CPRE Norfolk
Trustees’ Annual Report - Year ended 31 December 2014
CPRE Norfolk
Cardinal House, 86 St Benedict’s Street,
Norwich, NR2 4AB
01603 761660
Registered charity no. 210706
CPRE Norfolk
Trustees’ Annual Report - Year ended 31 December 2014
Index to Accounts
Contact DetailsPage 1
IndexPage 2
Report of the Executive CommitteePages 3 - 8
Reference and Administrative Information
Objectives and Activities
Achievements and Performance
Financial Review
Independent Examiner’s Report Page 10
Receipts and Payments AccountsPage 11
Statement of Assets and LiabilitiesPage 12
Notes to the AccountsPages 13 - 14
Acknowledgement of Donors and list of PatronsPage 15
CPRE Norfolk
Report of the Executive Committee - Year ended 31 December 2014
Reference and Administrative Information
Charity Name:
CPRE Norfolk
Charity Registration Number:
Address of Charity:
Cardinal House, 86 St Benedict’s Street
Norfolk NR2 4AB
Further Contact Details of Charity:
Tel: (01603) 761660
Trustees of the Executive Committee during 2014:
Professor Tim O’Riordan(President)
James Parry(Chairman)
John Davies (Treasurer to Jul 14)
Matthew Martin(Interim Treasurer Jul 14 onwards)
Bryan Robinson(Secretary)
Keith Bacon
Chris Dady
David Hook
Rosalie Monbiot
Greg Peck
Barry Porter
John Salisbury
Dr Ian Shepherd
Rob Lodge
Vice Presidents
Maurice de Soissons
Lady Walpole
Peter Forbes
Martin Walton
CAF Bank LtdBarclays Bank Plc
25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill5-7 Red Lion Street
West MallingNorwich
Reporting Accountants:
Voluntary Norfolk
83-87 Pottergate
Norwich NR2 1DZ
CPRE Norfolk
Report of the Executive Committee - Year ended 31 December 2014
Structure, Governance and Management
CPRE Norfolk is governed by its Constitution and Rules which were adopted in 1933 and registered with the Charity Commission (registration number 210706) on 5 August 1964. The Constitution was updated in 2014. .
A county tier of the national environmental organisation Campaign to Protect Rural England, CPRE Norfolk is part of and works alongside CPRE nationally and regionally, but is a separate registered charity. It is a membership organisation with approximately 1,111 members and supporters who subscribe or give regular donations. They include individuals, families, parish and town councils and other local amenity bodies.
The charity has an Executive Committee of Trustees with a wide range of expertise, including conservation, farming and landscape, as well as management and charity governance. Vacancies are advertised through regular e-bulletins and newsletters, in the press and through the online recruitment service REACH.
Trustees also play an active part in the management committee of the Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust.
CPRE Norfolk has an office in Norwich which is staffed by a part-time Branch Manager with freelance financial and administrative support.
The branch has a Volunteers Policy and actively encourages the contribution and involvement of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. A network of volunteers, supported by the Branch Manager and trustees, monitors planning matters across the county There are also active campaigning teams, run by volunteers, on litter, footpaths and light pollution.
CPRE Norfolk
Report of the Executive Committee - Year ended 31 December 2014
Objectives and activities
The Norfolk branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE Norfolk) exists to promote the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural Norfolk by encouraging the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and country. As an independent voice for the landscape, we monitor ‘the big picture’ of how the land, coast, skies and communities of Norfolk are being affected by development and we engage with decision-makers on an ongoing basis. In particular we encourage Norfolk MPs, councillors, planning departments and other decision makers to support the countryside, safeguard precious and protected area, promote urban renewal, restrict development on greenfield sites, protect country lanes and footpaths preserve rural tranquillity and dark skies. We focus on promoting positive solutions that will support the long-term future of Norfolk and its precious countryside.
We provide independent ‘on the ground’ responses to large-scale planning issues, ensuring that development and growth proposals take into account the social, aesthetic, environmental and economic benefits of the countryside. Backed by in-depth research and many years of collective experience, we give evidence at Public Inquiries into complex and long-running Norfolk planning debates and we provide planning support to parish councils, conservation groups and individuals across the county, running seminars and conferences on planning and other issues affecting the countryside. We reward excellence in local authorities, schools, architectural practices and conservation bodies and work to highlight and improve public understanding of exemplar environmental projects.
Further information on the charity’s history, objectives and current activities are available from our website
CPRE Norfolk
Report of the Executive Committee - Year ended 31 December 2014
Achievements and performance
James Parry, Chairman, April 2015
CPRE Norfolk
Report of the Executive Committee - Year ended 31 December 2014
Financial Review
It is with pleasure that I can report that the income position has remained satisfactory this year and that there was a surplus for the year to the 31st December 2014 of £6383.73. As at the year end we also held the sum of £7,820.10 - committed for our Light Pollution Project ongoing in 2015.
This year we adopted the accounting system for efficient and effective working as recommended by Voluntary Norfolk.
We remain hopeful that if we continue with our current structure and activities this should help secure the long term stability of the branch to ensure it continues to work effectively for members and to fulfil its objectives.
Income received amounted to £41,545, despite a tough financial year. Income has come from our Patron’s programme, generous donations and fundraising activities. The members of the Executive Committee consider the year-end financial position to be satisfactory given the current economic situation and confirm that the charity can meet all known financial obligations.
Membership subscriptions are the most reliable part of our income and contribute around £16,000 per annum (up slightly from last year). We encourage members to make their money work as hard as possible, by signing up to Direct Debit to reduce our administration costs and by completing Gift Aid declaration forms where the member is a UK taxpayer.
