/ (Chinese New Year Celebrations) (Various Roads) (Temporary Suspension of Residents Parking Places, Multi-Use Parking Places & One-Way Traffic) (Temporary Prohibition of Driving & Waiting) Order, 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council in exercise of its powers under Section 16A of The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers on the 13thFebruary 2018intends to make the following Order which is required to enable the above-mentioned special event to take place: -

Fun Fairs

1. To prohibit any vehicle, except for access and other than an emergency services vehicle, from proceeding in Nelson Street from its junction with Grenville Street South to its junction with Upper Pitt Street from8am on the 17th February 2018 until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018.

2. The Parking Places and Controlled Parking Zone (Liverpool) Order, 2009, is hereby suspended from 8am on the 17th February 2018 until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018, in-so-far as it relates to the Residents Parking Places on Grenville Street South & Nelson Street.

Chinese New Year Celebrations

3.To prohibit any vehicle, except for access and other than an emergency services vehicle, from proceeding from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018in: - Great George Street (from its junction with St. James Street to its junction with Duke Street); Duke Street (for its entire length); Upper Duke Street (from its junction with Great George Street to its junction with Rodney Street); Berry Street (from its junction with Bold Street to its junction with Duke Street); Nelson Street (from its junction with Great George Street to its junction with Upper Frederick Street); Grenville Street South (from its junction with Bailey Street to its junction with Cornwallis Street); Sankey Street; Griffiths Street; Seel Street (from its junction with Colquitt Street to its junction with Berry Street); Back Berry Street; Knight Street (from its junction with Berry Street to its junction with Rodney Street); Roscoe Street (from its junction with Leece Street to its junction with Upper Duke Street); Bold Place; Roscoe Lane; Back Knight Street; Cookson Street; Pitt Street; York Street; Raffles Street; Bold Street (Berry Street to Newington); & Upper Pitt Street (between Nelson Street and Hardy Street).

4.To suspend The Parking Places and Controlled Parking Zone (Liverpool) Order, 2009, from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018, in-so-far as it relates to the Multi-Use Parking Places in any of the above roads mentioned in Article 3 of this Noticeand alsoGreat George Street, Grenville Street South & Nelson Street.

5. To suspend The City Council of Liverpool (Argyle Street, Park Lane and Upper Frederick Street) (One-Way Traffic) Order, 2004, from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018, in so far as it relates to the existing one-way on Upper Frederick Street.

6. The alternative routes for vehicles, in respect of Article 3, will be either: - (a) Leece Street, Hardman Street, Myrtle Street, Catherine Street, Upper Parliament Street and Great George Street; or (b) Upper Parliament Street, Grove Street, Oxford Street, Mount Pleasant, Rodney Street or Clarence Street to follow other locally signed diversion routes.

7.To prohibit any vehicle from waiting at any time from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018on the junctions of Cornwallis Street/Duke Street, Kent Street/Duke Street & Duke Street/Upper Pitt Street.

8.To suspend The City Council of Liverpool, (Seel Street, David Lewis Street, Parr Street & Hanover Street) (Variation of Existing Orders & One-Way Traffic) Order, 2014, 8am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018in so far as it relates to the existing one-way on David Lewis Street. There will be no alternative route for vehicles.

Light Projection:

9. To prohibit any vehicle from proceeding on Upper Duke Street, (westbound direction only) (from its junction with Great George Street to its junction with Rodney Street) and Great George Street (from its junction with St. James Street to its junction with Duke Street), from 7pm to 9pm on both the 16th & 17th February 2018.


10. The restrictions set out in this Order shall not apply: - (a) To anything done with the permission or at the direction of a Police Constable in uniform; & (b) To any vehicle being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes or for the purposes of a statutory undertaker in any emergency (such as the loss of supplies of gas, electricity or water to premises in the area) which requires vehicles to be brought onto any section of highway to which the Order applies.

11. The Order will not have the effect of preventing at any time reasonable access for pedestrians to premises situated on or adjacent to any road to which the Order relates or to any premises only accessible to pedestrians from such a road.

