TST AGAPE 2016: Leaders’ Version
* indicates an invitation to rise in body or in spirit
boldparts indicate responses of the congregation
Words of Welcome
Territorial Acknowledgment
And now as we prepare for worship today, we take a moment to acknowledge this sacred land on which we gather as the Toronto School of Theology in the University of Toronto.
This has been a site of human activity for many thousands of years.
This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations,
the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River.
Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island. We are grateful for the opportunity to live and work on this territory. Let us always seekto be mindful of broken covenants and the need to strive to make right with all our relations.
a candle is lit
* Call to WorshipThe Iona Community
I invite you to rise in body or in spirit,
and join me in the responsive call to worship:
Creator of the world, eternal God,
we have come from many places
for a little while.
Redeemer of humanity, God-with-us,
we have come with all our differences,
seeking common ground.
Spirit of unity, go-between God,
we have come on journeys of our own
to a place where journeys meet.
So here, in this shelter house, let us take time together.
For when paths cross and pilgrims gather,
there is much to share and celebrate.
In the name of the One, Holy and communal God, we pray;Amen.
* Gathering Song: “You Are Welcomed” Diane White-Clayton
an invitation to the Holy Spirit and each other as we gather
Opening Prayer: St. Augustine
Let us pray:
Great are you, O God, and exceedingly worthy of praise.
Great is your power, and infinite is your wisdom.
And so we humans,
who are a part of your creation,
long to praise you.
We who carry our mortality about with us,
carry also the evidence of our sin
and, with it, the proof that you humble the proud.
Yet we humans,
part of your creation as we are,
still do long to praise you;
so you call us to worship,
that praising you may bring us joy;
for you have made us
and drawn us to yourself,
and our hearts are restless
until they find their rest in you.
* Hymn: “O Ancient Love” (see VU 17)Michael Joncas
Reading: Romans 12:9-18 [Michael Stoeber]
A reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans:
Let love be genuine;
hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;
love one another with mutual affection;
outdo one another in showing honour.
Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
Live in harmony with one another;
do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly;
do not claim to be wiser than you are.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil,
but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.
And if it is possible, so far as it depends on you,
live peaceably with all.
For the Word of God in scripture,
for the Word of God among us,
for the Word of God within us.
Thanks be to God.
Choral Anthem: Ki BiyaBopheloBjaka Trad Sesotho Church Song (South Africa)
Arr.MatlakalaBopape,from the Singing of the Polokwane Choral Society
I put my life in your hands Jesus. I trust you Lord, you are my rock.
Reading: Qur’an 7: 154-156
Sermon: [NevinReda]
silence is kept
Prayers The Iona Community, alt.
Sung Response:
1:Loving and forgiving God, before you and before one another, weconfess our sin – all the ways in which we are separated from you, from one another,from ourselves, and from your creation . . . .R
2: We pray for all those who will be born today, and who, even in the womb may fearthe world.. . . And we pray for all those who will die today, who wonder who will hold them when human hands are left behind . . . .R
3:We pray for those who must make a decision today, which may affect their lives orthe lives of others . . . . And we pray for those who must leave today – leave home, leave work, leave a relationship, an addiction, or a hard place . . . .R
4: 2.And for ourselves we pray. We give thanks for our time together, for the many gifts of the TST community. Be with us, loving God, today and in the days to come, that we may more fullyembody healing, harmony and hope in all that we do . . . .R. Amen. [Amen.]
* Commission:Keri Wehlander
May we sow seeds of justice,
may we nurture holy visions,
may we harvest gentle wisdom,
may patience be our grain.
May we mix in grace and courage,
may we kindle fires of truth,
may we share the bread of healing,
may God’s banquet fill each hand.
Amen. [Amen.]
* Sung Benediction: “May the Love of the Lord” (see MV 218)
Postlude: IV “Reconciliation” from “Reconciliation Suite” [Tom, Bill, Becca]
Giving leadership in today’s service: faculty and students of Emmanuel College; TST Choir; Regis College Choir; members of the International Academy of Practical Theology. This annual ecumenical service is supported by anonymous donations in memory of Prof. Margaret O’Gara (1947-2012), for 36 years as an ecumenist at TST. All music used and reprinted with permission under Emmanuel College license: OneLicense.net A-711-187.