Turner College and Career High School
Project Lead the Way
Engineering Design and Problem Solving 2016/2017
Engineering Design and Problem Solving (ED&PS) gives students an opportunity to exercise the skills they have developed not only in their Project Lead the Way classes, but in other classes and in their personal experiences in general. Students will work in teams to solve a problem of their choosing. This course centers on using, documenting, and working through the engineering design process to address a problem. EDD is about the journey of seeking a well-justified original solution to a real-world problem.
Classroom Policies:
Presentation of Design
Each student will maintain an engineer’s journal and portfolio. I will provide the journal and I will store the Portfolio work that is not recorded in the journal. The other daily assignments should be stored either in a 3 ring binder or pocket folder. At the end of each semester the best work will be set aside to be bound for a portfolio. Learning to build a portfolio is an important part of this course.
Class Participation
Students are expected to come to class with an attitude to do their best and to bring all the materials they need to participate fully in the class. Most of the work will be done in class so regular attendance is an important part of the course.
I will available for tutorials most days from 2:45 to 3:30. Each student is asked to sign in and out when they come for tutorials. Students may use this time to complete missed or unfinished work.
Students are given a 9 week calendar and should be prepared to complete work assigned during an absence for official school business prior to leaving. Students must turn in major projects due on the OSB date prior to the absence. Students absent for other reasons should meet with the teacher at their return to class to arrange the makeup of missed assignments.
Grading Polices:
The work in this course is challenging and success may not happen on the first try but I will provide many opportunities to improve a grade.
The purpose of the quizzes is to prepare students to safely use the prototyping equipment and to understand the computer modeling tools used in this course. These scores will be averaged in with the daily grades but will count twice. There are very few quizzes in this course.
Daily Assessments
These will be assignments designed to prepare the students for projects and quizzes. There will not be much homework for this class and it will consist mostly of researching topics that relate to your project, preparing for quizzes or to completing an assessment. The scores will be included in the averages of daily assessments.
The average of project work will account for 60% of the 9 weeks average and the due dates for these are provided. After the first 9 weeks the due dates will depend to some extent on the actual projects but there will have to be some final cut off deadlines. Occasionally I will return work with a low score but will allow the teams to redo the work for a higher score. The goal is to learn the process and to create a quality product.
This course is a yearlong project that has many parts that will be graded throughout the year and the final report and presentation will be included in the 4th 9 weeks grading period. This report and presentation will be weighted heavily in the last 9 weeks grading period. Students will present their work for the year to a panel of engineers, teachers, administrators, family members and friends. It should be understood that failure to sufficiently complete this project could result in a low or failing grade for the second semester.
There is a reprint of this policy at the end of this document, please print, sign and have your parent or guardian sign as well.
Technical Writing Assignments
For these assignments, the student will be asked to answer a question in paragraph format in their journal. The questions will be subjective so support of the opinion must be included. Students may write a 5 paragraph essay using these questions to make up for a zero on a daily grade. Writing assignments are good practice for college and career preparation.
In summary:
Daily (daily, quizzes, class participation, technical writing)40%
Pencils and erasers
Box of tissues (please)
If you have any questions concerning my policies please contact me by email ( ) or phone (281.727.1650).
1st Term Projects- due dates posted on calendar located on teacher website
Invention and Innovation – Patents
Steps to Design – Design Challenge
Choosing a Problem
Knowledge of the Marketplace
2nd Term Projects
Design Specification
Concept Development
Best Solution
Concept Testing
Choosing Materials and Fastening Procedures
3rd Term Projects
Virtual Solutions
Professional Correspondence
Test Criteria
Build the Prototype
Test Procedure
Test and Evaluate
2 Critical Design Review
4th Term Projects
Final Presentation
Final Report
Acknowledgement of Mentors
Student Name (Print) ______
Projects Grading Policy
The average of project work will account for 60% of the 9 weeks average and the due dates for these are provided. After the first 9 weeks the due dates will depend to some extent on the actual projects but there will have to be some final cut off deadlines. Occasionally I will return work with a low score but will allow the teams to redo the work for a higher score. The goal is to learn the process and create a quality product.
This course is a yearlong project that has many parts that will be graded throughout the year and the final report and presentation will be included in the 4th 9 weeks grading period. This report and presentation will be weighted heavily in the last 9 weeks grading period. Students will present their work for the year to a panel of engineers, teachers, administrators, family members and friends. It should be understood that failure to sufficiently complete this project will result in a low or failing grade for the second semester.
I have read and understand the previous statements.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print) ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Date ______
Revised August 2015