Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 6 October 2015 at The Old Grammar School at 7.00 pm
Present: Councillors Silcock, Taylor, Bett and Philips.
Also present: Mrs Lisa A Hill (Clerk) and three members of the public.
P36/1516 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Mitchell and these were accepted.
P37/1516 Declarations of Interest
There were no new Declarations of Interest.
P38/1516 Minutes of the previous meetings
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 August 2015 and Interim Meeting held on 15 September 2015 were accepted as a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
P39/1516 Matters arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
P40/1516 Planning Decision
The Chairman reported that the following planning decisions had been received
from BDC this month:
App No / Detail / Decision ofBassetlaw DC / Decision of Tuxford TC
15/01006/FUL / Applicant: Ms G Frith Proposal: Erect two storey dwelling and alter pedestrian access at Land at Chantry House, Chantry Walk, Tuxford
Applicant: Mr J Fearon Proposal: Erection of single storey classroom building at Notts CC Tuxford Primary and Nursery School, Newark Road, Tuxford
Applicant: Mr J Fearon Proposal: New access ramp and alterations for new main entrance door at NCC Tuxford Primary and Nursery School, Newark Road, Tuxford / Refuse planning permission.
Refuse planning permission.
Grant Permission. / Objection.
To make no objection.
To make no objection.
The Clerk reported that the applicant for planning application 15/00248/COU had lodged an appeal with the inspectorate against the refusal of the application.
The Clerk confirmed that the application for a Modification Order between Welbeck Place and Landa Grove had been received and acknowledged by Nottinghamshire County Council. The Committee Resolved: that the Council’s previous objections to application 15/00248/COU be sent directly to the Planning Inspector. Action – Clerk.
P41/1516 Planning applications to be considered
The following planning applications had been received from BDC:
Application No. / Detail15/01253/VOC Applicant: Malakbel Ltd
Location: Westwood Farm, Ollerton Road, Tuxford
Proposal: Vary condition two of PA13/01182/FUL to retain works carried out not in accordance with application
15/01286/COU Applicant: Flaningan Estates.
Location: Land off Welbeck Place and Landa Grove, Tuxford
Proposal: Change of use to a residential caravan/mobile home park for 17 units (resubmission of PA 15/00248/COU)
Clark Telecom – proposed upgrade to telecommunications radio base station installation at BT Farley Radio Station, Ollerton.
The Planning Committee Resolved: to make no objection to planning application 15/01253/VOC or the proposed upgrade to telecommunications radio base station installation at BT Farley Radio Station, Ollerton. Action – Clerk.
In respect of planning application 15/01286/COU the planning committee objected to the application. It was considered that the application did not vary significantly to application 15/00248/COU and that the Council’s previous objections still stood. Action – Clerk.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7.25 pm