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Turnover and New Hire Report
In May of this year, the IRS released the final regulations governing the employer shared responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). We have been continuing to follow the governmental requirements and their changes to the ACA, and as such, created the ACA Reporting tool that was released in May 2014. We have added the remaining two new reports required for ACA Reporting. Located in RSI Shift Solutions, the Turnover Report and New Hire Report are available for your enjoyment.
Read the information below prior to running the reports. This way you’ll have a better understanding for how the information was derived as well as what to do with the information.
Turnover report
Purpose: To determine the employee turnover rate in your organization. Use this report to spot areas of opportunity that may lead to better training programs, scheduling (especially in seasonal restaurants) and/ or wage increases for certain job codes.
- Report Calculations: This report is calculated based on the information received from the RSIpayroll data that you have entered – It is not calculated based on information from your POS System. This is because the payroll data is the defining source of labor information. Many times the POS information is not accurate. You know the rule: Garbage in, Garbage out…..
- Sorting: Can be sorted by Terminated Team member, Hire Date, Term Date, and Job Code
- Tenures: Tenure months are calculated (in hierarchical order) from the following data:
- Employee’s hire date
- Employee’s re-hire date (only applicable if an employee was terminated, and then re-hired)
- Asterisks: If you see an employee with an asterisk next to his/her name, that person is/was an activeemployeeduring your selected date range.
- JobCodes: An employee will be listed several times when they have worked multiple job codes. However, the employee is only calculated one time.
(Report screenshot below)
New Hire Report
Purpose: Used for determining eligibility requirements for a variety of items such as: Health insurance, vacation, 401k and ACA lookback periods.
- Sorting: Sorts based on Team Member Hire Date
- Report Calculations: Once again, this report is calculated based on the information received from the RSIpayroll data that you have entered – It is not calculated based on informationfrom your POS System. This is because the payroll data is the defining source of labor information. Many times the POS information is not accurate. You know the rule: Garbage in, Garbage out…..
- Tenures: Tenure months are calculated (in hierarchical order) from the following data:
- Employee’s hire date
- Employee’s re-hire date (only applicable if an employee was terminated, and then re-hired)
- Multiple team member listing: Team members will be listed multiple times based on the number of job codes they worked during the report query.
(Report screenshot below)
If you have any questions regarding the new Turnover and New Hire Reports, please don't hesitate to call an RSI Operations Specialist.
January 22, 2019