From : LTCOL Moose Dunlop OAM (Retd) 0408 088 886

Distribution: See list



  1. Trojan’s Trek 2017 will be conducted on Moolooloo station in the North Flinders Ranges from 24 to 29 September 2017. Numbers permitting, the trek will cater for both a male and female group. Each group will be approximately 12 participants.
  1. A base will be established at Moolooloo Station shearers’ quarters from which the two groups will be supplied and supported. Each group will operate independently following their respective program. The course will be conducted in a remote environment and will present new ways of overcoming life’s challenges. Most nights will be spent in the bush in relatively rough conditions sleeping in swags.


  1. The aim of Trojan’s Trek is to provide a setting and conditions under which participants will experience a lasting positive shift in personal values and interpersonal relationships.


  1. The objectives of the trek are to develop in the participants through joint and individual challenge:
  • an understanding of how thoughts and feelings influence behaviour
  • exposure to various strategies which will bring about positive change
  • suggested individual responses which are effective in achieving that objective
  • build a peer support group from those attending,and
  • enhanceself-esteem.


  1. The trek will involve a male and female group, each of which will be taken on a journey, both literally and figuratively to explore issues which affect their lives. Group dynamics will be utilised by sharing and discussing issues at team and individual levels.
  1. The area in which the trek will be conducted is out of mobile phone range and commercial radio signals are also weak. The nearest town is Blinman in excess of one hour’s drive away. Participants are to ensure enough personal items are carried to last the duration of the trek.



  1. The Director, Moose Dunlop has overall responsibility for the conduct of the trek. Staff attending are listed below:

Ser / Appointment / Name / Remarks
1 / Director / Moose Dunlop OAM / Current, Apply First Aid
2 / XO / Dr Helen Donovan
3 / Senior Facilitator / Dogs Kearney OAM
4 / Senior Facilitator / Peter Keith
5 / Facilitator / Cameron Hatcher
6 / Facilitator / Phil Quin
7 / Facilitator / Amy Vickers
8 / Facilitator / Anna Sutcliffe
9 / Mentor / Amanda Kaplan
10 / Mentor / Darren Free
11 / Mentor / Dylan Hill
12 / Mentor / TBA
Support Staff
13 / Camp Commandant / Colin Cogswell MM
14 / Chef / Shane Bolton
15 / Sous Chef / Ann Johnston
16 / Paramedic / Greg Hallam / Amb Victoria
17 / Medical support females / Liz McNeil / Flinders University
18 / General hand / TBA


  1. Participants must volunteer to attend. The website provides anecdotal and other reports which explain the trek’s philosophy. The course is not physically demanding, howevera basic standard of fitness is required. There are two points of contact (POC) listed at paragraph 29 for the male and female treks. Potential trekkers are requested to call or contact those listed as soon as possible. Trekkers from out of town should plan on arriving in Adelaide on Sat 23 September from where they will be met and accommodated prior to departure on 24 September.
  1. Participants are selected on the basis that:
  • they will benefit from the program,
  • a clearance from their GP is received,
  • each has volunteered to attend, and each has completed and submitted Annex A
  1. Annex A is the Personal and Medical Information Formwhich is to be completed by participants and their respective doctors. This form MUST be returned by 11 September 17to the respective POC. Participants should note this Annex includes other relevant information which is required during the trek. It is important that the details of next of kin and personal contact details are accurately recorded. Staff are required to complete only the personal details at sections 1, 2, 3, 6b and 9 (allergies and dietary requirements).

Movement and Deployment

  1. Once accepted to attend, participantswho require travel and accommodation should contact the respective POC as soon as possible to confirm entitlement and funding availability.


  1. Movement to Moolooloo will be as follows:
  1. Field staff and support staff

Sat 23 September. Under the control of the Director and in accord with instructions issued separately, this group will depart Adelaide at 0700 hrs in 4 WD vehicles, two with trailers.

  1. Participants.

Sun 24 September.

(i)Female participants will depart from Keswick Barracks by bus under the direction of an appointed staff member at 0700 hrs, and

(ii)Male participants will depart from Keswick Barracks under the direction of an appointed staff memberat 0800 hrs.

  1. Participants not accommodated at the barracks are requested to arrange their own transport to the relevant departure point. Note: Personal vehicles may be left at the barracksfor the trek duration but no responsibility for their safety is accepted by Trojan’s Trek.
  1. The driving time from Adelaide to Moolooloo is approximately six and a half hours.Once the teams have arrived at Moolooloo it will be difficult for individual participants to return to Adelaide earlier than Friday 29 September.

14. Drivers are to ensure that spare tyres, wheel brace and the like are present and serviceable before departure. This includes the trailers. Separate instructions will be issued to drivers.

15. Most roads in the trek area are unsealed. Due care must be exercised by all drivers and supervising staff. Normal speed limits apply and particular care must be exercised when driving off roads. Further instructions concerning driving standards will be issued prior to departure and after arrival at Moolooloo.

Dress and Equipment

16.Female participants will have access to daily showers. All participants are to bring the following items packed in a duffle bag or similar:

  • personal toilet items
  • camera
  • towel
  • sleeping bag and night wear
  • swag (swags are available from Trojan's Trek if required, refer Annex A for indication of requirement)
  • insect repellent or fly net
  • comfortable sturdy boots suitable for walking
  • good quality socks
  • long sleeved shirt and long trousers for bush wear
  • warm jacket or pullover for night wear
  • compass, GPS, binoculars (if available)
  • matches/source of fire
  • torch
  • money and driver’s licence
  • water bottle and brew mug
  • prescription medicines
  • wide brimmed hat, and
  • pen or pencil


17. Day temperatures are expected to be in the mid 20s with evening temperatures dropping to below 13 degrees. The carriage of some form of wet weather gear is advisable.

Stores and Equipment

18.Rations, stores and equipment will be carried to Moolooloo with the advance party and staff in the 4 WD vehicles.


19.A paramedic will be present for the duration of the trek. The nearest hospital is located at Hawker approximately one hour thirty minutes away. Medical advice from a doctor is available by phone 24 hours per day. Refer paragraph 29.

Rations and Quarters

21.Rations and quarters will be provided for the duration of the trek. Stops en-route to and from Moolooloo will allow the purchase of snacks at members’ expense. Participants will spend at least four nights in the bush in a swag. Any special dietary requirements should be indicated at Annex A.

22.Alcoholand drugs (other than prescription)are NOT to be taken to or consumed during the trek.


23.Each participant is required to complete a series of psycho-social instruments before and after the trek. This information is in confidence and will be used only to gauge the effectiveness of the project. Honesty is paramount in completing these documents. Further instructions regarding this aspect will be issued.

Use of Private Property

24.The trek will be conducted on private property. All participants are reminded of the common courtesies demanded in the bush. They are:

  • gates are to be left as found
  • remove all litter
  • do not cut vegetation
  • respect flora, fauna and stock, and
  • extinguish unattended fires.

Fuel and Repairs

25.Fuel and repairs including repair of punctures are available from the Angorichina Village on a debit card held by the Director.

Pre-Trek Briefing

26.A briefing of staff, participants and partners (if available) will be conducted at the RAR Association Club at 13 Beatty St Linden Park at 1400 hrs on Fri 22 September 2017. This meeting will introduce the Director and some of the staff and will allow the participants to meet each other prior to departure and provide the opportunity for questions from participants and partners. Other arrangements will be made to inform and answer questions from intra and interstate members who have not arrived by this time.


Post Trek De-briefing

27.A post trek de-briefing for participants will be held on the last night of the trek at Moolooloo.


28.Communication to and from Moolooloo shearers’ quarters is by telephone. The number is listed below. This is to be used for incoming calls in an emergencyonly. Mobile phones do not operate in the trek area. Channel 3 CB through the local repeater station may be utilized for communications when in the bush or by the use of simplex channels on CB radio.

Contact Numbers

29.The contact details are listed below:

  • Moose Dunlop OAM0408 088 886 08 8370
  • Dr Helen Donovan0418 378
  • Amanda Kaplan POC female
  • Greg HallamPOC male members0419312884
  • Shearers’ Quarters8648 4754
  • Moolooloo Homestead86484861
  • Leigh Creek Police86752004 or 13 1444 for police assistance
  • Hawker Hospital84684007
  • Angorichina Village (repairs)86484842
  • RFDS Pt Augusta86422044 24 hour medical advice


30.A media release will be issued prior to the commencement of the trek. Enquiries will be handled by the Director and XO.

Public Liability

31.The trek is covered by the Trojan’s Trek public liability policy.

Post-trek Report

32.The report on Trojan’s Trek 2017 will be completed by the XO.


33.All participants will return to the Combined Mess at Torrens Parade Ground on Friday 29 September at approximately 1600 hrs. Members will be free to depart from that location to link with transport. Interstate members should aim to depart for their home state that evening, flights permitting.

34. Visitors intending to visit the project are requested to seek approval from the XO. This is to be effected by contacting her prior to 16 September.



35.Trekkers are encouraged to attend the trek with an open mind. The opportunity to meet and share experiences with other individuals in a similar position is unique. For a small time investment, trekkers have the opportunity to make a new start in life and enhance relationships.

Moose Dunlop OAM

Director & Chairman

Trojan’s Trek Foundation

23March 2017

Distribution List:Staff(19)TT Foundation Board Members

Graham Parks

For Information:RSL Care (SA)Director VVCS

Veterans SAWard 17

Combined MessCommissioner for Mental Health Minister for Mental Health Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Annexe: A. Personal and Medical Information