .
48 Hours notice must be given in order to cancel a scheduled lesson. Failure to give 48 hours notice will require payment in full for the missed lesson.
Print Name: Date: .
Signature: .
**Participants under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign**