Community Action Plan
(A gross root planning document of MCBO-InsafCommitteeUnion Council MermandiAzeem, DIU-Lakki Marwat)
Feb 2016
Male Community Based Organization (MCBO) InsafCommetyMarmandi Multan
Introduction...... 3
Background...... 3
Geographical Location...... 3
Social Mobilization in village Marmandimultan…………………………...... 3
Objectives of CAP Development...... 4
Methodology...... 4
Group discussion and Transect walk...... 4
Our Vision...... 5
Socio-Economic Situation...... 5
Agriculture...... 5
Livestock...... 6
Education...... 7
Health...... 7
Govt. Facilities...... 7
Water and Sanitation...... 7
Women’s development...... 8
Disaster Management...... 8
Others...... 8
Seasonal Calendar...... 9
Pie Diagram...... 10
Wealth Ranking...... 11
Need Prioritization of CBO...... 13
Action Plans of CBO...... 14
Situation Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Village Map...... 16
Community Action Plan (CAP) is the planning document of Village Marmandi Multan designed by the men community members. In this activity the organized community of that area do joint planning for the solution of their common problems in order to get short, medium and long term results.
Village Marmandi Multan is situated in the Union Council MarMandiAzeem of Tehsil SaraiNaurang and District Lakki Marwat. According to the elders of the village Multan is the name of a man who migrated from ghaznikhel and set the foundation of this village.AndMarmandi is a herbal plant which is found in abundance in the locality of the village.
Geographical Location
MarmandiMultanis located at a distance of 22 km from Lakki Marwat laying on Indus highway. In the East of MarmandiMultanvillageMarmandiAzeem and is located (0-km), in the west lies Muhammad khan Ghznikhel (1.5 km), in the north falls Nar HarDev Shah Singh (1.5 km) and in south River Kurram (1 km) lies.
Social Mobilization in village Marmandi Multan
The process of SADP social mobilization in village MarmandiMultanstarted on 2ndNovember 2013. KP-SADP played an instrumental role in social mobilization through regular meeting with community, awareness raising and self-reliance. As a result of the social mobilization carried out by KP-SADP there are 5CBOs and 2 EIGs, among them one is female CBO. Male CBO InsafCommety formed on Novemberhaving membership of 26. Reported community organizations have provided communitywithplatforms to identify their potentials and enhance their skills. KP-SADP facilitated the community for their strategic felt need and conducted community assembly for men. In the community based meetings, they discuss their needs, opportunities and organized into community based organization.
CBO-InsafCommety members developed their village development plan through intensive six hours participation.
Social mobilization started in the village from 1998 when Barrani project entered the village. They formed a VO here which demanded a DWSS. A tube-well was constructed on its demand in the adjacent village KotkaShadi Khan. A pipeline from which fulfils the drinking water need of the village MermandiMultan.Barrani also planted a pressure pump here. In 2009 CMDO entered the village and facilitated community in forming a CO named Ujala. Through this CO a street pavement was made possible for the village, funded by CMDO. CMDO also planted a pressure pump here. They also distributed livelihood assets of worth 30 thousands each to the 25 community members. SABWON entered the village in June 2013 and approved a site for a solar light project worth of 60 lacs. SRSP also came here in 2008 and granted fund for a street pavement. SPO is also conducting community meetings in the village. PPAF also came in the village in August 2013 and identified 2 sites for bio gas project but after this survey they didn’t show their faces. SADP granted a fund of 25 laces to the CBO Umeed Welfare Society for the Access road and drainage system of the adjacent village KotkaShadi Khan.
Objective of VDP Development
Objectives of CAP formulation includes following;
- Identification of villages level developmental issues and challenges.
- To suggest and develop mechanism for community based developmental interventions.
- To plan and strategize for overall community development through analyzing community issues, resources and opportunities.
- To contribute in improvement of living standard of target community.
Information of CAP formulation is collected through different interactive methodologies which includes;
- Transect walk.
- Social mapping.
- Daily activities charts (time managed activity)
- Seasonal calendar
- Pie diagram
- Wealth ranking (poverty ranking)
- Focus group discussion (FGD)
- Group Work
- Village map
Group Discussion and transect walk
Focus group discussion and group work held with community men incorporated in community action plan. KP-SADP DIU- Lakki Marwat social organizers attended the sessions and documented the gathered information. Through the mentioned techniques, community sets their development vision for future.
Community Meeting Transect Walk
Our vision
Empowered community with problems (needs) free environment where people will have facilities of health, education and skill enhancement with increased participation in decision making through viable institutions.
Socio-Economic Situation
All the information in this portion is collected from community through a designed checklist. Marmandi Multan has 500 households having population of approximately 4500.
There is no formal Jirga system but the elders of the village do have the decision power both for men and women. Women are ultimately excluded in traditional village level decision making process.
Community of the said locality categorize in different categories of wealth ranking ranging from poorest of the poor to well off having varying access to resources. The living arrangement and construction of houses also varies. In Marmandi Multan1% houses are cemented 74% mix and 25% houses are full mudded .
Inhabitants of the village have 6000kanal of cultivated land for agriculture purpose and 35% of the people are involved in it. For irrigation of cultivable land there are 6privatetube wells and people pay 320rs per hour to irrigate their land. The land is also irrigated by Barani water through water channels. From agriculture point of view land of MarmandiMultanissuitable for all kind of crops cultivation/sowing provided availability of irrigation water for it.
The farmers/tenants plough by tractor. There is now spray machine and other modern appliances with community to prevent plants from insects and weeds grown in the field that affect the productivity of the crops and human lives.
The community has land holding and cultivate crops such as, wheat and maize and also cultivate green fodder. Their land also produces Melon, Cucumber, Eggplant, Tomato, Cabbage, Spinach, Carrotand Radish.
While discussing issues associated with agriculture sector community mentioned that they have no timely access to fertilizers and certified seeds at their village. Unavailability of water in time and lack of modern technology and technical expertise for agriculture also persist.
Community use livestock for domestic purposes. In the village there is considerable number of livestock mentioned below.
Type / Number / Type / NumberCow / 600 / Goat / 200
Sheep / 30 / Donkey / 30
Poultry / 1000 / Horse / 5
They have no proper training regarding livestock. There is a veterinary dispensary in the village, but have no building and equipments. Due to the non availability of equipments and proper cure arrangements villagers go to SeraiNaurang (6 km) for Livestock concern.
There are 5 schools in the village. One is a female and 4 are male Schools. Female school is named as GGPS MermandiMultan(kotkashadi khan) having student’s strength of 150 and 5 teachers. There are 3 male primary schools named as GPS GhulamJan(1998), GPS No 1 Mermandi Multan(1984), GPS No 2(2000) having strength of 100, 120 and 40 respectively. The three schools have strength of teachers as 2, 3 and 2 respectively. There is a middle school named as GMS MermandiMultan(2007) having student’s strength of 120 and 8 teachers. The academic data of the village provided by the community members is as: There are 25 MAs, 80 BAs, 190 FAs, 230 Matriculate, 380 Middle and 480 Primary on male side. And 5 MAs, 20 BAs, 35 FAs, 70 Matriculate, 100 Middle and 300 Primary on female side
There is no health facility from govt side. People approach NaurangHealthcentre or DHQ Bannu for major cases. There is no Family Planning Worker and no mother care centre. There are 3 first aid shops in the village. On the other side people have no knowledge of health& Hygiene and often prey to all disease that is related to health& hygiene.
Government Facilities
All the households in the locality have access to electricity and mobile service facility. They have also limited access to education institutions, health center and drinking water sources.
Water and Sanitation
There is a damaged DWSS and few pressure pumps. People also get water from an
Irrigation tube well outside the village.
According to the community members 20% dwellers have pit latrines 20% ODF, and60% dwellers use flush latrines.Most of the Streets of the village are unpaved and there is no proper sewerageand solid waste disposal system in the entire village.
Almost all the male population (100%) of the village above 18 years of age have their computerizednational identity card. 2% female of the village don’t have their CNIC.
Women’s Development
The women of the village do embroidery, stitching etc. But they are deprived from vocationalcentre to enhancetheir skills and to give them opportunity to sell their products for income generation.
Disaster Management
The area is prone to some natural and man-made disaster like drought, earthquake and
environmentalissues. But the respective community has very little awareness about disasters. Only SABAWON has conducted a disaster management training program for the people.. The disaster preparedness and risk management strategiesareat low in the village.
Village MarmandiMultan(kotkashadi khan) is absolutely lacking in social structure like education, health, sanitation and environment.
Seasonal Calendar
Community men and SADP representatives draw the seasonal calendar. The purpose of the seasonal Calendar is to point out and document community engagement during the whole activity.
The calendar also shows availability of community for development interventions and other
engagement of community with socially given activities. The activity also shows community role in agriculture, livestock, education and other sector of development.
Pie Diagram
It describes professions of the target community that what are the main livelihood sources and percentage of dependency also. The table shows that 35% of people earn from agriculture, 40% from labour (35% unskilled & 5% skilled), 10% livestock, 5% employed, 9% business and 1% foreign remittances.
Wealth Ranking
Through a PRA tool called wealth ranking participants categorize community into four major economic categories; poorest of the poor, poor better off and well off.
