Chapter 9
Turing Machines, 11/12/03
- Problem:Simple languages like {anbncn} and {ww} are not context-free.
Goal:How to define a family of languages which is a super set of CFL’s and contains examples such as these:
- Define an automaton more powerful than an NPDA
Q:What is the ultimate in automatons?
What is the limit of computation?
- This leads to the concept of the Turing machine and Turing thesis:
Which says that any computational process which can be done on a “general purpose” digital machine could be done on a Turing machine
- Definition 9.1
A Turing machine is defined by:
M = (Q, ∑, , , q0, □, F)
Q = Set of internal states of control unit
∑ = Input alphabet (finite)
г = Tape alphabet (finite)
= Transition function (see below)
□ г is a “special” blank symbol
q0 Q is initial state
F Q set of final states
: QxQxx {L,R}
-A partial function (domain Q x )
∑ – {□}By definition
- How a TM works:
maps the current state of C.U. and the current symbol being read from the tape (under the R/W head)
New state of C.U., a new tape symbol which overwrites the old one, and a “move symbol” which moves the head left or right (after writing the tape symbol)
Ex. 9.1:
A move (q0,a) = (q1, d, R)
TM is derministic, maps uniquely to a new state
Def. Halt / Halt State:
A TM is said to halt whenever it reaches a configuration for which is not defined.
- Possible since a partial function
- No transitions defined for qf F
Halts whenever it enters a final state
- See Ex. 9.2
Definition: Infinite loop
A TM program which does not halt
See Ex 9.3 … infinite loop
- Standard Turing machine
-Unbounded tape in both directions allowing any number of L/R moves
-Deterministic – at most one move for each configuration
-No special “input file”
Tape has specific content at initial time.
May consider this as input
No output – but contents of tape may be viewed as output
- Instantaneous description
x1 q x2
Assume contents of tape delimited by all blanks on either side when in state q
x1 is symbols to left of head
x2 is symbols to right of head
1st symbol of x under head
a1 a2 . . . ak-1 q ak ak+1 . . . an
Definition. of “├” :
If(q1, c) = (q2, e, R)
Then the move
abq1cd ├ abeq2d
is made
Obvious extensions:├*├m
See Ex. 9.5 p. 227 3rd ed.
Formal Def. 9.2 p.228 3rd ed. (a “move”)
M = (Q, ∑, , , q0, □, F) is a TM
Any string a1…ak-1q1akak+1…an
with an and q1 Q
is an instantaneous description of M
A move:
a1…ak-1q1akak+1…an ├ a1…ak-1bq1ak+1…an
is possible iff
(q1,ak) = (q2, b, R)
a1…ak-1q1akak+1…an ├ a1…q2ak-1bak+1…an
is possible iff
(q1,ak) = (q2, b, L)
Definition of HALTING:
M is said to halt from some initial configuration, x1qnx2
If: x1qnx2 ├* y1qjay2 (goes to a configuration for which is not defined)
For any qj and a for which (qj,a) is undefined
This is called a computation
If it never halts:x1qx2 ├*
Turing Machines as a Language Accepter
Let M = (Q, ∑, , , q0, □, F)be a TM
Then language accepted by M is:
L(M) = {w ∑+, : q0w ├* x1qfx2 for some qf F, x1,x2*}
“□” is a delimiter
Blanks excluded from input
All input restricted to well defined region of tape, bracketed by blanks on left and right.
What happens if W L(M)
(1)Machine halts in nonfinal state
(2)Machine enters loop
Any string for which M does not halt
Is NOT in L(M)
See examples 9.6, L(00*)
See examples 9.6, L = {anbn : n 1} Illustrates a basic technique.
Turing Machines as Transducers
(TM’s as models of real computers)
- Look beyond the language accepter aspect of a TM.
- Primary purpose of a computer is to transform input into output a transducer
How could we interpret a TM as a transducer?
Input:All non blank symbols on tape
Output: (At conclusion of computation) whatever is then on the tape
View a TM as a transducer which is an implementation of a function f defined by:
ŵ = f(w)
provided that
q0w ├*m qfŵ
for some final state qf
More formally:
Defintion 9.4
A function f with a domain D is said to be “turing-computable” or “computable” iff, some TM
M = (Q, ∑, , , q0, □, F)
q0w ├*m qf f(w), qi f
w D.(D , f(w) )
TM Building Block Approach
- Want a high level programming approach for a TM
Use pseudocode
Combination of high level diagrams
Ex:f(x,y)= x + yx ≥ y
= 0x < y
Q:How does a TM “fire off” another?
A:It’s a notational problem
By proper naming of states (to make them all unique)
We have:
Compare TM (C)┌> ├* qAfw(x+y)0 (add path)
Qc0 w(x)0w(y)├* qA0 w(x)0w(y) if x ≥ y
├* qE0 w(x)0w(y) if x < y
└> ├*qEf0 (erase path)
- Use of pseudocode (macroinstructions)
Ex.If “a” then qj else qk only a (conditional) state change, nothing else done
(qi, a) = (qj0, a, R), qi Q
(qj0, c) = (qj, c, L), c … multiple rules, one for each c since c is arbitrary
(qi, b) = (qk0, b, R), qi Q, b – {a} … multiple rules, one for each b
(qk0, c) = (qk, c, L), c
Perhaps a compiler would expand the above code from some “high level” rule.
Also the definition of a “don’t care” for second argument of may be useful.
- Use of subroutines
A work space TB work space
- Use T to pass parameters from A to B and to leave results.
- Encode in T the “old state”, so on return we could restore the state.
- To reset head on return, maybe leave a special mark (x) where it was and then record the mark along with the value it should be replaced with in T.
Turing’s Thesis
- Any computation that can be “carried out” by “mechanical means” can be performed by some turing machine.
- Sometimes this is what is used to define a mechanical process.
- Q: Does turing thesis cover everything?
Don’t know – Following supports it.
1)Anything possible on an existing digital comp. can also be doing on a TM.
2)No one has yet found an “algorithmically” solvable problem which cannot be done on a TM.
3)No alternative mechanical computation models prove more “powerful” than a TM.
- Still an assumption:
Analogous to Basic Law’s of Physics
“Failure to find experiments to invalidate the law strengthens our confidence in it.”
… Progressive refinements of physical theory
… analog here?
If we accept Turing’s Thesis, we may now precisely define an algorithm.
Definition 9.5
An algorithm for function f: D R is a Turing machine M, which given as input any d D on its tape, eventually HALTS with correct answer f(d) on its tape.
Ex. We require that
q0d ├*m qf f(d),qf F
d D