Endnotes refer to tips on the back of this page.
Set Up ZoteroA) Create a Zotero account: https://www.zotero.org/user/register/ [one-time only]
B) Download and install the latest version of Firefox browser
C) Download and install the Zotero add-on program for Firefox: http://www.zotero.org/
Note: you can also download and install the Zotero plugin for Microsoft Word:
D) Set up Data Synching [a] : http://www.zotero.org/support/preferences/sync
Note: you need to install Zotero and sync your data on every computer you use.
Adding Stuff to your Zotero Library
Try adding the following items to your Zotero library:
1) An interesting book from the library catalogue [b]
2) A book chapter – try manually entering the information [c]
o e.g. The short story by Linda Svendsen called “White Shoulders, on pages 178-189 in an anthology called West by Northwest: British Columbia Short Stories, which was edited by David Stouck and Myler Wilkinson. You will find the publication details in the Kwantlen Library catalogue.
3) An article from Academic Search Premier [d]
4) A PDF [e]
5) An article from Google Scholar[f]
6) A website [g]
Organizing your Library
7) Annotate your snapshot of the website (from #6 above) [h]
8) Create a collection (also called folder) for your sources [i]
9) Make a sub-collection (also called subfolder) for your sources [j]
Creating a Bibliography
10) Create a bibliography containing all of the items in one of your folders. Choose the citation style that you prefer.
Using Zotero in Word
11) Create a new Word document and type in a few sentences. Add an in-text citation (in your preferred style) at the end of each sentence.
12) Create a bibliography at the end of your Word document.
[a] You will be asked to enter the username and password for your account.If you leave the default settings (as shown in this screenshot), your data will be automatically updated on Zotero’s server whenever you make a change.
You will be able to access this data from any computer installed with Firefox and Zotero.
[b] After finding a book in the catalogue, click on the blue book icon in the URL.
[c] The trick here is to enter the name(s) of both the author(s) of the chapter, and the editors of the book. Click on the plus sign to add each name. Click on the arrow to select ‘Author’ or ‘Editor’ for these names.
After finding the article in Academic Search Premier, click on the article icon in the URL. If the full-text of the article is available in Academic Search Premier, it will be automatically saved as well.
[e] Download a PDF to your workstation. Add it by selecting “attach saved copy of file” from the Attachment icon (or simply drag and drop!)
[f] After searching in Google Scholar by some keywords, click on the folder icon in the URL. Select individual articles or all of the articles on the page.
Find an interesting website that you would like to cite. Click on icon “Create New Item from Current Page.” Here’s a link to a you might try: http://www.20x200.com/
[h] Double-click on the snapshot entry. New annotating and highlighting tools are now available . Insert annotation Add highlighting
[i] Click on or Right-click on My Library > Select “New Collection” > Type name for your new collection.
[j] Right-click on your new collection > Select “New Subcollection” > Type name for your new subcollection.