Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition Meeting
Friday, September 1, 2017
ADAMHS Board Meeting Room
Jodi Salvo, Personal & Family Counseling Services
Diana Smith, Personal & Family Counseling Services
Marcia Stuart, Community Hospice
Amy Miller, Personal & Family Counseling Services
Natalie Bollon, ADAMHS Board
William Harding, Citizen Member
Connie Limbacher, Citizen Member
Orvis Campbell, Tuscarawas County Sheriff
David Harris Jr, Citizen Member
Peggy Leslie, Harcatus RSVP
Jaynie Norman, Citizen Member
Phil Valdez, Tuscarawas County Sheriff’s Office
Mary Frank, Personal & Family Counseling Services
Jon Coventry, CMH
Miles Riley, CMH/CFHC
Elizabeth Albrecht, Tusc Co Sheriff’s Office
Jeff Neidig, Medi-Wise Pharmacist
Meeting Summary:
Orvis Campbell called the meeting to orderat 12:00 PM on Friday, September1, 2017with 17 members present. Bill Harding made a motion to accept the August minutes with Marcia Stuart seconding.
Prescription Drug Disposal Campaign—Orvis shared that they are trying to get accurate weights on the past disposals.
Strategic Recruiting--An August 16th meeting was held and it was decided that we need to develop a coalition elevator speech. This will assist coalition members to be able to effectively communicate who we are and what we do, as we recruit to fill Sector committees.
Prescription Drug Disposal Campaign and Bags--Jodi shared that in October we will be holding our annual prescription drug disposal in a campaign.Flyers will be handed out to county physician offices, agencies and pharmacies. Flyers include the 3 Whys to dispose and the location of drop off boxes in the county. Connie Limbacher is also creating a list of other potential areas in the community that can be used to disseminate the flyers. She will compile list and give it to Peggy Leslie, RSVP. RSVP volunteers will then provide flyers to identified sites throughout the county. On October 28th there will be 3 Take Back Sites (Union, Trinity and Mercy) from 10:00-2:00. Press Releases will go out to TR and Bargain Hunter and Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District has also paid for radio advertisement to promote proper disposal and Take Back Day. Billboards have been secured. United Way has partnered with the coalition and will pay for Fairground Billboard and Miller Studio is paying for Billboard at NP 5 points. Next topic was on Rx disposal /Deterra bags. Jeff Neidig and Jodi Salvo attended the Summit County Deterra project one year celebration. The event showcased how the program began, success, and lessonslearned. So far Summit County’s data has shown that already 26 percent of the bags were used for opiates and narcotics. Orvis shared that a Deterra bag was given to him when receiving a prescription at Akron Children’s Hospital following his son’s surgery last week. Rx Disposal committee will meet to discuss learning more about disposal bags to expand disposal efforts in the county..
Tuscarawas County Fair—September 18-24—Orvis reported that the Sheriff’s office will offer two trainings prior to the fair for coalition members to assist them in better answering questions community members might have while manning fair both. Training dates and times will be emailed to coalition. A sign-up sheet was passed around for two-hour shifts, during the fair; the ADC will be sharing a booth with Sheriff’s Office and EMA. Details will be emailed out to those manning booth prior to fair.
Youth Serving Sector: Prevention education through PFCS, “Takin’ It it to the Schools” program is in all but one district in the county. Youth led prevention is now in all but one high school in Tuscarawas County. Youth Led is off to a great startDover had 25 teens that attended their first meeting and Tuscarawas Central Catholic had 22. Schools are starting planning for upcoming school year and initial focus is on Red Ribbon efforts.
Law Enforcement Sector: Sheriff Campbell and Lt Phil Valdez presented some pictures and info of what is happening in this area regarding to the use of drugs. There has been a decrease in Opiates prescribed. Discussed cooler stuffed edibles and the meth that is being made in the county. Meth use was down last year but is up now since the fentanyl scare. Officers are going into the schools, being asked to present to health classes to teach and share what is happening in the county. Kids are very familiar with the abuse of pills and use of vapors, as well as marijuana concentrates like dab and shatter.
Marcia Stuart made a motion to adjourn andBill Harding seconded. Meeting adjourned at 1:25p.m.
Next meeting will be held Friday, October6th at 12:00 at the ADAMHS Board.