In the Tolworth Hook Surbiton Team Ministry
3 December 2017
First Sunday of Advent
The coming of…. a King? /
9.15am Holy Communion 11.00am All Age Worship
O come, O come Emmanuel
Readings Isaiah 11: 1-9 (Page 696) Readings Isaiah 11: 1-9 (Page 696)
Matthew 1:18-25 (Page 965)
Hymns MP 493, Longing for Light (sheet), 673, 493. Hymns MP 8, City on a hill, 1045, 493
At the 9.15am service the choir will sing the anthem “O thou the Central Orb” by Charles Wood.
Almighty God,
as your kingdom dawns,
turn us from the darkness of sin to the light of the holiness,
that we may be ready to meet you
in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Give thanks for answered prayer: and please pray for: Rev. Helen Hancock & family, Rev. Luke Wickings & family, The Tolworth Hook & Surbiton Team especially St. George’s during the Vacancy. Judy, who has cancer and John (friends of Norma). Adrienne (Yvonne’s friend) who is in hospital following an accident. Gareth Incledon, Christopher for his medical problems.
Diary for the weekStart of Posada Journey
Sunday / 3 / 4.00pm / Starlight Service for the residents and families of the Royal Star & Garter
Monday / 4 / 9.45am / Brunch Bunch : Chapel
10.00am / St Matthew’s Mum’s Group Meeting
8.00pm / Inspire House Group
Tuesday / 5 / 8.00pm / Discipleship Meeting
8.30pm / Ruby House Group
Wednesday / 6 / 8.00pm / Beta House Group
Thursday / 7 / 10.00am / Smarties : Chapel
8.00pm / Delta & Sigma House Groups
Friday / 8 / 6.30pm / Children’s Choir Rehearsal : Sitzler Room
7.00pm / Choir Practice
Saturday / 9 / 7.30pm / Cobham Brass Band Christmas Concert - Free entry. Retiring Collection
Sunday / 10 / 9.15am / Holy Communion Service
11.00am / All Age Worship
“The coming of . . . a King, according to Isaiah”. When we are not involved with a Nativity Play or excitedly waiting for Christingle, we will be hearing in our new sermon series what Isaiah has to say about 'The Coming of . . . .a King .' There is such a tie up between the prophecies of Isaiah and what happened in the coming of Christ that we will do well to explore this during Advent this year.
Bookstall - Do take the opportunity to look at our bookstall for the next couple of weeks - all the books can be purchased and you will be helping church funds by doing so!
Christmas Greetings-
For all of you who would like to send Christmas greetings to fellow Church members and donate £5 to Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness at the same time, please see our special “Message Tree” at the back of Church. There will be a sticker for you to write your message on and your donation can be placed in the tin by the tree. Thank you.
Christmas Gift Bags for the YMCA. We have been asked if we will contribute presents for the YMCA residents this year since the YMCA itself can no longer afford to give individual presents. If you can help, please prepare a Christmas gift bag for a male YMCA resident. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the table at the back of the church and take a flyer for full instructions.
Christmas Lunch at the YMCA. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help at the YMCA Christmas Lunch this year please get in touch with Carole Bourne via r telephone 07500 039452 or 020 8399 8438.
Cobham Band Christmas Concert- The magnificent Cobham Brass Band will be making a welcome return to St Matthew’s next Saturday 9th December with a seasonal programme guaranteed to get you in the Christmas mood! Free entry with retiring collection; refreshments available. Concert starts at 7.30pm.
Men’s Group Curry Night - On Monday 11th December the men from ThiS Team will be meeting at the Red Rose in Hook - not the restaurant of the same name in Surbiton - at 8pm for some festive socialising (fauna in the shape of the odd Kingfisher or Cobra may be making a guest appearance). Please let Simon know today (3rd) if you would like to come so that we have an idea of numbers.
Christmas Table Centres – Please note that Christmas Table Centres will be on sale at the back of church before and after the Sunday Services on the 17th December. Proceeds go to the Seven Whole Day Fund.
The CTS Lent Course running in 2018 will be the new York Course entitled ‘On the Third Day’. A poster is on the notice board at the back of Church. This is abrand new 5-session ecumenical course for discussion groups: 1. Have I got news for you! 2. So what? The implications of the Resurrection. 3.‘Let him Easter in us.’ 4. Celebrating and praying Easter. 5. A risen Church. The Course will run from the week beginning 19thFebruary 2018 for 5 weeks. As in previous years we are looking for hosts and venues in order to put together a schedule that offers a variety of days/times. If you are willing to a lead a group please speak to Helen a.s.a.p. Thank you.
Foodbank Focus “Christmas Treats”- To get to the recipients in time we start early this year! So tinned meat, tinned salmon, small Christmas puddings, small jars of coffee, chocolates.. the sort of items which would go in a Christmas Hamper, but NO alcohol thank you!Thanks for all your donations of food and toiletries in November.
2018 - We are starting to plan community events for St Matthew's for 2018 and would like to hear from you. Please pass on your ideas to either Carol Cameron or Pauline Keane - thanks in advance for your input!!!
Diary for 2018 - As soon as you get your new diary please make sure that our AwayWeekend - 12-14th October 2018 - goes straight in there! More details and booking will now follow in the New Year.
For more information about our church and events visit our website at www.stmatthewskt6.orgemail address: Church Office (Open 9-12 Mon, Thurs, Fri) 8390 5121
5ps collection for the Organ Fund.-The model of St Matthew’s Church piggy bank can be found at the back of church after both services for donations towards the future replacement of the organ electronics which date from 1962. Thanks for your contributions – please keep them coming.
Creche - We are hoping to cheer up our Creche Room. If anyone has any unwanted bean bags or floor cushions or posters for the walls which they would be happy to donate, please let Pauline know.Thanks
Prayer - Please use this special prayer as we continue to pray, think about and share how the Lord might be leading us. – Dear God,
may our church building be a beacon of light and love
providing a place of welcome, shelter and community for all.
Help us to understand the plans you have for us at St Matthew’s.