Wednesday November 1, 2017
Selectboard Members: David Jacobs, Nattie Emmons, and Tim Scott
Public: Mike Bruton, Mark Simakaski, Town Clerk Tom Galinat, Zoning Administrator Bob Hansen, Lister Rusty Barber, Road Foreman Jeremy Withers
The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board David Jacobs at 6:33PM.
- Tim will talk to Doug Morton at NVDA about a traffic study and a four way stop sign for South Peacham.
- Nattie will put the long board up on the Snow Roller Barn.
- Melissa will edit the drug and alcohol policy.[1]
- Rusty will send Melissa the updated big information and Melissa will post it online and advertise it.
- Additions
- Executive Session
- Drug & Alcohol Policy
- Approve Minutes
- David moves to approve the minutes of 9/20/17 with a minor change. Tim seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- Discussion with Mark Simakaski
- The Peacham town lawyer retired and the new lawyer, Bill Cobb, spoke to the mediator. The mediator recommended to have a second opinion on the work of removing the cupola.
- Once the second estimate for the cupola is done, the Selectboard will have a special meeting with Bill Cobb before the next regular Selectboard meeting.
- Highway Department Update and Requests
- Summer maintenance is coming to an end. Trucks are getting ready for the winter. One truck is in the shop for repairs.
- Jeremy spoke with Scott Abair about plowing and sanding around Peacham Pond again.
- Last week he had someone come to look at the septic tank. It’s a 500 gallon metal tank that should be replaced soon.
- South Peacham Stop Sign
- Sharon Jones could not be here so Mike offered to speak on her behalf. She wanted a four way stop sign at the Peacham Barnet Road and Peacham Groton Road intersection. She also wanted a consistent speed through town from one end to the other. She requested this because of people speeding through South Peacham Village.
- The Selectboard is very supportive of traffic calming measures in South Peacham, including reduced speed and stop sign. Tim will speak with Doug Morton of NVDA to move this forward.
- Renovation
- Rusty Barber presented the proposed paperwork to request and advertise the the seeking of bids for the renovation of the bathroom/town meeting room. The bid documents are ready to go. Rusty put 12/14 as the deadline for bids assuming we could advertise next week.
- Snow Roller Barn
- Nattie will put up the long board.
- Recreation Committee/ winter carnival
- Tom said that the town used to have a lot more volunteer action but it’s dwindling. Tom said the events are getting harder to organize. He thinks that it might be time to have a recreation part of town government.
- Tom said the vision would be that a small recreation committee would be formed to do the visioning/planning for the events. This steering committee would delegate tasks to the town office.
- The Selectboard agreed that it was time to form a recreation committee.
- Burrington Zoning Violation
- Bob talked to Bill Cobb, Peacham Town Lawyer, and Bill suggested to go down there with all the paperwork and fill it out with Burrington. Options include taking him to court for the amount owed or getting an injunctive relief to have it court ordered to remove the vehicles. Bob will have one more conversation with Burrington.
- Town Clerk Update and Requests
- The town has 98 thousand in the bank and is doing well with collecting taxes. Best we’ve been in the last 6 years. We already collected $139 thousand in taxes.
- Started to do next year’s draft budget.
- One control valve in furnace seems to have died. Someone coming in tomorrow to fix it. nThere is a modein heater in the post office that leaks and he has to fic it while post ovfice open - federal law. this furnace is on its last leg. every year we have a grand bill on this furnace. he thinks a grant for a pellet furnace or some new furnace. agains, deferred maintenance. its’ a boiler.
- the lights for the post office are out and the parking lot is pitch black right now and there is a craft show friday night. matt pettigrew is going to fix that.
- Executive Session
- Tim moves to go into executive session at 7:27. David seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- David moves to come out of executive session at 7:39. Nattie seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- No action taken.
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
- The Selectboard reviewed the prospective policy and made decisions about how to modify it.
- Executive Session
- David moves to go into executive session as 8:11. Nattie seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- David moves to come out of deliberative session at 8:14. Nattie seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- No action taken.
- Review and Approve Bills
- The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
- Review Correspondence
- The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.
David moves to adjourn at 8:25pm. Tim seconds. All in favor. So moved.
[1]Melissa will edit the drug and alcohol policy. +
_Assigned to Melissa Stiebert_