December 1 - 4, 2010

Organized by the

Department of International Affairs

Secretariat of External Relations

Organization of American States

Washington, D.C.



Washington, D.C.

December 1 –4, 2010

1.Location and dates:

The 29th Model OAS General Assembly for High Schools (29th MOAS HS) will be held at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C, from December1st to 4th, 2010.

The Plenary Sessions will be held at the OAS Main Building (MNB) located on the corner of 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., WashingtonDC20006. The meetings of the General, First, Second, Third and Fourth Committees will be held
at the General Services Building (GSB) at 1889 F Street, N.W., Washington, DC20006 (corner of 19th Street and F Street, N.W). Please see the Calendar of Events for details about the sessions.

2.Coordination in Washington - General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS):

  • Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs (DIA)


  • Nelly L. Robinson, Coordinator, MOAS Program, DIA

Telephone: (202)-458-6897; Fax: (202) 458-6832


  • Luis J. Consuegra, Specialist, MOAS Program, DIA

Telephone: (202) 458-3087; Fax: (202) 458-6832


  • Alethia Arango, Intern, MOAS Program, DIA

Telephone: (202) 458-3615; Fax: (202) 458-6832


3.IMPORTANT: Please schedule your briefings with the Permanent Missions to the OAS before the beginning of the MOAS (12:00 pm, Wednesday, December 1) since there is no time allowed during the MOAS for visits to the Permanent Missions. The DIA strongly advises all participants to schedule those visits before noon on Wednesday, December 1st.


  • Registration of participants will take place on Wednesday, December1, from12:00 to 1:45 pm, at the OASMainBuilding.At this time, students and faculty advisors will receive their ID tags and other relevant documents.ID tags will only be issued to those students and faculty advisors who have sent and signed the MOAS Participants List and Code of Conduct form.
  • Participants will be required to present their I.D. tags to the security guards before entering any of the OAS buildings. Participants who do not have their I.D. tags will bedenied entry.

5. Lodging in Washington, D.C.

The OAS has signed an agreement with the Holiday Inn Hotel to lock several rooms at a group rate. To be able to reserve roomseach delegation will need to fill out an individual contract with the Holiday Inn, to be sent upon contacting the hotel. To see the contract click here.

Important Notice: The deadline for reservations at the group rate is October 31, 2010

Contact information:

Holiday Inn Central Washington- Distance from the OAS (GSBBuilding): 0.8 Miles
1501 Rhode Island Ave NW
Washington, DC 20005

Group name: MOAS 2010

Contact Person:Shayla Edmonds

202-349-3025 Direct telephone

202-797-1078 Fax



Single/double: USD $149

Triple/Quadruple: USD $159

All rates are subject to the prevailing city taxes. Currently, the tax is 14.5% and is subject to change. Rollaway beds are at $15 each and need to be requested in advance.

6.Electronic Submission of Resolutions through the MOAS Virtual Platform

As agreed with the faculty advisors attending the 28th MOAS in 2009, to avoid delays in the processing of resolutions, all resolutions will be accepted ONLY electronically and before the MOAS. The deadline for the electronic presentation of resolutions is: October 27, 2010. After this deadline NO NEW resolutions will be accepted. During the MOAS, only those resolutions that had been returned for corrections or those that are the product of working groups will be accepted by the Resolutions Evaluation Committee.


  • IMPORTANT NOTE:Participants are required to bring their own copies of the MOAS basic documents such as: MOAS Rules of Procedure (at least one copy per delegation), Instructions, Modus Operandi; First Book of Resolutions (1 per Committee) printed from the Virtual Platform, and Information Bulletin (if deemed necessary). The Department of International Affairs (DIA) will only provide copies of the following: Program of the 29th MOAS (includes list of authorities, country assignments, agenda of topics, schedule of events, location of meeting rooms, assignments to faculty as technical secretaries, and room assignments);Second and subsequent Books of Resolutions (1 per delegation per committee); Instructions for Electing Authorities, and daily News Bulletins.
  • Students whose resolutions are not included in the First Book of Resolutions must bring both the electronic and hard copies of their resolutions. The e-copy will allow the resolutions to be included in the subsequent books of resolutions; and the hard copywill be used by delegates to obtain the signatures of support.
  • Those delegations that received their resolutions marked as “Returned with Corrections,” and those assigned to working groups, that were not able to resubmit their resolutions electronically, must bring the latest electronic versions of their resolutions to the MOAS. These electronic versions will be requested by the Editorial Assistants once the draft resolutions have passed the evaluation at the REC, in order to be included in theBook of Resolutions. They will also be handy in case amendments are proposed to their resolutions.The Final Book of approved resolutions will be issued in an electronic format only; therefore, it is very important to have the electronic versions of the resolutions.


  • The DIA will provide 2 computers per committee with printers for the use of student delegates. Please limit your time in consideration of others and use only the computer assigned to your committee. In addition, there are a few electronic outlets for those who may wish to bring their own laptop computers.
  • The DIA will provide coffee and light snacks during the morning and afternoon sessions of the MOAS. Lunch is not provided during the Model. There are, however, a number of inexpensive eating establishments located near OAS headquarters. A sample listing is included below
  • There will be a room for faculty advisors at the GSB(Room No.604),for networking, working, and conducting one-to-one consultations with students.
  • The DIA will not be able to provide parking spaces for participants or the Faculty Advisors. Any unauthorized vehicle parked on OAS property will be towed promptly and at the owner’s expense. However, for your convenience, parking will be allowed in front of the OASMainBuilding on, Friday night for the dinner reception, and Saturday, December4thin the morning, only.
  • The DIA is not responsible for lost or stolen articles, nor will replace programs, copies of draft resolutions or publications, once they have been distributed to participants.

9.Social activities:

The DIA will host a Dinner-Receptionfor all the participants in the 29thMOAS for high schools (delegates, faculty advisors and other MOAS participants) on Friday, December3,at 7:00 PM in the Hall of the Americas(OASMainBuilding). Dress code for this reception is business attire.


  • The weather in Washington during December ranges in temperature from lows between 28 to 36 degrees F, and highs between 48 to 58 degrees F.

11. Places to eat:

Cafeteria – Lower Level
Selected providers offering Latin American food, sandwiches and salads
1889 F Street, NW
Hours: 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm

Café Azteca (ext. 3019)
17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Hours: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm


1800 G St NW, Washington, DC20006-4403

(202) 408-2671()


1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW

At corner of Pennsylvania Ave and 17th Street

Hours: 7AM – 7PM (Thursday), 7AM-6PM (Friday) and 9AM-4PM (weekends)


1725 K Street Northwest

Washington, DC20006

Between Connecticut Avenue and H Street

Hours: All day long (including weekends)


17th & Pennsylvania

750 17th St NW

Washington, District of Columbia20006

Hours: All day long (including weekends)


2000 Penn Galleria
2000 Pennsylvania Ave NW # 10

Washington, DC20006-1829

Hours: All day long (including weekends)


1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC20006
(17th & Penn)
Hours: All day long (including weekends)


1725 F St NW

Washington, DC20006-5203

Hours: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm


1776 G St NW # 100

Washington, DC20006-4727

Hours: All day long (including weekends)