Tualatin Presbyterian Church

Safe Church Policy

Tualatin Presbyterian Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for those participating in our ministry activities – children, youth, and vulnerable adults. We also seek to minimize any vulnerability to unwarranted accusations of improper behavior that our organization, volunteers, and employees may experience as they fulfill their duties.


All ministry areas and programs will generally incorporate this policy into all activities, ensure their staff and volunteers are trained and communicate clear expectations to participants as appropriate. The policy applies to all TPC-sanctioned activities on and off the TPC grounds.


The following definitions are to clarify the Safe Church Policy:

·  TPC - Tualatin Presbyterian Church

·  Worker- Anyone doing work for TPC, paid or unpaid.

o  TPC Staff- Includes all personnel on the payroll of Tualatin Presbyterian Church, whether lay or clergy.

o  Volunteer- Includes any unpaid person who performs volunteer activities for TPC.

·  Youth- Anyone from sixth grade through seventeen years of age.

·  Child- Anyone from birth through fifth grade.

·  Vulnerable Adult – Any person who may be unable to protect him/herself against harm or exploitation

·  Abuse- Abuse used in this document includes, but is not limited to the following, as defined by Oregon State Law:

o  Physical abuse

o  Verbal and/or emotional abuse

o  Neglect

o  Sexual abuse

§  Sexual Exploitation

§  Sexual Harassment

·  Two Adult Rule – Activities will be conducted within sight/supervision of two or more adults.

·  Rule of Three – If an occasion arises in which the “two adult rule” cannot be supported, three individuals must be present, one of which is an adult.


·  Prior to consideration, all volunteer candidates seeking a position that involves working with children, youth, or vulnerable adults will complete and return a Volunteer Application.

·  The ministry leader, or designee, will carefully review the application, ensuring that the candidate is an appropriate match for the ministry position. All application materials (the application form background checks, reference checks, notes from interviews, etc.) will be maintained in a secure location.

·  The ministry leader, or designee, will check at least two references to confirm the information that the candidate provided on their application and will conduct a criminal background check through the church’s provider of such services.

·  When indicated by reference and/or background checks, candidates who pose a threat to others, or have a prior history of physical or sexual abuse directed against another person, will be removed immediately from consideration for ministry positions anywhere within our organization.

·  Workers who are regularly in contact with children, youth, or vulnerable adults will complete a brief renewal application every three years.


Each worker will receive a copy of the Safe Church Policy and attest to having read and agree to follow this policy. Workers with direct contact with children or youth are required to complete a TPC-approved abuse prevention program. The worker is to complete this within the first 30 days of serving and repeat the prevention program every three years. Program-specific training may be required in addition.


Ministry area leaders will be responsible to supervise program-specific workers. Generally, at least two screened adults must be present during all activities involving children, youth or vulnerable adults (the “Two Adult Rule”). However, for times when this precaution cannot be supported three individuals (at least one being an adult) are to be present during all activities involving children, youth or vulnerable adults (the “Rule of Three”). When meeting with children, inside activities need to be in the open or in a room with a window in the door, so workers can be observed at all times. For special circumstances that increase the likelihood of abuse or false allegations of abuse, the Two Adult Rule is preferred.

When using the restroom, young children will be accompanied to and from the restroom in any event away from TPC. One of the adults will conduct a “sweep” of the restroom to ensure it is safe for the child to enter.

When assistance is required in the restroom, it is recommended that two screened adults be present. When restrooms are directly accessible to children from the room where children’s activities are taking place, and not accessible to the general public, children can be allowed to utilize the restroom alone.


All ministry functions involving children, youth, and vulnerable adults should maintain an attendance list for every function. Record the date of the function, along with the names of all participants, ministry leaders, and supervisors.


All allegations of sexual misconduct must be reported to a Pastor, Clerk of Session or any Session member. If the alleged misconduct involves a child, local criminal authorities must be notified immediately.

Detailed reporting procedures and supplemental materials are identified in Addendum A, which is Tualatin Presbyterian Church’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures and includes an Appendix A, Report of Sexual Misconduct form.


All allegations will be taken seriously. Assure the safety of the alleged victim by making sure he/she is in a safe place and watched over.

Do not confront the accused abuser with anger or hostility but immediately remove him/her from further involvement with children, youth and vulnerable adults until the matter can be investigated.

Every attempt will be made to maintain the confidentiality of all involved in an alleged incident. In the event that the incident has become public knowledge, the Pastor will use respect and discretion in acknowledging that an incident has occurred and that all involved are safe and being cared for.


§  Minister(s)

Ministers are governed by the Presbytery Sexual Misconduct Prevention Policy and other Presbytery policies. In addition to conforming to Presbytery policy, ministers will be aware of all policies outlined here and will support workers in their implementation. Ministers will provide guidance and pastoral care in cases of suspected or actual child abuse. When individuals fail to pass the screening criteria for working with minors, the pastor will be informed. The pastor will ensure that key staff members are informed that such persons are not approved to have any contact with minors involved in TPC programs and activities.

§  Session

Session will support and ensure TPC’s Safe Church policy is implemented by:

·  Approving members of the Safe Church Committee

·  Ensuring funds and resources necessary to carry out activities listed in the Safe Church Policy, which includes

o  Criminal background checks

o  Reference Checks

o  Volunteer Training

o  Tracking of worker’s training

§  Ministry

All Ministry areas will make sure that the Safe Church Policy is implemented. Ministry areas with programs or activities involving minors will be responsible for:

·  Training their workers on the specific rules and procedures for supervision and safety of children and youth involved in their Ministry Area.

