Third Term Worksheet in English-Grade 6

Name: ______Section: ______

Write the words for the definitions. There are three words
you don’t need.

1To go away and not be there anymore. disappear

2Able to speak many languages well.

3One hundred years.

4The number of people that live in a place.

5Able to speak a language very well and easily.

6To say that you think something will happen.

7A place where children go when they are too young to go to school.

8Something you find out that you did not know about before.

Change the direct statements into reported speech. Change the
verb and the pronoun.

1‘I’m learning Italian,’ said Toby. Toby said he was learning Italian.

2‘I’m fluent in French,’ said Suzy. Suzy said fluent in French.

3‘We tried all the activities and sports,’ said Freddie. Freddie said

all the activities and sports.

4‘We aren’t going on holiday until August,’ said Carrie and Ella. Carrie and Ella said

on holiday until August.

5‘I’ll buy you both a souvenir,’ said Marianne. Marianne said

us both asouvenir.

6‘I can’t wait for the end of the exams,’ said Tom. Tom said

for the end of the exams.

III.Complete with the correct form of the present continuous and a reflexive pronoun from the box. There are two words you don’t need.

1 / / 2 / / 3 / / 4 /

1They are behaving themselves (behave).

2She (teach) to cook.

3He (sing to).

4It (wash).

Unit 11 Vocabulary and Grammar

Label the Pictures

D______T ______G______


Complete the reported commands and requests.

1“Don’t eat any of the cake yet!”

  1. Mum told me ______

2“Can you pass the salt?”

2.. Grandma asked me ______.


3“Take the shopping list.”

  1. Mum told me ______

4.“Can you open the window,please, Joe .

4 The teachers asked Joe ______

5.“Clean the blackboard, Helen .”

Mrs, Green asked Helen ______.

Complete the reported Questions.

1. “What are you studying at the moment?”

1. We asked her ______

2. “ Who are you writing to , John ? “

2. I asked John ______

3.” When is your birthday ?”

3. Julie asked me ______

Write the correct words to complete the phrasal verbs.

  1. Phone me when you come ______from holidays .
  2. The rain stopped and the sun came ______
  3. To visit a person means , to come ______
  4. I ‘ ve never come ______this word before.
  5. To appear means to come ______.

Unit 12-Vocabulary and Grammar

Write the correct word for the definition.

1Food that feels hot in your mouth. spicy

2A big heavy African animal with a horn on its nose.

3Quiet, with little or no activity.

4Full of people and activity.

5A game that you play on a flat surface.

6Boring, not interesting.

7A person who always says things that are true.

8Not very comfortable, with only the necessary things.

9. We use this word to describe something that scares us.

Q1. I wish things were different! Make sentences using ‘wish’ + past simple about the things you like.

For example: ‘I’m cold’ becomes ‘I wish I wasn’t cold’.

1. I have a car.


2. I can play the piano.


3. I’m at work.


4. Its winter.


5. I’m ill.


6. I have new shoes.


7. I can afford to go on holiday.


8. I have time to read lots of books.


9. I can drive.


10. My laptop is broken.


Q2. Complete the wish statement using the given situations.

1. The sleeves on this shirt are too short.

I wish they ______longer.

2. The concert tickets are expensive.

I wish they ______cheaper.

3. My sister lives far away.

I wish she ______closer.

4. These oranges are sour.

I wish they ______sweeter.

5. This laptop has a small screen.

Q3. Write the correct questions tags on the space after the given statement.

1.She’s from a small town in China, ______?

2.They aren’t on their way already, ______?

3.They were late again, ______?

4.Julie wasn’t an accountant, ______?

5.The weather was really bad yesterday, ______?

6.She is very beautiful, ______?

7.They aren’t in Mumbai at the moment, ______?

8.You aren’t from Brazil, ______?

9.John was a very good student, ______?

10.She doesn’t like chocolate very much, ______?

11.She doesn’t work in a hotel, ______?

12.They needed some new clothes, ______?

13.We lived in a tiny flat, ______?

14.She studies very hard every night, ______?

15.David and Julie have Chinese classes, ______?


English - Work Sheet Story - Information Technology - Chapters : 5,6,7,8,9

Q1. Answer in one word :-

1.Someone who suffers as the result of a crime . ______

2. There are more mobile phones than people in ______

3. The first computer virus that appeared was called ______

4. If you break this , you can go to prison.______

5.A place with thick forest in a hot country ______

6. Looking good with nice design .______

7. Time when you talk to someone ______

8. The first mobile phone call was made in ______

9. A person who studies natural things ______

10. In 1985 a mobile phone cost ______

Q2. Complete the following :-

  1. The first mobile phones were very heavy and expensive but…


  1. By the year 2012 there will probably be …


  1. James Trusler from Sussex in England is one of the …


4.In 1985 a mobile phone was as big as a ...


5.Onel de Guzman was not punished for his crime , because…


Q3. Answer the following :-

  1. Who was Dark Avenger?

Ans. ______

  1. Why do the Virus Programmers work for computer companies?

Ans . ______

  1. How do mobile phones help police to fight the crime?


  1. Why are the mobile phones dangerous on road?

Ans .______

  1. What do you mean by the words –‘In debt’ ?

Ans. ______

6. Which machine was invented in the 1920s and what could it do?


7.Why do you think emails are a good way of sending messages?


8. What other kind of electronic messages were sent in the late 1990s?


9. When did people start using Instant messaging?


10. What is an Instant messaging?


Q4. Write the contributions of the given persons.

1. Tim Bernes Lee ______

2. Donald Wood ______

3. Larry Page and Sergey Brin ______

4. Pierre Omidyar ______

5. Tom Hadfield ______

6. Alex Tew ______

7. Kyle Macdonald ______

Q5: Write the year when the following things were invented or made.

1. First Email Message ______

2. First Telegraph Machine ______

3. Morse Code ______

4. Telex Machine ______

5. First Mobile Phone Call ______

Q6: Match the meaning of the text messages languages/abbreviation.

1. RUOK a. See you later for tea.

2. C U L8R 4 Tb. Are you okay?

3. GTGc. Laugh Out Loud.

4. LOLd. Have a safe flight.

5. HASFe. Got to go.

Best of Luck Grade 6! Always do your best shot.

From Your Teacher,

Tr. Jovelle

Tr. Kulsum

Tr. Revelyn