Turtle Lake Golf Colony

April, 2015

Turtle Lake Golf Colony Owners/Residents:

Attached are the revised Rules and Regulations as of April 2015. They have been assembled by owners and approved by the current Board of Directors. Guardian Property Management has the contracted responsibility of insuring adherence. As an owner/resident it is your responsibility to know and follow them.

Major changes from the 2012 version are:

1.  Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (18 or older) when using any Turtle Lake facility: pool – tennis – club house – shuffle board, etc.

2.  Any person 18 years of age or older must have with them a Turtle Lake unit or guest badge (tag) when using any facility mentioned in #1.

3.  See Building Rules, Page 7, Rule #32: “Court Ordered Premise Access Violations.”

4.  See Unit Alteration Application, Page 9, Rule #1.

5.  Children or adults must use the Bath House when changing.

6.  Noodles are permitted in the pool, rafts are not.

7.  If leases are not renewed before they expire, a $50.00 Late Fee will be added.




Revised April 2015

This update supersedes all previous issues.

This update supplements and supports the controlling documents; it neither supersedes nor overrides them.

Two additional sources of information concerning the operations at Turtle Lake Golf Colony are the “Policy Manual” which contains statements as to “what” will be done, and the “Procedures Manual” containing instructions as to how specific actions will be done and who will do them. These are available for reviewing only at the Office.

The Rules and Regulations contained in this update are deemed in effect until changed/amended by the Board of Directors or overruled by changes in the law, especially the changes to the Condominium Act made by the Bureau of Condominiums. Every owner of a condominium parcel, whether acquired by purchase, by gift, by conveyance or transfer by operation of law, or otherwise, shall be bound by the Declaration of Condominium, By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, and the Rules and Regulations of Turtle Lake Golf Colony. The owner is responsible for compliance by family, renters and guests.

Provisions in the nature of Rules/Regulations are specified in Articles XIII and XIV of the Declaration of Condominium.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to make additional rules and regulations as may be required from time to time. The Board of Directors may also delete or change rules and regulations as may be required from time to time. The additions, deletions and changes shall be as binding as all other rules and regulations previously adopted.






CLUBHOUSE...... 11 - 12


WASHER & DRYERS ...... 14

VEHICLES & PARKING ...... 14 - 15





1. Personal Property:

The personal property of all unit owners shall be stored within the units or in assigned storage space. Any items on storage room floors will be removed and disposed of.

2. Common Elements - Obstructions

No garbage cans, supplies, milk containers, or other articles shall be left in the halls, on the walkways, on stairs, staircase landings, or on any of the common elements. No linens, cloths, clothing, curtains, rugs, rags, mops, towels, laundry, or any other article shall be hung on, or shaken from any of the windows, doors, walkways, or lanais. No articles may be hung or exposed on any part of the common elements.

3. Flag:

The US. Flag may be displayed in the prescribed proper manner.

4. Fire Exits:

Fire exits are not to be obstructed in any way. In case of fire, call 911.

5. Cigarette Butts:

Nothing shall be allowed to fall or be thrown from any window, walkway, or door. No dirt or other substance shall be swept or thrown onto any walkways, halls, elevators, ventilators, etc. or upon the ground. Cigarette butts shall not be disposed of on the common elements, including throwing or dropping butts from or on any floor.

6. Trash & Large Items:

A. Refuse, garbage, newspapers, and other trash shall be bagged and deposited in the places provided therefore. Recycling is on a volunteer basis. Bins are located outside near your building. Please observe container instructions.

B. When large items need to be removed, the owner or renter must contact the Office. The Office Secretary will complete a “bulk pick-up” form and will call for removal of the item or items to be removed. The cost for this service will be determined by the waste removal agency. The owner or renter will be billed for the service. Items left on common areas by persons whose identities are unknown will be removed, and an attempt to find the one who abandoned the items will be made. A $50.00 fee will be imposed, in addition to the cost of removal charged by Waste Management.

7. Motor Bikes:

The use or parking of any motorcycle, moped, motor propelled scooter or bicycle, all-terrain or similar type is prohibited on the Association property.


8. RV's, Boats:

No boats, trailers, motor homes, RV’s, motorcycles, all-terrain, or similar type vehicles are allowed to be parked, stored or washed on Association property.

9. Parking:

The parking facilities shall be used in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Board of Directors. (See Parking section of this booklet).

10: Lanais:

Items used on screened lanais shall be the usual furniture designed for lanais use and shall not be of a character as to detract from the appearance of the building. All blinds, curtains, and shutters must be white in color. All items on lanais must be removed when leaving the unit for season and /or longer than two weeks.

11 . Noise:

No unit owner shall make or permit any disturbing noises in the building by any occupant, employee, agent, visitor, guest or renter in their unit. Nor shall any owner do or permit anything by such persons that will interfere with the rights, comforts, or convenience of other unit occupants. No person shall play upon any musical instrument, or operate a phonograph, television, radio, or sound amplifier in such a manner as to disturb or annoy other occupants. All persons shall lower the volume as to the foregoing so that they cannot be heard outside the unit between the hours of 10:00 PM to 9:00 AM. No owner or occupant shall conduct, or permit to be conducted, vocal, or instrumental instruction at any time.

12. Antenna:

No wiring for radio, television, or other use shall be installed outside the unit. Any antenna, aerial erected or installed outside the unit (walls, roofs, or common grounds) will be removed, without notice, and at the cost of the owner of the unit for which the installation was made.

