Turning Our Lives Around

Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the season of Lent for many Christians. Lent is a time set aside for paying attention to the ways that we aren’t living up to our hopes and dreams for ourselves, or what God’s vision is for us. Lent is a season for repentance: a season for turning our lives around.

We all make mistakes, we all do things we’re not proud of, and we all have flaws and limitations. This is part of what it means to be human. The ashes are a re-minder of this—that we’re not per-fect; that life is short; and that none of us is God. One day, we will all die.

But in the meantime there is grace—a God who loves us, who forgives us, and who encourages us to try again. And, in the resurrection of Jesus we see the promise of new life in the face of death. Not a life that ignores pain or suffering, or pretends it’s not real, but a true, abundant life that takes death seriously and moves forward in hope anyway.

May God bless you this Lent with the forgiveness, hope and renewal that can turn your life around.

If you have further questions, please contact any of the churches or pastors listed. We would love to journey with you as you explore faith and life.

Good Shepherd UMC

3800 Roland Ave, 21211


Rev. Bonnie McCubbin

We are called to serve the needs of God’s children within and beyond our walls.

Mt. Vernon Place UMC

10 E. Mt. Vernon Pl, 21202


Pastor Laura Kigweba

Come and See.

Ames Memorial UMC

615 Baker St, 21217


Rev. Rodney Hudson

To make new Christians that will transform our community.

Mt. Washington-Aldersgate UMC

5800 Cottonworth Ave, 21209


Rev. Vera Mitchell

To make disciples.

Sharp Street Memorial UMC

1206 Etting St, 21217


Rev. Carey James

To make disciples.

Ashes to Go

“Remember you are dust, and to dust you will return”

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Cooperative Ministry of Baltimore United Methodist Churches

Going Deeper

These ashes are an invitation into a deeper relationship with God. Many Christians observe Lent by taking on a new spiritual practice during the 40 days.

Spiritual practices at Lent traditionally include prayer, fasting, and giving to charity. Today that might mean:

- Fasting (giving up food) during a particular time of the day or week

- Fasting from a particular food or activity (Like TV or Facebook)

- Giving time to volunteer

- Donating to people in need and/or organizations that help them

- Reading/meditating on the Bible

- Self-examination

- Making amends

- Joining or recommitting to a faith community

Connecting In Community

Here are some ways you could join with others in turning your life around this Lenten Season:

February 10-Ash Wednesday

12 Noon: Worship at Sharp Street UMC

7pm: Worship at Good Shepherd UMC or Mt. Vernon Place UMC

Tuesdays (March 7-April 11)

2pm & 6pm: The Apostles’ Creed Bible Study-Good Shepherd UMC


12 noon: Community Meal-Ames UMC

5:30-7:30pm: Eat & Greet (Free Food and Tours)-Mt. Vernon Place UMC


10am: Good Shepherd UMC & Sharp Street Memorial UMC

11am: Mt. Vernon Place UMC

11:15am: Mt. Washington UMC

11:30am: Ames Memorial UMC

Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with all your hearts, with fasting, with weeping, and with sorrow; tear your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the LORD your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, very patient, full of faithful love, and ready to forgive.

Joel 2:12-13

Holy Week

April 9-Palm Sunday

Worship with Palms at Each Church

April 13-Holy Thursday

7pm: Worship at Good Shepherd UMC, with Communion

April 14-Good Friday

10:30am-3pm: Community Cross Walk starting at Hampden UMC and ending at Salvation Army Church (Hampden)with snacks and worship (7 Last Words)

April 15-Holy Saturday

1-3pm: Easter Egg Hunt at Good Shepherd UMC

April 16-Easter

7am: Community SonRise Worship by the “rock” in RooseveltPark, with Communion

Worship at Each Church