Parametric Modeling II

Project #5


The student will create an assembly model and assembly drawing of the Deck Gun.


Construct the parts for the assembly model of the Deck Gun. The parts consist of the Barrel, Carriage, Trunnion Bearing’s, and Wheel’s.

Add the following iProperties for all parts and drawings:

Summary tab

Author: (your name)

Project tab

Part number: (part name)

Description: (part name)

Project: (Project 5)

Designer: (your name)

Engineer: (your name)

Physical tab

Material: (assign material)


Construct the Barrel of the Deck Gun. Make visible the three work planes, three work axes, and the center point. Center the Barrel on the three work planes and create the Trunnion.

Create two work planes, one at the front of the Barrel and one at the end of the taper of the Barrel. Use projected geometry to project the three work axes and the center point to each of the new work planes. Sketch circles on each of the new work planes to form the shape of the Barrel. Use the lofted feature to complete the tapered section of the Barrel.

Add a bored hole to the barrel.

Add the breach to the end of the Barrel using projected geometry.

Add the chamfer using the Chamfer feature to complete the breach.

Create a new work plane and add the sphere using the Revolve feature.


Make visible the three work planes, three work axes, and the center point. Center the wheel on the three work planes and create the wheel.

Trunnion Bearing

Make visible the three work planes, three work axes, and the center point. Center the trunnion bearing on the three work planes and create the trunnion bearing.


Make visible the three work planes, three work axes, and the center point. Center the carriage on the three work planes and create the carriage.

Assembly Model

Construct the assembly model of the Deck Gun. Add enough constraints to constrain all the parts.

Activate Contact Solver in the Inspect tab.

Right click on the Barrel in the model browser and select the “contact set” option to add the Barrel to the contact set.

Right click on the Carriage in the model browser and select the “contact set” option to add the Carriage to the contact set.

Parametric Modeling II

Project #5

Rendered Image

Turn off all work planes.

Using Inventor Studio create a rendered image of the Deck Gun Assembly model. Save the file as a JEPG (.jpg) image file.

On the ribbon, click the Environments tab then the Inventor Studio button.

On the Render panel, click the Render Image button.

Set the following parameters in the Render Image dialog box:

General Tab

Set the output size to 1024 x 768

Select a lighting style of your choice or use the default style (current lighting)

Render Tab

Set the Lighting and Material Accuracy mode to High


Create an assembly drawing of the Deck Gun. Add a top view, front view, right side view, and left side view of the assembly model.

The sheet size will be size “C” paper which uses the drawing sheet, Template-02.idw. Open the drawing template file and edit the title block and add the required information.

Add title (Project 5) into the title block.

Edit the drawing views and use the Shaded display to display rendered views.

Add identification balloons to the assembly drawing.

Add a Parts List. Modify the parts list to include the following columns: Item, Qty, Description, and Material.

Insert the rendered image of the Deck Gun into the drawing. Select the Insert Object button in the Manage tab.


Refer to the PROJECT EVALUATION handout for the required items to be turned in for evaluation.

Project Assignment Sheet(s) including all drawings

Inventor part files (ipt)

Inventor assembly model (iam)

Inventor drawing file (idw)

Rendered image file (jpg/png)

Hard copy (finished plot) of the assignment

The part models, assembly model, drawing file(s), and rendered image file copied to the designated grading folder

NAME: File Name: