DateJan. 16-20, 2017

TSW = The Student Will O-ObjectiveL- LessonA-ActivityA-Assignment

Biology / Human Anatomy and Physiology
Tuesday / O - TSW Describe how the cell cycle is regulated. Explain how cancer cells are different from other cells.
L- Chapter 10.3 Regulating the cell Cycle
A- ch.10.2 quiz; review Study guide, Notes Video: Mitosis: Splitting Up is Complicated - Crash Course Biology #12; Amoeba sisters: The Cell Cycle and Cancer
A: Study guide / O - TSW Identify the site of origin, and explain the function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Contrast the effect of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions on the following organs: heart, lungs, digestive system, blood vessels.
L- Chapter 7: Nervous System: Autonomic nervous system
A- notes, Video: Crash Course: Crash Course-Sympathetic Nervous System: A&P #14
A: study guide
Wednesday / O - TSW Describe the process of differentiation. Define stem cells and explain their importance. Identify the possible benefits and issues relating to stem cell research.
L- Chapter 10.4 Cell differentiation
A- ch.10.3 quiz; review Study guide, Notes Video: Bozeman Science: Cellular Specialization
A: Study guide / O - TSW List several factors that may have harmful effects on brain development. Briefly describe the cause, signs, and consequences of the following disorders: spina bifida, anencephaly, and cerebral palsy. Explain the decline in brain size and weight that occurs with age. Define senility, and list some possible causes.
L- Chapter 7: Nervous Tissue: Developmental Aspects of the Nervous System
A- notes, Video: Crash Course -Parasympathetic Nervous System: A&P #15
A: study guide; Mastering A&P Chapter 7 HWK
Thursday / O - TSW Review key concepts and key terms of Chapter 10,
L- Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division
A- CH.10.4 quiz, Chapter 10 Vocab quiz, Review pg.300-301 1-37, Chapter review
A- Chapter review wkst / O - TSW show that they have mastered Chapter 7 The Nervous System
L- Chapter 7 The Nervous System
A- Chapter 7 The Nervous System Test
A: None
Friday / O – TSW review key concept including: Cell growth, division, and reproduction; the process of cell division; regulating the cell cycle; cell differentiation
L – Chapter 10 cell growth and division
A – PPT review of Chapter 10
A – Study for chapter 10 test / O - TSW show that they have mastered Chapter 7 The Nervous System
L- Chapter 7 The Nervous System
A- Chapter 7 The Nervous System Test
A: None