During the exercise community classified 500 households under these four categories.
The given chart shows that 25 hh of the total households of village Marmandi Multan are well off, 125 hh are better off, 300 hh are poor and 50 hh are poorest of the poor according to the criteria developed by the community for wealth ranking.
Criteria for Wealth Ranking
Well off / Better off / Poor / Very PoorStandard / Standard / Standard / Standard
Needs and requirements of a daily routine can be easily fulfilled and can cope with unexpected financial expenses and unfavourable situations.
Can support other (family and other people) in case of any crises.
Owned more than one income source. / Needs and requirements of daily routine can achieve hardly.
Income and expenses are equal.
Can provide education to their children. / Those who can afford three times meal a day but unable to fulfil other needs.
Those who cannot bear expenses of health and education.
Expenditures are more than their income.
Do not have their own residence. / Those who have nothing to meet their basic needs and rely on Zakaat, Sadqaat and Khairaat.
25 households / 125 households / 300 households / 50 households
Need Prioritization CBO InsafCommety
Need prioritization is one the tool by whom one can easily assess the dire need of any sort of problem/issue facing by any kind of community it may be, like rural, business, urban etc. The problem/needs/issues should be written in a tabular form in this tool then people will grade/prefer the direst need they are facing and should be written in a prioritized form.
Pairwise Ranking of NeedsCBO InsafCommety
Needs / Streets / Road / DWSS / Protection wall / Pipe lineStreets / * / Streets / Streets / Streets / Streets
Road / * / * / DWSS / Protection wall / Pipe line
DWSS / * / * / * / DWSS / DWSS
wall / * / * / * / * / Pipe line
Pipe line / * / * / * / * / *
Total Numbers / 04 / 00 / 03 / 01 / 02
Action Plan of CBO-InsafCommette.
S.NO / What / Why / How / When / By whom / Impact1 / Street Pavements and drainage system
. / It will be easy for children and elders to move through the streets particularly in rainy days. Sanitation system will be relatively better.
Protection of adjacent walls and homes / CBO will forward resolution to KP-SADP. / 1 year / KP-SADP / Easy mobility, clean and healthy environment.
2 / Drinking Water / Because the village people have no proper drinking facility and they are suffering hard. / CBO with the support of KP-SADP and co-ordination of Public Health Department. / 7 months / KP-SADP and co-ordination of Public Health Department. / Clean drinking water will be available and health issues will be resolved.
3 / Link Road / -Easy access to the rest of the areas. / The CBO will forward a resolution to PK-SADP programme / 7 months / PK-SADP Programme and others / -Easy mobility to the near villages, access from farm to market, from village to academic institutions outside the village
4 / Protection Wall / Houses are vulnerable to Flash flood water / The CBO will forward a resolution to PK-SADP programme / 2 months / PK-SADP Programme and others / Houses will be protected from flash flood.
Need Prioritization EIG al-khidmatmalldari:
Needs / Veterinary dispensary / Poultry farm / Dairy farmVeterinary dispensary / Poultry farm / Poultry farm
Poultary farm / Poultry farm
Dairy farm
T.number / 0 / 3 / 2
PK-SADP Programme and others
Situation Analysis
CAP is a crucial activity for the identification of community resources,needs and overall analysis of the area. In this activity organized community of that area developed their planning for long, medium and short term result based on available resources especially for solution of their common problems. The community present in the meeting give their opinions/consultation about the problem/issues they are facing in their village. There were 32 people present in the meeting ranging from the age of 18 to 80 years. All these participants belong to male CBO. During discussion all the participants with one voice identified the Street Pavementsas their first prioritized need and DWSSastheir 2ndneed.VETERNARY DISPENSARY as their first prioritized need in EIG Al-KhidmatMaldari.During discussion they said that they are ready for any kind of labour.
S.NO / Name of CBO/EIG / M/W / Village / Membership / Date of formation / Chairperson / G.Secretary
1 / Gulistan / Men / Marmandi Multan / 28 / 28-11-2013 / Aziz khan / M. Hanif
2 / Azaan Welfare Society / Men / Marmandi Multan / 33 / 05-11-2013 / MinhasUllah / Khalid Usman
3 / Al-Mezaan / Men / Marmandi Multan / 30 / 01-12-2013 / Najeeb ullah / Hameedullah
4 / Kanwal Welfare Society / Female / Marmandi Multan / 25 / 02-12-2013 / ShaguftaNaz / Hamidabibi
5 / Inqilab / Male / Marmandi Multan / 08 / 07-11-2013 / InamUllah / M. Riaz
6 / jarsi / Male / Marmandi Multan / 08 / 12-11-2013 / Rais khan / FidaUllah
Village Map