Twilight Rules

  1. Students will enter cafeteria during dismissal. They will not go to the bus ramp under any circumstances unless given prior approval by Mr. Linne. Students not in the cafeteria during dismissal will be counted as absent from that day of Twilight and asked to leave.
  2. Students will wait in cafeteria until teacher picks them up. No exceptions. Students that leave the cafeteria will be counted as absent and asked to leave for the day.
  3. Students are only permitted to miss 2 days of Twilight total. Their teacher will call home after the first absence. Mr. Linne will call after the second absence. On the third absence, that student will no longer be permitted to take that Twilight class.
  4. Students taking 1 Twilight class will be required to stay from 3:00-4:30. They are always permitted to stay longer. If they do stay longer, they will have to leave at 6:00. Students that need to leave early will need a parent note to do so. This note will need to be turned in first thing in the morning to Mr. Linne. Failure to do so will result in a student being credited with an absence for that day.
  5. Students that are taking 2 classes will need to stay from 3:00-6:00. Leaving early will result in being counted as absent.
  6. Students will need to be in the classroom that is specific to the class they are taking. Science and English are in room 1121. Social Studies and Math are in 1104.
  7. Math 1 students will be required to stay from 3:00-6:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. Math 2 students will be required to stay on Monday and Wednesday from 3:00-6:00. Under this schedule, math students will still stay the required 6 hours a week. Leaving early will result in an absence.
  8. If a student will be taking more than 1 class, that student will change rooms (if required) at 4:30. Students will not be permitted to stay in a room, taking a class, without a teacher from that subject in the room.
  9. Students are required to sign in and sign out every day. Failure to do so, or misrepresenting sign in and sign out time, will result in an absence and possible dismissal from the program.
  10. Students that need to leave the room for any issue need to ask teacher permission first. If that student is gone too long, that student will be credited with an absence.
  11. There are additional assignments that will make up 15% of your total grade that will be assigned by the teacher. The assignments can be completed at home.
  12. All pretests and mastery tests MUST be completed at NHHS. If, at any point, these tests are taken outside the Twilight time frame, they will be deleted.