/ Dated 8th February 2018. Jeanette McLoughlin, City Solicitor, Legal Services, Water Street, Liverpool 3.
/ (Chinese New Year Celebrations) (Various Roads) (Temporary Suspension of Residents Parking Places, Multi-Use Parking Places & One-Way Traffic) (Temporary Prohibition of Driving & Waiting) Order, 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council in exercise of its powers under Section 16A of The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers on the 13th February 2018 has made the following Order which is required to enable the above-mentioned special event to take place: -

Fun Fairs

1. To prohibit any vehicle, except for access and other than an emergency services vehicle, from proceeding in Nelson Street from its junction with Grenville Street South to its junction with Upper Pitt Street from 8am on the 17th February 2018 until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018.

2. The Parking Places and Controlled Parking Zone (Liverpool) Order, 2009, is hereby suspended from 8am on the 17th February 2018 until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018, in-so-far as it relates to the Residents Parking Places on Grenville Street South & Nelson Street.

Chinese New Year Celebrations

3. To prohibit any vehicle, except for access and other than an emergency services vehicle, from proceeding from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018 in: - Great George Street (from its junction with St. James Street to its junction with Duke Street); Duke Street (for its entire length); Upper Duke Street (from its junction with Great George Street to its junction with Rodney Street); Berry Street (from its junction with Bold Street to its junction with Duke Street); Nelson Street (from its junction with Great George Street to its junction with Upper Frederick Street); Grenville Street South (from its junction with Bailey Street to its junction with Cornwallis Street); Sankey Street; Griffiths Street; Seel Street (from its junction with Colquitt Street to its junction with Berry Street); Back Berry Street; Knight Street (from its junction with Berry Street to its junction with Rodney Street); Roscoe Street (from its junction with Leece Street to its junction with Upper Duke Street); Bold Place; Roscoe Lane; Back Knight Street; Cookson Street; Pitt Street; York Street; Raffles Street; Bold Street (Berry Street to Newington); & Upper Pitt Street (between Nelson Street and Hardy Street).

4. To suspend The Parking Places and Controlled Parking Zone (Liverpool) Order, 2009, from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018, in-so-far as it relates to the Multi-Use Parking Places in any of the above roads mentioned in Article 3 of this Notice and alsoGreat George Street, Grenville Street South & Nelson Street.

5. To suspend The City Council of Liverpool (Argyle Street, Park Lane and Upper Frederick Street) (One-Way Traffic) Order, 2004, from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018, in so far as it relates to the existing one-way on Upper Frederick Street.

6. The alternative routes for vehicles, in respect of Article 3, will be either: - (a) Leece Street, Hardman Street, Myrtle Street, Catherine Street, Upper Parliament Street and Great George Street; or (b) Upper Parliament Street, Grove Street, Oxford Street, Mount Pleasant, Rodney Street or Clarence Street to follow other locally signed diversion routes.

7. To prohibit any vehicle from waiting at any time from 6am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018 on the junctions of Cornwallis Street/Duke Street, Kent Street/Duke Street & Duke Street/Upper Pitt Street.

8. To suspend The City Council of Liverpool, (Seel Street, David Lewis Street, Parr Street & Hanover Street) (Variation of Existing Orders & One-Way Traffic) Order, 2014, 8am until 9pm on the 18th February, 2018 in so far as it relates to the existing one-way on David Lewis Street. There will be no alternative route for vehicles.

Light Projection:

9. To prohibit any vehicle from proceeding on Upper Duke Street, (westbound direction only) (from its junction with Great George Street to its junction with Rodney Street) and Great George Street (from its junction with St. James Street to its junction with Duke Street), from 7pm to 9pm on both the 16th & 17th February 2018.


10. The restrictions set out in this Order shall not apply: - (a) To anything done with the permission or at the direction of a Police Constable in uniform; & (b) To any vehicle being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes or for the purposes of a statutory undertaker in any emergency (such as the loss of supplies of gas, electricity or water to premises in the area) which requires vehicles to be brought onto any section of highway to which the Order applies.

11. The Order will not have the effect of preventing at any time reasonable access for pedestrians to premises situated on or adjacent to any road to which the Order relates or to any premises only accessible to pedestrians from such a road.

/ Dated 15th February 2018. Jeanette McLoughlin, City Solicitor, Legal Services, Water Street, Liverpool 3.