Tutorial of ‘Study Guide Pieces’ for the TEST !


“The Cell in Its Environment, Chapter 3.2” (Tested on textbook pp.80-85)

“Photosynthesis, Chapter 3.3” (Tested on textbook pp. 86-90)

“Respiration, Chapter 3.4” (Tested on textbook pp. 91-94)

“Cell Division, Ch. 3.5 (pp.95-102..see happy memo below though!)

(Helpful Preview Hints for Ch. 3.5 =For this sectionof your textbook,Ch. 3.5, you will be tested only on the content from within pp. 101 and 102, NOT the stages of the ‘Cell Cycle’, for instance  We will learn the concept of the ‘Cell Cycle’ during class, but you will notbe needing to memorize the ‘Cell Cycle’. We’ll review these directions and applications during class, so stay tuned! On the test, there will be some content about the ‘Structures and function of DNA’. It’s very exciting to learn the structures and function of DNA, pp. 101 & 102, as it gets replicated from one of your cells into another NEW CELL! This is actually happening to your cells in your body as you are reading this sentence!!!!!Each new cell of your body NEEDS to have a DNA molecule in its nucleus to be able to control all the other organelles within eachof our newly reproduced cells! Cool! )


Below is a list of what pieces to study for the upcoming TEST. These pieces should be in the science section of your 3-ring binder under the tab called, “NOTES” and/or pages within your textbook, and/or a piece you are working on presently! Use each piece below to help you study.

  1. Study Guide Piece a = StudyChapter 3.2 KEY TERMSand their correct matching definitions from BOTH your T-ChartPadlet.com class work (great still-images + moving video images) AND make references back to the sentences in the textbook for examples that relate TO EACH ‘key term’. (Study on 1st Day/Night of Studying = Thur., 12.3.15)
  1. Study Guide Piecesb =Review ALL of your Chapter 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 GRS/RR …‘Guided Reading & Study’ Notes, AND the ‘Review and Reinforce’ Notes too!  Reminder to check my website for the ‘Teacher Notes/ Answer Key’ to cross-reference your own recorded responses WITH my teacher responses!  HELPFUL!!!(Studyon 2nd-4thDays/Night =Friday, Dec. 4th – Sunday, Dec. 6th) Pick the ‘best’ day(s) out of the weekend to study; everyone has a busy schedule so if you are busy Friday night, for example, plan on another night of the weekend to re-read & study these three sections of GRS/RR notes!
  1. Study Guide Piece c= Review and study the ‘Figures and Matching Captions’ of Chapters 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.(Study on the 5th Day/ Night of Studying = Monday, 12.7.15)

Study Guide Piece d= Use your Vocabulary ‘T-Charts’ of Chapter sections 3.3 & 3.4 and make a set of ‘FLASH CARDS’ for each of these two sections; on one side of each card record the key term, and on the opposite side of each card record the definition.Bring these two sets of flash cards to class for a ‘game’ review!

(StudyALSOon Monday, 5th day/night = 12.7.15)

  1. Study Guide Piece e = Complete the following two ‘Study Guides’ by typing answers to the following assignment, and bring them to class tomorrow to USE DURING THE TEST AS ‘OPEN-NOTES’ (Hooray!):

Ch. 3.5, “Cell Division”, SECTION ASSESSMENT question #s 2a, b, c, pg. 102. Bring these typed questions AND responses to class tomorrow and you will be permitted to use these particular notes as ‘open-notes’ for the test. I will give you a copy of my notes on this to use as well.  Happy day! (Study on 6th day/night = Tues., 12.8.15)


TEXTBOOK ‘CHAPTER 3 STUDY GUIDE’ …Turn to pg. 104 and do the followingactivities USING information from pg. 104 and the given guidelines for you to follow below:

  1. First =Read with a ‘close-reading’ strategy, all the key concepts of Ch. 3.1 & read also the list of bullet-pointed key terms. This will be a nice reminder to you of important past learning you have acquiredwhich clearlytransitions your thinking into the next section on this page, Ch.3.2’s key concepts with key terms, which is found by going down the left side column of this page, and also going to the middle of this page! You’ll see the blue-worded sub-title, “The Cell in Its Environment”. Now, you’re ready to move onward…
  2. Second =Create & type a questionfrom each of the three conceptual sentences that are bullet-pointed on this page, pg. 104/ Section 2, and turn each statement presented INTO a question. Next, below each of your typed questions, ALSO type the correct response. Example:
  • Q (Question): What is the main method by which small molecules move across cell membranes? (Notice HOW designing the question to an answer is good skill work for you! Yay for you!)

R (Response): Diffusion is the main method by which small molecules move across cell membranes. (Notice HOW the answer IS EXACTLY WHAT IS ON THIS TEXTBOOK PAGE! Hooray! Good skill work for you! Go for the gold.You’re the best dear students! )

  1. Third = Create & type a questionfrom each of the two conceptual sentences that are bullet-pointed on this page, AT THE BOTTOM OF pg. 104, down the left side of the page/ See ‘Section 3 Photosynthesis’, and turn each statement presented hereINTO a question. Next, below each of your typed questions, ALSO type the correct response.  Example:
  • Q (Question):Is it true that nearly all living things obtain energy either directly or indirectly from the energy…. Etc…..?(Notice HOW designing the question to an answer is good ‘study skill’ for you! Yay for you!)
  • R (Response): Yes, it is true how nearly all living things obtain…. Keep typing and studying your full response = a ‘complete-sentencing’ response!!!!
  1. Fourth = Do the same for ‘Section 4 Respiration’ & ‘Section 5 Cell Division’ found on the right side of pg. 104!
  2. Bring this typed work to class tomorrow to earn homework credit (This will NOT be part of your ‘open-notes’ though.)

(Study on 6th day/night of studying = Tues.., 12.8.15)

  1. Study Guide Piece f =BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER! …. Review EACH ‘Study Guide Piece’ from the above listing to reinforce ALL OF THE CORRECT responses! Best wishes everyone!  Cheers!

(Study this on the 7thday/ night of Studying =Wed., 12.9.15)

Reminder… TEST is 12.10.15 = Thursday, December 10th.