Master of Science in Life Sciences ZHAWIndividual Study Agreement (ISA)
Cluster Bio/Pharma
with Specialisation in: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
for______(Master’s Student)
with ______(Head of Specialisation)
and ______(prospective Master’s thesissupervisor
- The General Academic Regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung) of the ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), LSFM (Life Sciences and Facility Management) and the Academic Regulations for the Master of Science in Life Sciences (Studienordnung für den Master of Science in Life Sciences) regulate the Master's degree programme.
- All modules are described in detail in the module descriptions, which are available before the module begins.
- This Individual Study Agreement (ISA) defines the modules the student will attend in each semester, as well as the skills which are to be acquired in the course of the degree programme. The ISA is checked at the end of each semester for the following semester, and is adapted to the changed needs or general conditions as necessary. New students must hand in their ISA by end of calendar week 26 to start in the autumn semester, and by end of calendar week 52 to start in the spring semester.
- Students must check all information in the ISA for the following semester at least two weeks before the start of the semester (week 35 for the autumn semester and week 5 for the spring semester). After consultation with their master supervisor and the head of the specialisation, any necessary changes can be made. The ISA is a definitive and binding agreement.
- It is the responsibility of the student to register by the deadline to repeat any module(s).
- Problem definitions (Aufgabenstellung)for Master’s thesis must be delivered to the Registrar’s Office two weeks before the beginning of the semester in which the thesis is to be submitted (week 35 for the autumn semester and week 5 for the spring semester).
- Applications for dispensation (Anträge für die Anrechnung von bereits erbrachten Leistungen (Dispensationen)must reach the Registrar’s Office by week 33 for the autumn semester and by week 3 for the spring semester.
- Only fully completed documents will be accepted.
- All necessary documentation can be found under the following link:
Competence profile for graduates of a Master of Science in Life Sciences in the cluster Bio/Pharma with specialisation in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Graduates of the Master of Science in Life Sciences focus on applied research in their degree programme. They have profound technical knowledge with practical relevance as well as high-level, action-oriented and practical abilities. Close contact with the professional world throughout the degree programme directly qualifies graduates for leadership positions in private and public enterprises and institutions. Thanks to their problem-solving and analytical skills, they are ideally prepared to be, for example, project leaders. They have a high level of self-confidence, strengthened through independent work on their Master’s thesis project. Through the individual modules selected in this study agreement, graduates’ abilities are complemented by the generic and interdisciplinary competences that are currently demanded by the market. Furthermore, individual coaching by a motivated faculty ensures their personal advancement. They are embedded in the network formed by the cooperating universities of applied sciences, which allows them to benefit professionally from attending joint events and personally from being part of a network in the field of life sciences with high-achieving graduates from Swiss universities of applied sciences. With the international orientation of the degree programme, they also have the opportunity to establish personal contacts with foreign colleagues and thereby to improve their intercultural skills and understanding.
Graduates of the Master’s programme in the cluster of Industrial Life Sciences are specialists with a broad education and a flexible approach. They have a high level of technological competence, are familiar with complex projects in industry and are well qualified to occupy middle and senior management positions. Intercultural experience, capacity for teamwork, and understanding of industrial organisations and processes enable graduates to create innovation processes holistically and sustainably. Graduates’ methodological competences are applicable to a broad range of situations. They can solve concrete industrial problems using abstract concepts. At the techological-scientific level they are involved in research, development, manufacture, use and optimisation of active ingredients, materials, therapeutic systems and equipment. Their professional competences are tailored to the wide and growing needs of the life science industry.
Master’s graduates from the clusterBio/Pharma find employment in the following areas: pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry, food industry, plant and apparatus engineering, consulting, in diagnostic laboratories, as well as parts of the MedTech industry.
