Sra. Kramer ● A108 ● ● 281-577-2800 ext.5194

Conference: 3rd & 8th 11:25-1:25

(Tutoring: Monday & Friday Mornings 7:45-8:05)

Spanish 1 Syllabus*

1st Nine Weeks- August 22th-Oct14th

Welcome and Introductions to Course

Course Curriculum/ Rules and Procedures/Supplies and Books: Aug.22-26

Capítulo Para Empezar – p.1-22Aug.22th- Oct.14

●Central America and South America Countries p.XVII-XXV

Why speak Spanish Video

Pt.1 En la Escuela p. 2-9

●Use the Spanish alphabet to spell words p.12

●Greet People at different times of the day

●Introduce yourself to others

●Respond to classroom directions

QUIZ: on items above

●Begin using numbers

●Tell time

●Identify parts of the body

●TEST #1: PE Sep. 8-9

Pt.2 En la clase p. 10-19Sept. 12- Sept. 30

●Talk about things in the classroom


●Use the Spanish alphabet to spell words p.12

QUIZ: on items above

TEST#2 PE 2- Sept.29 & 30

Pt.3calendar y el tiempo p. 14-19 Oct.3- Oct.14

●Talk about things related to the calendar

●Describe weather conditions

●Identify the seasons

●Learn about the Aztec calendar

●TEST #3 PE 2- Oct.13-14

2ndNine Weeks- Oct.17th- Dec. 16th

Capítulo 1A:¿Quétegustahacer?: Page 25-46Oct. 17 – Nov.4

●Talk about activities you like and don’t like to do

●Grammar: Infintives p.32

●QUIZ: Vocab and Grammar

●Ask other what they like to do

●Grammar: Negatives p.36

QUIZ: Vocab and Grammar

●Understand cultural perspectives on favorite activities p.35 & p.40

●Grammar: Negatives p.36TEST #4 Ch.1A Nov. 3- 4

Sra. Kramer ● A108 ● ● 281-577-2800 ext.5194

2ndNine Weeks- Oct.17th- Dec. 16th

Ch 1B Y tú ¿Cómoeres? – Nov.7- Nov 18

●Grammar : Adjectives p. 55

●Use the Spanish alphabet to spell words p.12

●Quiz vocab and grammar

●Grammar: Definite Articles and Indefinite articles p. 60

●Quiz vocab and grammar

●Grammar: Word order & placement of adjectives p .62

Test #5Ch 1B Nov. 17 and 18

Ch. 2A Tudíaen la escuelap. 72-77 Nov. 28- Dec.16

●Grammar: Subject Pronouns p.82

●Quiz vocab and grammar

●Grammar: Present tense – AR verbs p.84

●Quiz vocab and grammar

Test #6 Ch2A Dec.13- 14

Spanish 1 Syllabus*

3rd Nine Weeks- Jan 3- March 10

Ch. 2B Tusala de claes p. 98-121Jan. 3- Jan20

Grammar : The verb estar p. 107

●Quiz Vocab and grammar

●Grammar: The plurals of nouns and articles p. 110

●Quiz vocab and grammar

●Test #7 Ch. 2B Jan.19-20

Ch. 3A ¿Desayuno o almuerzo? P.122-145 Jan 23- Feb. 10

●Grammar : Present Tense of ER. IR verbs p. 132

●Quiz Vocab and grammar

●Grammar: Me gustan vs Me encantan p. 135

QUIZ vocab and grammar

●TEST #8Ch 3A Feb. 9-10

Ch. 3B Para mantener la salud p. 147-169 Feb. 13- March 3

Grammar: The plurals of adjectives p. 156

Quiz Grammar and vocab

Grammar: The verb SER p.158

Quiz Grammar and vocab

TEST #9Ch 3B March 2-3

Sra. Kramer ● A108 ● ● 281-577-2800 ext.5194

Conference: 3rd & 8th 11:25-1:25

(Tutoring: Monday & Friday Mornings 7:45-8:05)

Spanish 1 Syllabus*

4thNine Weeks- March 20- May 26

Ch. 4A ¿Adónde vas? P. 171- 195 March 6 –March 31

●Grammar: the verb IR p. 180

●Grammar and vocab quiz

●Grammar Asking questions p. 184

●Grammar and vocab quiz

●TEST #10 CH.4A March 30 & 31

Ch. 4B ¿Quieresirconmigo? P. 197- 219April 3 –April 21

●Grammar: the verb IR + infinitive p. 206

●Grammar and vocab quiz

●Grammar : the verb jugar

●Grammar and vocab quiz

●TEST #11CH4B April 20- 21

Ch. 5AUna fiesta de cumpleaños P. 221- 245 April 24-–May 19

●Grammar: the verb tener p. 228

●Grammar and vocab quiz

●Grammar :possessive adjectives p. 232

●Grammar and vocab quiz

●TEST #12CH 5A May 18-19