Tutor Written Warning

Name: ______Date: ______

You are being notified in writing of failure to comply with one or more of the following TECHniques Center tutor employment policies:

1. Failure to alert appropriate Academic Counselors regarding cancelled appointments due to sickness. A tutor must notify the appropriate Academic Counselor(s) immediately regarding missing any tutoring appointment.

2. Accurately documenting cancellations in GradesFirst. If a tutor is sick, he or she must cancel the appointment in GradesFirst to reflect that the session did not take place and then create a new, one-time appointment that reflects when the missed session will be made up.

Other Concerns (address below):

·  Consistent and professional communication

·  Engagement and interaction during tutoring

·  Clarifying tutor cancellation make-up policy

·  Clarifying no-show and make-up session payment policy

·  Clarifying expectations when you don’t know the answer / haven’t taken the course in a while

·  Reducing tutoring hours with a student without pre-approval from the appropriate Academic Counselor

Consider this statement your written warning. A copy of this statement will be placed in your personnel file.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Note: If you disagree, you may write a letter explaining the reasons for your disagreement and have it placed in your TECHniques Center personnel file.

Counselor Signature: ______Date: ______

Counselor Signature: ______Date: ______

Tutor Plan for Improvement

Name: ______Date: ______

The TECHniques Center wants all tutors to receive the guidance and support they need to do their jobs well. Below is a plan for improvement on how to address the above concerns:

1. If you have to miss a tutoring appointment for any reason, you need to notify the student and the appropriate Academic Counselor immediately. If the Academic Counselor is unavailable in person or by phone, send an email. Failure to notify staff regarding cancellations is failure to report to work. You always notify all Academic Counselors, even if you were able to schedule a make-up session.

2. Immediately cancel the tutoring appointment in GradesFirst so that GradesFirst reflects time that is actually worked. This should also be reflected accurately in Web Time Entry.

3. Schedule the make-up session for missed sessions within the following week. You may seek guidance from the appropriate Academic Counselor on scheduling evening or weekend make-up sessions.

4. If a student no-shows you, and the reason is extreme (legitimately sick, car broke down), you may offer to make-up this missed session, but you ONLY get paid for the make-up session. It is usually best to not offer to make-up no-showed sessions.

5. Never agree to reduce tutoring hours with a student unless you hear from the Academic Counselor first. Reducing tutoring hours is always at the discretion of the Academic Counselor.

6. Engagement and interaction during tutoring. We have noticed that sometimes you’re really engaged in tutoring, and other times you seem to be tired or bored. What is going on that might be affecting tutoring? What can we do to help?

Suggestions for building engagement:

·  Talk to us! Let us know what is going on with our students, and we can brainstorm some strategies.

·  Visit with a Master Tutor for interactive strategies.

·  Always remember that you are the manager of the session, so you need to bring energy and excitement to the session. Attitude, body language, energy, interest, and preparation for tutoring sessions are what make your sessions successful and worthwhile.

7. One student reported that you told him/her you couldn’t help with math or history because you hadn’t taken them in years. Please don’t say this. If you don’t know the answer, help the student find it. If you haven’t taken the course in a while, visit with the Academic Counselor on prep time ideas or use the resources already created in the prep time binders. We don’t expect you to be an expert, but we do expect that you try your best. Talk to us if you are struggling with tutoring specific subjects.