Graduates of the specialisation Pharmaceutical Biotechnology can produce and analyse complex biologically active molecules, using biotechnological methods, for the pharmaceutical industry. This covers the entire cycle from drug targeting to design of the expression system, the cultivation and cleaning process, up to release of the active ingredient. The limited stability of biotechnologically produced active ingredients requires integrated development of pharmaceutical dosage forms and specific bioanalytical processes. Graduates are familiar with the entire process and the many areas dependent on it, including regulatory affairs (approval procedure, production in accordance with GMP), and concentrate on a specialist area in their Master’s thesis.In addition, they are able to develop and evaluate suitable concepts for biotechnological production facilities.
- Details of the ISA
Start of studies:
Autumn semester ______(year)
Spring semester ______(year)
Form of studies:
Full-time studies (3 semester)
Part-time studies (recommended 4-7 semester)
- Individual course programme
Module registration:
Mark the modules you would like to attend and provide any necessary additional information. A minimum of one module should be completed per semester. A total of 90 ECTS must be attained.
An overview of all the modules can be found in the current yearly plan(Jahresplan).
Core Competences(D: Data undB: Business, elective modules)
ModulID / Module Name / ECTS / SS
19 / AS
19 / SS
20 / AS
20 / SS
21 / later / Dispensation
D1 / Handling and Visualising Data / 3
D2 / Design and Analysis of Experiments
(Prerequisite: visit D1) / 3
D3 / Modelling and Exploration of Multivariate Data(Prerequisite: visit D1) / 3
B1 / Business Administration for Life Sciences / 3
B2 / Management and Leadership for Life Sciences / 3
B3 / Innovation and Project Management
(Prerequisite: visitB1 + B2) / 3
B4 / Politics and Society / 3
Check ECTS sum (min. 15 ECTS):
Please enter total ECTS by semester and total amount. / Total:
Please note: AS = autumn semester, SS = spring semester
Cluster-specific Modules (Cluster Bio/Pharma, elective modules)
At least 9 ECTS have to be taken in the Cluster Bio/Pharma (Module: BP1-BP6).
ModulID / Module Name / ECTS / SS 19 / AS 19 / SS 20 / AS 20 / SS 21 / later / Dispensation
BP1 / Compound Profiling in Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery / 3
BP2 / Drug Formulation and Delivery for Solid Dosage Forms / 3
BP3 / Design of Biopharmaceutical Production Facilities / 3
BP4 / Regulatory Affairs / 3
BP5 / Physiology and Immunotherapies / 3
BP6 / Tissue Engineering for Drug Discovery / 3
In addition to the Cluster Bio/Pharma specific modules, the following elective modules of the other clusters are available:
BECS1 / Modelling of Complex Systems / 3
C4 / Chemistry and Energy / 3
Check ECTS sum (min. 9 ECTS of BP1-BP6):
Please enter total ECTS by semester and total amount. / Total:
Please note: AS = autumn semester, SS = spring semester
b)SPECIALISATION SKILLS (modules of the specialisation PB, compulsory modules total 20 ECTS)
Modul ID / Module Name / ECTS / SS 19 / AS 19 / SS 20 / AS 20 / SS 21 / later / DispensationV2_1 / Biodesign: Ways to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients / 5
V2_2 / Bioprocessing and Bioanalytics / 5
V2_3 / Downstream and Safety1) / 5
V2_4 / Drug Formulation and Biological Test Systems1) / 5
Check ECTS sum (20 ECTS):
Please enter total ECTS by semester and total amount. / Total: 20
Please note: AS = autumn semester, SS = spring semester
c)MASTER’S THESIS (compulsory module, 40 ECTS)
Binding regulations for Master’s theses can be found in Instructions for Master’s Thesis (Merkblatt zur Masterarbeit).
