Try It Award Application Form

The ‘Try It’ scheme offers awards for individuals to try out their social enterprise ideas and experiment with projects on a small scale. You can apply for a minimum of £10 and a maximum of £500 – whatever amount you require to get your idea off the ground.

The funds are available for projects that can demonstrate tangible, action-based impact addressing an identified social or environmental need. We are particularly eager to fund projects with a UK focus. Please see the ‘Application guidance notes’ for more information about the funding criteria.

All applicants are recommended to discuss their project idea before submitting their application. Please contact Kathryn Muir in the Public Engagement team on 01223 330758 / or Jayni Gudka at the Cambridge Hub on 01223 350365 /


1. Personal Details

Projectname (if applicable):
Level of study:
Homeaddress and postcode:
Dateof birth: // / Phone(home):
Phone(mobile): / Phone (day/work):

2. Do you have any special requirements for attending an interview? If so, please state below

3. Please tick if you are happy for your contact details to be shared with other award winners

4. Have you spoken to Kathryn Muir or Jayni Gudkaabout your application?

Yes, over the phone Yes, at a meeting No

5. Are you applying as an individual or as a group?

Individual Group

If you are applying as part of a group, please give details of up to three group members below

Name: / Role:
Email address:
Name: / Role:
Email address:
Name: / Role:
Email address:

6. Please provide details about your background, including any previous involvement in community activities.


7. Please explain the social/environmental need your project aims to address, the scale of this need, and how you know the need exists. (If possible, provide statistics and/or results from your own research into this need).

8. Please give a brief description of your project idea – how would it meet the need outlined above?

9. Pleaseoutline the number of likely beneficiaries of the project, who these will be and how they will benefit.

10. What is your main motivation for being involved in this project?


12. What support would be beneficial in order to make your project a success?

13. Please outline the financial requirements of your project

Item of expenditure / Amount needed

14. Please outline planned and existing sources of funding for the project

Source of funding / Amount
Try it Award


You should provide the names and addresses of two referees. Referees should know you and supportyour project idea and can be a community worker, a teacher, a doctor or someone else of prominencewithin the community. Please note that one of the referees must be a responsible member of staff at the University of Cambridgee.g. Head of Department or Head of School. They will be contacted to cross-check that they fully endorse and support your project.

Referee 1

Job title:
Contact number: / Email:

Referee 2

Job title:
Contact number: / Email:


Please check that you have done the following before submitting your application

Clearly stated the social or environmental benefits that your project could have

Clearly explained the number of those potentially impacted.

Demonstrated the need for your project, showing understanding of relevant factors.

Given a detailed and realistic breakdown of the financial requirements of your project and the sources of income you will be applying to.

Signed the signature box (an electronic signature is acceptable)


Iconfirm that as far as I know, all the information on this application form is true and correct. I understand thatI may be asked for more information at any stage of the application process or when the project is running.

Yoursignature: / Date

Please email completed application forms to send to:

Kathryn Muir, Knowledge Exchange Officer - University of Cambridge, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP

Deadline details can be found on our website:


All our staff, clients, partners, suppliers and any other person who we work with must follow our equal opportunities policy and not discriminate against anyone for any reason. Please help us monitor this policy by giving us the following details. We will use the information we ask for on these sheets solely for statistical purposes, and it will not form part of your application assessment.

Sex Male Female

Do you have a disability? Yes No

If yes please give details of your disability: ______

Age under 18 18 to 23 24 to 29

30 to 35 36 or over

Please tick the box or boxes that best describe your ethnic origin:

White British/English/ Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish

IrishGypsy or Irish traveller

Any other White background, please give details:


Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups:

White and Black Caribbean White and Black African

White and Asian

Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background, please give details:


Asian/Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese

Any other Asian background, please give details:


Black/African/Caribbean/Black British:


Any other Black background, please give details:


Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group, please give details:



How did you find out about these awards?

Cambridge Hub website Public Engagement website Attending an event

College Department/Faculty Word of Mouth

Previous award winner Other (please give details): ______