Tuscarora High School
RRW/English 10 Syllabus
Mrs. Ricci and Mrs. Hedlund
Contact InformationEmail:
Phone: 240-236-6400 240-236-6472
Room: B208
Course Description
RRW (READ 180) is an intensive reading program designed to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The program directly addresses individual needs through adaptive instructional software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading and writing skills.
English 10 is divided into four units: Home and Family, Fences and Borders, Defining Ourselves, and Heritage and Language. In each unit, we will strive to learn, practice, and apply language skills supported by a variety of readings. A typical day in this class will include a warm-up, grammar, reading, writing, vocabulary work, and a closure. Activities are designed to meet the needs of all learners.
Objectives: At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze the language, structure, tone, and purpose of both print and non-print texts in order to make meaning.
- Compose a variety of texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
- Research and construct arguments stemming from classic and contemporary texts.
- Reflect and respond critically about universal experiences, contemporary society, and themselves through reading, writing, and class discussion.
Policies and Procedures
The foundation of this classroom will be the following five policies. All of the procedures we follow are based around these guiding policies. Here are the classroom rules.
Be on time
Please be inside my classroom when the bell rings. If you arrive late, you will be marked late. If you are tardy, you need to sign in, mark your tardy on the tardy tracker, and gather your materials as quickly and as quietly as possible.
Be prepared
Please get your folder as soon as you enter the room. Not only do you need to bring your materials and your homework to class, you also need to bring along a good attitude and a willingness to learn. We will teach you, but you need to want to learn something.
Be respectful
We know how difficult it can be to get along with each other sometimes, but we will all respect each other’s wishes and needs in this room at ALL times. This means that we respect each other’s stuff, body, and feelings. In addition, we will adhere to appropriate social manners while in my classroom: saying please, thank-you, and excuse me are all required.
Be your best
We are here to LEARN. We are here to teach you and prepare you for the tests and tasks that you will encounter in the future. It may at times be difficult to understand WHY we are doing something in class, but I promise you, there is a reason for it. Follow all directions, try your very best, and ask questions when you don’t understand. We are here to work together for your success.
Be a good listener
We all need to practice listening more and talking less. We will listen attentively to other people during discussions and try to build on or respond to what they say.
When students make poor choices, there are consequences. Here’s what happens:Step 1Verbal Warning
Step 2 Student / Teacher conference
Step 3 Parent Contact (email or phone)
Step 4 After school detention (Friday 2:30pm-3:00pm)
Step 5 Office Referral
Severe Clause
Any behavior that includes willfully hurting someone or something, screaming/cursing, or any behavior so disruptive that teaching and learning that cannot take place will be an immediate Step 5.
Each student will be required to maintain a class folder. Handouts, graded work and works-in-progress are expected to remain in this folder unless otherwise directed. Students will also turn in work using this folder. In-class folders prevent students from losing needed materials and also enable students to keep track of their writing.
AbsencesStudents will be given weekly overview sheets which will summarize each day of class. After returning from an absence, students should consult their sheets to see what they missed. Then, students should check the daily folders to pick up the handouts they need. I will check in with students to make sure they understand the concepts and assignments. If further explanation is needed, students should schedule an appointment before or after school.
Late Work Policy – (Departmental Policy)
- All assignments are to be submitted on the date designated by the teacher.
- 10% of the total grade will be subtracted from any assignment that is submitted one (1) weekday after the designated submission date.
- An additional 10% will be subtracted from the assignment grade for up to five (5) total weekdays after the designated submission date.
- A maximum of 50% of the total grade will be given to the submitted assignment after a total of five (5) weekdays after the submission date.
- 0% will be given to any assignment submitted seven (7) days after the designated submission date.
Summative Assessment - 60%
Formative Assessment – 30%
Homework – 10%
Grading Scale
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 59 and below
Plagiarism, the presentation of another’s work as your own, will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for that assignment. A detailed plagiarism contract must be signed and returned to me in the first week.
Daybook or Journal specifically for this class (see handout)
Best wishes for a successful year!