Task Definition: / Task definition deadline: week 35 (AS) and week 05 (SS) latestLink:
Prov. Title / Subject area:
(1stExaminer, ZHAW internal) / Surname, First name
(provided 1stexaminer will be confirmed definitively in the task definition)
2nd Examiner: / Surname, First name
Timetable:(please note: only 30 ECTS per Semester can be selected) / Module Name / ECTS / SS 19 / AS 19 / SS 20 / AS 20 / SS 21 / later
Master’s Thesis Milestone 1: Proposal / literature research / 10
Master’s Thesis Milestone 2: experimental strategy / 10
Master’s Thesis Milestone 3: experimental strategy / 10
Master’s Thesis Milestone 4: final conclusions / 10
Expected submission deadline
(equivalent with milestone 4) / Official submission deadline (Exceptions are only possible if agreed by the Programme Director):
Week 02Year: (Monday, 12.00, Administration Office, Grüental)
Week 27 Year: (Friday, 12.00, Administration Office, Grüental)
Please Note: AS = autumn semester, SS = spring semester
A maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be taken per semester (30 ECTS are equivalent to a full-time study).Add the totals from tables a, b & c and enter them in the yellow fields. / SS 19 / AS 19 / SS 20 / AS 20 / SS 21 / Total
has to be 90 ECTS (exception Transition-Students)
As elective modules, all Cooperation Modules and elective modules of the specialisations are offered. Students may select supplementary modules within the scope of the ISA up to a maximum of 10 ECTS credits. However, the repetition of failed modules has priority. The allocation of elective modules must be discussed in advance with the head of specialisation and programme director. Optional modules are not promotion-relevant, do not count for the fulfilment of qualification requirements and are only listed on the ZHAW transcript of records.
ModulID / Module Name / ECTS / SS
19 / AS
19 / SS
20 / AS
20 / SS
21 / Total
3 / Sum d+e may not exceed 100 ECTS.
Check ECTS sum:
Please enter total ECTS by semester and total amount.
The following choice of optional modules are available:D1Handling and Visualising Data; D2Design and Analysis of Experiments; D3Modelling and Exploration of Multivariate Data; B1Business Administration for Life Sciences; B2Management and Leadership for Life Sciences; B3Innovation and Project Management; B4Politics and Society;F1 Progresses in Food Processing; F2 Nutrition and Nutrition Related Chronic Diseases; F3 Foodomics; F4 Sustainable Sourcing, Processing and Tracing of Food; F5Advanced Sensory Techniques; BP1 Compound Profiling in Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery; BP2 Drug Formulation and Delivery for Solid Dosage Forms; BP3 Design of Biopharmaceutical Production Facilities; BP4 Regulatory Affairs; BP5 Physiology and Immunotherapies; BP6 Tissue Engineering for Drug Discovery; BECS1 Modelling of Complex Systems; BECS2 Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition; BECS3 Medical Imaging and Image Processing; BECS4 Optimisation Methods; C1 Materials Science; C2 Surface Characterisation; C3 Polymers and Applications; C4Green Chemistry; C5Chemistry and Energy; E1 Journal Club Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences; E2 Life Cycle Assessment; E3 Sustainable Natural Resource Management; E4 Ecological Infrastructure in Landscapes; E5 Biodiversity; E6 Water Management for Households, Industry and Agriculture
- Credits from previous studies or professional experience:
An authorised Application for Dispensation (Antrag zur Anrechnung (Dispensation))must be included.
Recognised previous achievements / Dates / ECTS credits- Modules to be taken or competences to be completed or acquired before/during
the Master’s programme
Module names, location and further details / Semester / Dates / ECTS credits- Signatures
The Master student confirms that the selected modules meet his or her requirements. Any changes are to be recorded in a separate document (changes to the ISA) and attached to this ISA.
Master’s student:
Date: ______Signature: ______
The student registers for the modules and we take note of this registration:
Prospective Master’s Thesis supervisor (1st Examiner, ZHAW internal):
Date: ______Signature: ______
Head of Specialisation:
Date: ______Signature: ______
Individual Study Agreement (ISA) –Master of Science in Life Sciences
PB page1 of 8, Version September 2018