TSM Autograph Conference

14th to 16th July 2009

Oundle School, Northants

I have just returned from an excellent event organised by TSM Resources, hosted by Douglas Butler, the designer of the Autograph package.

The conference took the form of a series of workshops based around Autograph, various dynamic geometry packages (including Gegebra, Cabri, & GSP) and a number of other MS Office and internet resources. Key to its success is the participation of over 150 delegates from all over the globe, including the USA, Canada, South Africa, Hungary & Portugal to name a few of the countries represented, working with Autograph software designers and expert tutors.

Having experienced three workshops I was hugely impressed both by the explanations of the functionality of the software and the even more importantly the wise advice on how best to apply it to today’s teaching environment. Working with teachers who have used the package extensively in the classroom to great effect is a real benefit that it would be impossible to get elsewhere.

The workshops themselves were suited to a wide range of users, from those with little experience to those wishing to use Autograph with advanced A2 Further Maths students. The materials provided will be invaluable in lesson planning and the confidence gained in their application will I think allow most delegates to deliver lessons using the software almost immediately.

Although intensive, the mix of workshops and delegate sessions supported by a number of evening expositions gives a balanced and broad opportunity to work and discuss with teachers from highly diverse backgrounds. This year’s agenda is available on the link above.

The venue, at Oundle School, is also excellent with great IT facilities and even a beautiful 50 yd swimming pool to work off the calories from the robust catering!

I would have no hesitation in recommending this event to anyone in the business of secondary teaching.

Rob Neill

16th July 2009