The RADIUM GIRLS Acting Self-Assessment

Please keep this under two pages. Thanks!

Act I: Defining Moments. Please identify your greatest victories as an actor during the rehearsal process or the performances. What were your break-through moments? When did it all click for you and why?

Act II: Biggest Yuk. What was the hardest part of the process for you? What obstacles did you encounter and what did you do to get past them?

Act III: How I Skin a Cat. Please describe your rehearsal process. If you were teaching someone how to work on a role for a play, how would you describe going about creating the role and making your scenes happen with your scene partner(s)?

Act IV: Coming Clean. The William Morris Agency has just accepted you as a client and your new agent asks you what kinds of roles you would be good in and to describe your strengths as an actor. Of course, the next question your agent asks you is what kinds of roles should you avoid and what your weaknesses are as an actor.

Act V: The Toolbox. What tricks of the trade did you pick up during the production that you would like to use in your next acting work?

Billy Cooper as Sir Andrew Aguecheek in 12th Night at Park a long time ago.