Date:June 22, 2016

Subject:PSLARA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to Order:

President Paul Horner (KK4ISZ)called the meeting to order at 1934 ET.

Pledge to the Flag:

Members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members present were asked to introduce themselves by name and call sign. 26members and one guest present, Charles (KA4UUF).

Previous meeting minutes:

Minutes of the Mayl meeting, as posted on our website, were approved by motion of Harold (W8PPI), and seconded by Larry (W4QH). Motion carried.

Treasurer Report:

Jody (W4SLC) reported that we have $338.00 in Petty Cashand a Checking Account balance of $6668.78. Motion to approve the Treasurer report was made by Steve (N4SGL), and seconded by Kelton (W4IND). Motion carried.



President Paul (KK4ISZ)announced that the program this evening would be a presentation by Steve (N4SGL) regarding Field Day.

The program for July will be a follow up on Hurricane Preparedness.


Ernie (AJ4BP)reported that theRepeaters are working fine and that EchoLink should be working very shortly as soon a problem with port compatibility is solved.


Paul (KK4ISZ) reported that Field Day will be held this coming weekend and there is an upcoming Club Breakfast at Golden Corral on July 2. Field Day meal tickets are still available.

He also reported on the various radio nets held by the club.

Club Relations:

Sherwin (KA9COD) reported on the TCPalm ad. It ran Tuesday and Wednesday.


New hats are being ordered. See Sherwin (KA9COD). Nice quality kaki at $15 each. Some are already here for those who ordered earlier.


Donn (WY5I) reported that Harold (W8PPI) and he are starting the process. All current officers are eligible and have agreed to stand for reelection. An e-mail will be going out to all members soliciting their participation.

Testing and Education:

Bob (KJ4UXS) reported thatone General advanced to Extra at the testing in June, Dan (WX4DTS). The next testing will be at Field Day, and theExtra question pool expires at the end of June. Following that, there will be testing on July 9 at the EOC, and August 13 at the Ft. Pierce Ham Fest.

A Technician course review is scheduling for mid to late August.


Steve announced that Dick (W4DAC) has been named the South Florida technical specialist. He also called for volunteers to staff helters.

Old Business:


New Business:

The July general meeting has run into scheduling difficulties with our location. After discussion, it was agreed that we would hold the meeting one week early, July 20th at the regular time and place.


There being no further business to conduct, a motion was made by Greg (KB4VVE)to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 2004ET.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Bunting (KB4VVE) Secretary