13. Dish:

Dish antenna installation of three feet in diameter or less is allowed within the unit’s limited common lanai area. If it is attached to the walls or floor, it must be installed by licensed, bonded, and insured contractor and must be registered at the Office. A temporary tripod style mount may be installed by an individual resident. At no time may hole(s) be drilled through any wall or door frame without written permission from the Office. The installation of a TV dish system will not grant the owner a reduction in the maintenance fee equal to the amount paid for cable. This will be in effect until superseded by County, State, or Federal regulation.

14. Open House Signs:

Signs advertising an open house shall be professionally made (like a Realtor's sign). There is a limit of two (2) signs: one (1) on Forest Lakes Boulevard and one (1) on the grass area in front of the building where unit is being shown. Signs may be


displayed only between dawn and dusk. No other signs shall be permitted on or about the buildings.

15. Outside Walls, Doors or Roof:

No awning, canopy, shutter, or other projection shall be attached to or placed upon the outside walls, doors, or roof of the building without the written consent of the Board of Directors. Screened lanais may not be enclosed. All lanais and windows must be screened and must conform to the general pattern throughout the complex.

16. No Cooking on Lanais:

No cooking on lanai or common areas: No cooking is permitted on any screened lanais or outside the unit except in the pool area.

17. Flammables:

No flammable, combustible or explosive fluid, chemical, or toxic substance shall be kept in any unit, lanai, storage areas, or assigned limited common area, except those required for normal household use.

18 Food:

Food and beverage may not be consumed on Condominium property outside a unit, except for such areas as the pool and Clubhouse.

19. Employee Directions:

Employees of the Association shall receive their orders from the Manager and the President only. Requests from residents are to be directed to the Manager in writing.

20. Keys:

The Association Manager shall retain a passkey to each unit. No unit lock shall be altered or replaced without providing the Manager with a key for the use of the Association, pursuant to its right of access.


21. Complaints:

Complaints regarding the service of the Condominium Association shall be made to the Manager, in writing, and either mailed or personally delivered. If the Manager cannot resolve the complaint, it shall be forwarded to the Board of Directors for resolution. Florida Statute 718.112 (2) (a) states: owners may expect the Board to respond within 30 days after sending a written complaint to the Board by certified mail. The Board must give a substantive response in writing to the unit owner,

notify the unit owner that a legal opinion has been requested, or notify the unit owner that advice has been requested from the division.


22. Maintenance Fees:

Condo maintenance fees are due the first of each month by the following methods:

(i) A.C.H. Automatic Withdrawal (see office for form) Using Monthly Mail-in Coupons provided by T.L.G. C.

(ii) On Line Banking

Advanced payments are appreciated and may be made in multiple months up to 12 months as desired.

A. If payment is not received by the 10th of that month a late fee of $25.00 is added to the unit ledger and a letter is sent to the address on file stating same. After two (2) months delinquency, owners are subject to legal steps which may lead to suspension of their rights.

B. At ninety (90) days the Association can suspend all access to common facilities such as pool, clubhouse, and basic T.V.

23. Absence from Unit:

Each unit owner who will be absent during the hurricane season, must prepare the unit prior to departure by:

A. Removing all furniture, plants, and other objects from the screened lanai.

B. Designating a responsible person or firm to check the unit.

C. The unit's main water supply valve MUST be shut off when the unit is to be left unoccupied. Any unit owner not complying with this rule will be fined according to the State of Florida Statutes. Our By-Laws require that a unit owner designate an agent to be responsible for inspection and care of unit. When the owner is out of the area, and has inadvertently left the water valve on, he or she must contact the designated agent to shut off the main valve. The Office cannot be responsible for shutting off the valve except in the case of emergency.

24. Notify Office:

A. Each unit owner, renter, or other occupant thereof shall notify the Manager when unit is to be unoccupied for periods exceeding two (2) weeks.

B. Any occupant staying in any unit must register at the Manager’s Office within seventy-two (72) hours after arrival. Failure to do so will result in a $50.00 late filing fee to be assessed to unit owner.

C. The use of mothballs and or other noxious chemicals for vermin control is prohibited in compliance to a State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Service Law. If fumes are detected coming from a unit, that unit must be immediately cleaned out and aired out until the odor is gone.

25. No Pets:

No pets of any type are allowed. Service animals are allowed. Medical certification of blindness is required. People with medical illness need to contact the Office for


documentation required by law to substantiate a legal service animal prior to bringing the animal on to T.L.G.C. property.

26. Rules:

0wners, renters, guests, and visitors shall adhere to the rules posted at the recreation areas.

27. Obstructions:

The sidewalks, entrances, passages, elevators, vestibules, stairways, corridors, halls, and all the common elements, must not be obstructed or encumbered or used for any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the premises, nor shall any carriages, tricycles, bicycles, wagons, chairs, benches, tables, or any other object of a similar type and nature be stored or left thereon.

28. No playing or loitering:

No person or persons shall play or loiter in halls, stairways, elevators, or other common elements, including parking areas and lawns.

A. Skates, skateboards, roller blades, and scooters are not permitted in or upon common areas.

B. Bicycles parked on common area must have a permit sticker which is available at the Office (no charge). Bicycles when NOT in use should be locked up at the assigned location for each building or kept in your unit.