TwentiethSunday in Ordinary Time 14th August 2016

Saturday / 13th / 7.30pm / Pettigo
Sunday / 14th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh
Ederney / Maureen Baird
Vincent McCafferty, Aghagriffen
Kevin McGrath
Monday / 15th / 10am
7.30pm / Pettigo
Ederney / Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday / 16th / 10am / Ederney / St. Stephen of Hungary
Wednesday / 17th / 10am / Ederney / Our Lady of Knock
Friday / 19th / 7.30pm / Ederney / St. John Eudes
Saturday / 20th / 7.30pm / Pettigo
Sunday / 21st / 9.30am
11am / Lettercran
Ederney / Michael McCaffrey, Meenmore

Deceased: Peggy Baird, Irvinestown; Annie McArt, Drumharvey; Bishop Edward Daly, Derry/Belleek.May they rest in peace

Monday 15th August is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady: Mass in Pettigo 10amand 7.30pm in Ederney.

Anniversary Masses: when booking an Anniversary or Months Memory please

write the names of the person(s) and/or family into the Diary on the Altar Rail.

Baptisms: Dates and times for Baptisms are Pettigo 2nd Saturday of each month at 6.00pm and Ederney 4th Sunday of each month at 12 noon.

Please Note- Adorationin the Parish Centre will begin again in September...

Weekly Adoration in Montiagh on Monday 10.30am to 11.30am.

The Holy Rosary is said in the Church every evening:

Sunday- Friday 6-30pm, Saturday at 5-15pm. Everyone most welcome.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be recited on Monday and Friday evening at 7pm at the Divine Mercy Shrine inSt. Joseph’s Church.

Lough Derg offers two special occasions to come to the sacred Island:

Family Day Retreat before the start of the new school year on Friday 19th August

Clogher Diocesan One Day Retreat led by Bishop Mac Daid on Saturday 20th August

Boats operate from 9:15am on both days. Advance booking essential.

Contact Lorraine or Maureen 0(0 353) 71 9861518 email:

Knock Novena 2016: 14th -22nd August - Ceremonies at 3pm & 8.30pm.

Workshops at 12noon & 6pm. See poster on Church notice board for details.

2016 Catholic Young Adults Conference: 20th-21st August in All Hallows College Dublin. Ages 18-40. Cost: Residential €70/Non- Residential €40.

Contact Declan085-803248/Aoife 086-1646971

Study Theology by Distance Learning-The Priory Institute:Study for your Certificate, Diploma or Degree from the comfort of your home. Offering distance learning with the flexibility to build modules towards a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology. Applications deadline is 20 September 2016. Secure your place by registering today Telephone 01 4048124 email

Family Care Adoption Society is presently seeking to recruit adoptive families for babies and young children. For more information please contact us at:

028 71 368592 - 028 90 691133 Monday to Friday 9–1pm.

Email: Website:

Jiving Lessons for all ages in St. Joseph’s Hall, Ederney from 7-30pm-8-30pm on Monday evenings. (15th/22nd/29 August and finishing 5th September). Everyone welcome.

Ederney GAA Notes: SFL 1 Tempo v Ederney today @3:00.

*Our GAA Lotto draw takes place in Monaghan's The Cross tonight. Jackpot £1,500.

*Training for under 12s on Tuesday nights @6 and matches on a Saturday.

*For a full list of club fixtures check out our website or our Facebook Page: Ederney St Joseph's GAA.

*Junior hurling from 10:30 -12.00 on Saturday mornings. Under 14's Hurling and over from 11:30 -1:00.

*We will announcea date soon for Joe Maguire memorialtournament. It will be a Camogie tournament this year. Contact Noel McAndrew.

*Ederney Fitness for fun onTuesday evenings@7:15 at the pitch.

*Any members who have collected tokens using the Topaz card, please assign your tokens to Ederney St Josephs GAC by going to Topaz online. Closing date shortly.

Youth Club Notes: Friday 19th August, trip to Bundoran Funfair. Leaving hall at 2.45pm and returning at 8.15pm. Early booking is essential. Contact Dessie or Majella for more information. Full details are on Facebook.

Friday 26th August, trip to the cinema. Times TBC.

Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven

Also known as the Assumption and the Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to the beliefs of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and parts of Anglicanism, was the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life.

The Catholic Church teaches as dogma that the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory". This doctrine was dogmatically defined by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950, in the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus by exercising papal infallibility. While the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church believe in the Dormition of the Theotokos, which is the same as the Assumption, the alleged physical death of Mary has not been dogmatically defined.

In Munificentissimus Deus (item 39) Pope Pius XII pointed to the Book of Genesis (3:15) as scriptural support for the dogma in terms of Mary's victory over sin and death as also reflected in 1 Corinthians 15:54: "then shall come to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory".

In the churches that observe it, the Assumption is a major feast day, commonly celebrated on August 15th, as a Holy Day in the Roman Catholic Church and as a Festival in the Anglican Communion.

Models of the Church:Church as School of Disciples

This model takes us back to human reality. We are not perfect followers of Jesus Christ. We are souls in process continually learning and relearning (repenting) along the way. In this world we are always becoming, continually learning and discovering about being organised, being a community, being holy, being motivated and serving humanity. Indeed, this learning has always been part of the Church, from the orders of Catechumens(those preparing for Baptism) and Penitents in the early Church to the Catholic School System and the Adult Religious Education of today.

This model reminds of the need to be humble, that the Church does not have all the answers and is not competent in every area of human life and learning. A good example of this was the scientific disputes with Galileo in 1600’s. Humility comes from knowing our limitations and being able to listen to and discern what God is saying to us through the scriptures, our teaching authority (Magisterium) and the world in which we live.

Its weakness can be giving the impression that the Church knows nothing and has no competency at all. The truth is that the Church and every genuine follower of Christ lives in a space or indeed a paradox of knowing and not knowing. We know the grace that we have been given by God our Father through Jesus Churchand we live in this (Holy) Spirit. The learning is in discovering how this grace is and how it can be manifested in ourselves, in the Church and in the World.