·  Communicating clear expectations for behavior toward children and youth.


The Safe Church Committee will consist of leaders from the children and youth ministries, the staff person responsible for background checks, and at least one elder. Every effort will be made to have both genders represented on the committee.

The Safe Church Committee will gather at least annually to evaluate the effectiveness of the Safe Church Policy and any desired revisions or edits.

Addendum A



(Adopted 2/21/2012)


It is the policy of Tualatin Presbyterian Church (TPC) that all church members, adherents, officers, employees, and volunteers are to maintain the integrity of the ministerial, employment, and professional relationship at all times. Persons who engage in sexual misconduct are in violation of the principles set forth in Scripture, and also of the ministerial, pastoral, employment, and professional relationship. It is never permissible or acceptable for a church member, adherent, officer, employee, or volunteer to engage in sexual misconduct.


“... As [God] who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; ... Tend the flock of God that is in your charge, ... not under compulsion but willingly, ... not for sordid gain but eagerly. ... not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock.” 1 Pet. 1:15; 5:2–3 NRSV

The ethical conduct of all who minister in the name of Jesus Christ is of vital importance to the church because through these representatives an understanding of God and the gospel’s good news is conveyed. “Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world” (Book of Order, G-2.0104).

The basic principles guiding this policy are:

1.  Sexual misconduct is a violation of the role of pastors, employees, volunteers, supervisors, teachers, and advisors of any kind who are called upon to exercise integrity, sensitivity, and caring in a trust relationship.

2. Sexual misconduct is a misuse of authority and power that breaches Christian ethical principles by misusing a trust relation to gain advantage over another for personal pleasure in an abusive, exploitative, and unjust manner. If the parishioner, student, client, or employee initiates or invites sexual content in the relationship, it is the pastor’s, officer’s, or supervisor’s responsibility to maintain the appropriate role and prohibit a sexual relationship.

3. Sexual misconduct takes advantage of the vulnerability of persons who are less powerful to act for their own welfare, including children. It is antithetical to the gospel call to work as God’s servant in the struggle to bring wholeness to a broken world. It violates the mandate to protect the vulnerable from harm.


Church clergy, employees, volunteers, members, adherents, and any persons participating in church activities, or acting in the name of the church, whether or not on the property of TPC.




Sexual Misconduct is any misconduct that is injurious to the physical or emotional health of another. This includes but is not limited to rape or sexual contact by force, threat or intimidation, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse, and physical sexual conduct or contact within a counseling or pastoral care relationship or in any context involving vulnerability and trust where an imbalance of power and authority exists, whether or not consent is given or implied.

Sexual Harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

a)  Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or their continued status;

b)  Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions; or

c)  Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

d)  An individual is subjected to unwelcome sexual jokes, unwelcome or inappropriate touching or display of sexual visuals that insult, degrade, and/or sexually exploit men, women, or children.

Child Sexual Abuse includes but is not limited to any contact or behavior between a child and an adult used for the sexual stimulation of the adult, the child, or other person(s). The behavior may or may not involve touching. Any unnecessary or forced touching, between an adult and a child, of the sexual or other intimate parts of the other is child sexual abuse. A child is considered any person less than 18 years of age. Sexual behavior between a child and an adult is always considered the responsibility of the adult whether or not consented to or initiated by the child. Local criminal authorities must be notified immediately when child sexual abuse or other misconduct, which violates criminal law, is alleged. They will take control of the investigation and disposition of charges against the accused.

Response is the action taken by Presbytery or Session when a report of sexual misconduct is received. It may include (1) inquiry into facts and circumstances, (2) possible disciplinary action (administrative or judicial or both), (3) pastoral care for victims and their families and others, and (4) pastoral care and rehabilitation for the accused and care for their families.


Any allegation of sexual misconduct shall be reported to a Pastor, Clerk of Session or any Session member.

Reporting Allegations Regarding Clergy

The person receiving the allegation shall report the allegation to one of the following members: Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the Cascades, the Chair of the committee on ministry of the Presbytery of the Cascades, or any other member of the elected professional staff of the Presbytery of the Cascades. The Presbytery of the Cascades is responsible to take all further action in accordance with the “Revised Policy and Procedure on Sexual Misconduct of Presbytery of the Cascades”.

If a violation of criminal statute is alleged, as in the case of child abuse, or when otherwise required by civil law, a report shall be made to local law enforcement officials in addition to the Presbytery of the Cascades.



Reporting Allegations Regarding Non-Clergy

The person receiving the allegation, shall promptly notify the Pastor(s), who shall:

1)  Contact the Clerk of Session so that a Session meeting may be called and an investigative team appointed; and

2)  Report to civil or criminal authorities if required by law


If the alleged misconduct involves a child, local criminal authorities must be notified immediately. The Session shall not interview the child(ren) because to do so could compromise the police investigation. Session must cooperate with civil authorities in an investigation of child sexual abuse or other criminal sexual misconduct. Church disciplinary proceedings cannot interfere with a criminal investigation by civil authorities and may have to be suspended until these are completed. If appropriate, the Pastor(s) and Session will determine what support or action TPC can initiate on behalf of those involved, without jeopardizing the professional investigation.