Twin Elm Rugby Park

Proposed Operating Plan 2017


Twin Elm Rugby Park (TERP), is owned by four rugby clubs: theBytown Blues, Ottawa Beavers, Ottawa Indians and Ottawa Irish (the Members). The TERP Board of Directors operates the facility on behalf of the Members. The relationship between the parties is governed by the Trust Agreement, which includes a number of amendments.

The TERP Board of Directors is comprised of the following positions: President, Secretary, Treasurer and this year by a Director at Large/Operations who essentially replaces the paid position of General Manager. The directors have executive duties as outlined by the Trust Agreement and 2014 Amendment.

During the 2015 and 2016 season it was evident that a much larger group of committed individuals, with specific portfolio are needed to operate the park

This proposal would add a key portfolio to each of these positions whereby the Director would supervise the area and report to the Members.

Proposed Operating Plan

TERP is essentially a business whose core products are playing fields and support facilities. The corporation derives revenue through membership fees and the rental of the fields and facilities to a variety of clients.

Organizations typically have four key areas:



-Finance and


Under the proposed plan the operational responsibilities would be divided as follows:



-Liaising with strategic partners i.e. City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, CRU, RO, EORU, FRQ

-Meeting with potential stakeholders i.e. Sponsors, Equity partners, Associate members

Owner Club Presidents

-Attend board meetings, or appoint delegates from within their club

-Support Board and President initiatives and keep clubs in the process


Secretary (Head of Communications)

-Ensuring compliance with corporate by-laws and regulatory requirements

-Supervising communications with members, clients, press and public

-Taking Meeting minutes and running of board and executive meetings

Director of Communications

-Updating of website, emails and all notice broadcast platforms

-Publishing board meetings and information to Dropbox and the greater

rugby community

Legal counsel

-Retained on an as needed basis to consult and guide in response to legal matters as they arise


Treasurer (Head of Finance)

-Monitoring all financial systems – budget, capital reserve, special projects

-Supervising fund raising activities – sponsorship, events, donations etc.


-Responsible for entering all accounting information into the book of records (currently Quickbooks)

-Responsible for producing budget, monthly reports and information as needed by the Treasurer and accountant


-Retained on an as needed basis to help in the financial running of the park

-Produce Tax and liaison with CRA and other Government departments with

respect to financial matters (City, CRA, etc…)


VP Operations (Head of Operations)

-Supervising the Operations of the facility and grounds

-Managing relationships with clients

Facilities Manager

-Management of the building, the facilities and its operation

-Responsible for coordinating repairs, and general maintenance of the park

-Responsible for coordination of contractors and workers on facilities

  • Electrical, Plumbing
  • Cleaning (inside and outside)
  • Washrooms and other supplies (except bar area)
  • Field maintenance and lining

Food and Beverage Manager

-Responsible for hiring and hours of bar staff

  • Hiring and reporting of hourly staff (bar and food)
  • POS system
  • Ordering of alcohol (and receiving of deliveries for bar)
  • Coordinating cleaning of bar

-Responsible for gate staff

-Responsible for deposit and recording of sales

Sales Manager

-Marketing of the park to external renters

-Setting up rental contracts

-Responsible for Rugby schedules at the park

  • Allotment of fields, coordination of game times, etc…

Elected Positions

The executive board is comprised of the 4 club presidents, or their designated representatives, and the four elected positions:




4)VP Operations

The operational board is extended to include the other positions listed in this document, as well as other ex-officio roles (President of EORU, etc…).


The park should not be hiring full or part-time employees. They will attempt to hire staff on a contractual, or hourly wage basis who would not require the withholding of source deductions.

The maintenance of the fields, grass cutting and field lining, will be done on a contractual basis.

The facilities management (cleaning and upkeep) will be accomplished through the Ontario Summer Student Grant program.

The Park will look to outsource the provision of food through food truck vendors and third party sources.