OceanCounty Vocational TechnicalSchool
MATES “Partnerships in Education”
Student Learning Experience Agreement
Hereby mutually agree with the other, that the Ocean County VocationalTechnical
School is to send students for aStructured Learning Experience(SLE) under terms and policies of this affiliation agreement.
1. The term of experience is to cover one or more school days per week per individual student. The length of time per individual may vary upon mutual agreement as stated on the “Partnership Agreement” form.
2. The hours per day for the shadowing experience shall be no less than one and
one-half hours per day and no more than four hours. The student will conduct an SLE a minimum of one day per week and maximum of four days per week.
3. Students involved will be from the MATESschoolat the affiliate site. Students participating during the school year will be senior level and will be selected through instructor recommendation, with a minimum age of seventeen years. All SLE sites must be approved for a SLE.
4. Experience designated for student participation will be mutually agreed upon by the administrationof the MATES program and the affiliated organizations. It should be made clear that Structured Learning Experienceis the observation of a person during the performances of their duties, followed by practical hands-on experience and/or a project.
5. During the time designated for theStructured Learning Experience, students will be under the supervision of the affiliated organization’s personnel, but subject to all rules of the Ocean County Vocational School and the Structured Learning Experience provider.
6. If at any time, the conduct of the student learner should in any way impair his/her usefulness, or in any way adversely affect the Structured Learning Experience environment and individuals working within it, the student will be immediately returned to the Ocean County Vocational Technical School for any action deemed necessary per the rule and guidelines of student behavior.
7. If at any time the residents, management or OceanCountyVocationalTechnicalSchool is dissatisfied with this Structured Learning Experience, all parties will agree to void this agreement.
8. The affiliated organization shall provide emergency response in case of an accident. Each student will be covered by school insurance, or group coverage through parent or guardian. The school nurse will be immediately notified in case of an accident.
- During the Structured Learning Experience, if a student should
break any personal possession of the provider, it will be the responsibility of the student to replace or pay for the item in question.
10. Student must have a driving pass through MATES. In no circumstance should an Ocean County Vocational Technical School student be allowed to drive any motor vehicle belonging to an SLE provider.
11. This agreement is entered into for the 2016/2017 school year and will be in effect during this and successive school years as voted upon by the Board of Education and agreed by the SLE provider.
Administrator/Affiliating Organization Superintendent, OCVTS
Date Date
Company Name
Company’s Comp. Insurance Co. Name and Policy Number ______
A signed copy will be submitted to the provider once all parties have signed the agreement.