Tuesday 19th May 2009 Oldcastle House Hotel
Cllr. Bryan Reilly
Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. L. McCormack, Cllr. M. Gallagher, Cllr J. V. Farrelly, Cllr. B. Collins, Cllr M. Lynch.
In Attendance:
Mr Brendan McGrath, Area Manager, Mr. Shane Carroll, A/Area Engineer, Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, Ms. L. Hennessy, A/Staff Officer.
1. Minutes
The Minutes of the Area Council meeting held on the 24th March 2009 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. JV Farrelly seconded by Cllr B. Collins.
2. Reports
Housing Report
Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.
The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr J. Flanagan.
- Any additional money available for housing maintenance.
- Has the Self Help Scheme concluded.
Roads Report
Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer, submitted the report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.
The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr S. Carroll.
- Potholes outside the Church in Kells and at the top of Carrick St.
- Philipstown Lane, Oldcastle – flooding covering a pothole
- Parliament, Drumconrath – potholes
- Dromone, Oldcastle – Footpaths
- Clogan Street, Oldcastle – 2nd turn on the left, footpath
- Patrickstown Hill, Oldcastle
- Up-date on traffic management for Oldcastle
- Marty – workers are working on the road but that is not the extend of work to be done. Water cannot drain off the road which will cause further potholes.
- Girley, Fordstown – no drainage at Fordstown crossroads, opposite Bray’s turn down toward the Church.
Sanitary Report
Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer informed the members that an up date report was requested from D. Keyes, Senior Executive Engineer, Infrastructure, if appropriate, none had been received.
The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr S. Carroll.
- Only portion of roads are complete – i.e. Kells rd.
- Kilmainhamwood to Nobber – manholes are too high.
- No sign of work being carried out in Athboy or Rathcairn.
- Athboy – people are being refused planning due to lack of water – would it be possible to call this people in and inform them of the water situation before issuing refusals.
Kells Waste Water Capacity
Members were informed that there was sufficient capacity to cater for all new developments currently in the planning system and also for any proposed developments which were at active pre-planning stage. Water quality analysis had shown improvements in water quality in the River Blackwater in the past year. Works were currently ongoing on improvements to the existing system, including new outflow and storm holding tank. Members were also informed that the proposed new scheme was on line for 2013.
Item 3
Notice of motion: “Can the Manager confirm the total development levies paid to Meath County Council in respect of developments along the R154 (Oldcastle Rd) including Health Centre, Connaught Place, Butterfield Court, Butterfield View and Turry Meadows ” -- Cllr L. McCormack.
Motion was proposed by Cllr. M Gallagher and seconded by Cllr. JV Farrelly.
The Manager responded that Connaught St, re-constructed and replaced water main. Would not have exact figures available today, but have asked Planning to get exact figures.
The Department have notified the Council that levies already collected prior to 31.12.2008 cannot be spent.
Item 4
Any Other Business
- Anyone working on unauthorised developments – development at Pluckstown, damage on the road.
- Playground in Oldcastle – could CCTV be installed
- Derelict building at Cloghan St – causing a problem.
- Insulation if houses – receiving complaints that it is a Northern Ireland Company. The Manager responded that this went through the National Tender Process.
Mr. S. Carroll gave a report on taking the following estates in charge:
Headfort Glebe, Kells
Butterfield View, Athboy
Headfort Wood, Kells
The following concerns were addressed:
Concerns regarding access point to serve Meath County Council land. – there was a planning application and access was through Headfort Grove, there are currently no plans to access through the estate.
Laying of new services through this road i.e. Backland drainage survey.
The Builder has completed the estate and is compliance in all arrears.
The taking in charge of Headfort Glebe & Headfort Wood, Kells and Butterfield View, Athboy was proposed by Cllr. JV Farrelly and seconded by Cllr. M. Gallagher.
The Manager acknowledged to the members that this is the last Area Meeting and officially acknowledged Cllr. Michael Lynch’s 42 years representing the local people. The Manager expressed congratulations on Cllr. Lynch’s achievement and wished his wife, Maureen and family the very best.
Cllr. L. McCormack thanked Cllr. Lynch for all the work he has done down through the years and thanked the Manager and Staff.
Cllr. M. Gallagher thanked Cllr. Lynch for his great contribution to culture, music and art.
Cllr. JV Farrelly stated how Cllr. Lynch was an example to us all.Cllr. Farrelly expressed how Cllr. Lynch is leaving the Council in difficult times where local representatives are being blamed for what is going on nationally. He expressed well wishes to both Cllr. Lynch and his family.
Cllr. E. Cassidy wished to be associated with everything that was said on behalf of Cllr. Lynch. He remarked that it is noticed in other districts how well Kells members work together on local issues.
Cllr. B. Reilly acknowledged that this is the last Area Meeting of this Council and expressed heartfelt thanks to the Manager and Staff of the Kells Area Office. He stated how it was a pleasure coming to the area meetings because of the co-operation and view of what ever is right for the area. He thanks the members again for their co-operation and hoped to see all back at the next meeting.
Mr. J. Flanagan, Area Administrator/Town Clerk spoke on behalf of all the Staff in the Kells Area and thanks Cllr. Lynch for the courtesy he had shown to the staff.
Ms. W. Bagnell stated how she had enjoyed working with Cllr. Lynch any case he brought forward was always a genuine one.
Mr. S. Carroll stated that he had the pleasure of working with Cllr. Lynch for 2 years and that Cllr. Lynch is and has always been a gentleman.
The Manager stated that Cllr. Lynch was leaving this Council with a record that will not be beat. Cllr. Lynch had always shown dignity and respect no matter who he was dealing with or what the political background was, Cllr. Lynch always worked as a team for Oldcastle.
Kells Area works well because the members work as a team and see what is best for the area and business gets done. When Cllr. Lynch spoke, he was always listened to because he was worth listening to, right to his last day he plugged Oldcastle, Stoney Rd, Traffic Management etc. There are a number of ordinary people Cllr Lynch helped that made a difference to their lives. Cllr. Lynch is a role model, honest and dignified. Cllr. Lynch deserves this time to his music, family and the doors will always be open to Meath County Council.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
SIGNED: ______
An Cathaoirleach
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Kells Town Council and Area Office, Unit S(C), Lloyd Business Park, Cavan Road, Kells, County Meath