Tutor Manual– Workshop 1:

Change, Thrive, Achieve

This workshop focuses on GRIT, Resilience and Self-Compassion. This workshop also ties in goal settingand strategies for managing stress.

By the end of this workshop, students will:

  • Identify the 5 characteristics of GRIT
  • Understand the concept of resilience and how it can help in the face of adversity
  • Complete a goal hierarchy to identify their superordinate goal and actions required
  • Understand resilience and how to overcome challenges
  • Discussed some strategies to increase their own self-compassion
  • Understand that each component from today’s workshop directly link together


  • Attendance lists
  • A planned mindfulness activity
  • Tutorial PPT
  • Enough copies of the student handouts:

-5 Characteristics of Grit

-The Rose That Grew From Concrete

-plus 1 x copy of Tupac info for tutor

  • Butchers paper and markers for group work
  • Blank A4 paper for students if they don’t have workbooks

The Tutorial.

Slide 1 and 2.Welcome / Take the roll2mins

Slide 3. Complete a mindfulness activity of your choice or use the one provided on SLIDE 33mins

Slide 4.What is GRIT? Lead students through a class discuss on what is GRIT: guts, resilience, initiative, tenacity. 5mins

Divide class into pairs, give handout ‘5 Characteristics of Grit’ and ask students to work through the handout and respond to questions on slide 4. 10mins

Slide 5. Discuss goals with students. Explain the chart and that the superordinate goal directly links to GRIT. Get students to complete a goal hierarchy that outlines their superordinate goal. 15mins

Slide 6. What is resilience?– give students handout ‘The Rose That Grew From Concrete’. Talk about Tupac – who is he? Students will probably know who he is! I’ve provided tutors with cheat sheet on Tupac to help lead the discussion. Many won’t know that Tupac was also a poet! 20mins

Slide 7. Select a few students who feel comfortable in sharing with the class some of their responses to the ‘The Rose That Grew From Concrete’ handout (time permitting) 5mins

Slide 8 - ask the students to watch the video on stress and to take notes.3mins

Slide 9 – whole class discussion on stress. The students may at first give broad answers to what makes them stress, but see if you can get them to narrow in on uni studies. 12mins

Slide 10-11 - Using SLIDE 11, work through the picture shown and ask students to think of ways they cope with stress. 5mins

Slide 12 - Using SLIDE 12, discuss the diagram that explains how self-compassion leads to resilience. Take students through the three steps. This could be a good opportunity to revisit why we do the ‘mindfulness’ activity. 5mins

Slide 13 – divide class into groups of 4. Give them butchers paper and markers. In groups, students are to think of 2 university related hurdles / challenges and design a poster responding to the questions on the slide. Get them to discuss what these challenges will mean for their self-compassion and resilience, and how they can bolster themselves for the end of the semester. 20mins

If there is time, you may want to bring this into a whole class discussion and students can share their posters. 5mins

Slide 14– summarise for the students what they have learned today. Hopefully they will see that each of today’s components relate to each other. 5mins

Slide 15. IF YOU HAVE EXTRA TIME – let the students watch the ‘Retrain Your Mind’ motivational video. Ask them to put away all devices (phones / laptops) and just sit back and watch. Do not discuss the video afterward, rather, allow the students to internally reflect in their own time post tutorial.

Slide 16. Wrap up / Questions. 5mins

SLIDE 17 has links to references and extra readings.