We did receive one large legacy this calendar year totalling £6,368from Miss C J Smith which was greatly appreciated.
A grant of £9789 was received for the Light Pollution Project which continues into 2015.
Many members also take part in our 100 Club twice-yearly prize draw, which raises further funds for the charity.
We are extremely grateful to all organisations and individuals who have donated to CPRE, or raised funds on our behalf, and I take this opportunity to record our thanks to them.Our Patrons and Vice Patrons continue to support us; their contribution is greatly valued and important.
Expenditure has been kept under strict control and is under-budget in most areas. All efforts are taken to reduce costs and procure goods and services at best value for money possible. The office is staffed by Katy Jones as part-time Branch Manager with help from Paula Coombe as Finance & Administration Officer on a freelance basis.
The two projects for which we received restricted grant income (Anniversary Open Days and Protect Our Paths) were successfully completed with an underspend against budget. We were pleased to receiveconfirmation from Awards for All and The Big Lottery Fund that we could retain the surplus of £4,534to sustain the benefits of these two projects.
Reserves Policy
The charity’s general funds, excluding any restrictedfunds, will be maintained at a level equivalent to six to nine months expenditure. Trustees of the charity will engage in fundraising activities to maintain reserves of £30,000 and will set annual budgets to maintain them at this level. This reserves policy is reviewed annually by the Trustees.
Plans for future periods
Income from membership subscriptions is fairly stable but it is impossible to predict our income from other sources. The expectation is that income will improve in 2015 following fundraising events, increased publicity of CPRE Norfolk by our activities, plus a targeted appeal for donations later in the year. A revamped CPRE Norfolk AwardsCeremony will take place later this year, following successful bids for sponsorship of the awards. Fundraising events in 2015 will include a concert at Hales Hall.
Funds can be donated in a variety of ways – online through our website, by cheque, Direct Debit or Standing Order. We do claim Gift Aid on all eligible donations.
We thank John Davies for his contribution to the management of the accounts in his role as Honorary Treasurer for the first half of 2014, and for leaving the accounts in a much better position than when he took on the role.
The reporting accountants, Voluntary Norfolk, have advised that this will be the last time they are able to prepare our accounts, due to a change in direction for their services. They were also unable to provide the Independent Examiner Report, as in previous years, but the Trustees fortunately were able to appoint Shirley Webb, MAAT, from Make It Count as a suitable alternative Examiner. We would therefore seek a resolution to reappoint Shirley Webb as our Independent Accounts Examiner for the upcoming year which will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
M. Martin (Interim Honorary Treasurer)
April 2015
CPRE Norfolk
Independent Examiner’s Report to the members - Year ended 31 December 2014
Scanned version to go here
CPRE Norfolk
Statement of Financial Activities for year ended 31st December 2014
Notes / Total / TotalRestricted / Unrestricted / 2014 / 2013
£ / £ / £ / £
Incoming Receipts
Voluntary income / 1 / 9,789.00 / 28,111.75 / 37,900.75 / 61,593.11
Activities for generating funds:
Fund-raising / 2 / 0.00 / 3,626.00 / 3,626.00 / 7,748.55
Investment income / 0.00 / 18.90 / 18.90 / 44.19
Total receipts / 9,789.00 / 31,756.65 / 41,545.65 / 69,385.85
Resources Expended
Direct charitable expenditure / 3 / 9,458.12 / 21,685.36 / 31,143.48 / 24,347.52
Other expenditure
Fund-raising and publicity costs / 4 / 0.00 / 2,272.75 / 2,272.75 / 6,428.00
Governance costs / 5 / 0.00 / 1,745.69 / 1,745.69 / 1,079.54
Total payments / 9,458.12 / 25,703.80 / 35,161.92 / 31,855.06
Net Incoming Resources before transfers / 330.88 / 6,052.85 / 6,383.73 / 37,530.79
Gross transfers between funds / -4,534.48 / 4,534.48 / 0.00 / 0.00
Net movement in funds / -4,203.60 / 10,587.33 / 6,383.73 / 37,530.79
Fund Balance as at 31st December 2013 / 12,023.70 / 45,337.05 / 57,360.75 / 19,829.96
Fund Balance as at 31st December 2014 / 7,820.10 / 55,924.38 / 63,744.48 / 57,360.75
CPRE Norfolk
Statement of Assets and Liabilities - Year ended 31 December 2014
2014 / 2013Fixed Assets
Property / 0.00 / 0.00
Tangible assets / 0.00 / 0.00
0.00 / 0.00
Current Assets
Debtors & Prepayments / 1,328.53 / 3,508.86
Cash at bank and in hand / 64,077.47 / 55,335.76
Premium Bonds / 50.00 / 50.00
65,456.00 / 58,894.62
Accrued Accounting Fees / 335.40
Trade Creditors / 1,711.52 / 1,198.47
Other Accruals / 0.00 / 0.00
1,711.52 / 1,533.87
Net Assets / 63,744.48 / 57,360.75
Represented by:
Restricted Funds / 7,820.10 / 12,023.70
Unrestricted Funds / 55,924.38 / 45,337.05
63,744.48 / 57,360.75
63,744.48 / 57,360.75
CPRE Norfolk
Notes to the Accounts - Year ended 31 December 2014
Total / TotalRestricted / Unrestricted / 2014 / 2013
£ / £ / £ / £
1 / Voluntary income
CPRE subscription / 0.00 / 0.00 / 16,021.51 / 15,526.67
Friends / 0.00 / 0.00 / 348.00 / 6.00
Donations / 0.00 / 0.00 / 10,729.87 / 31,124.44
Appeal / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 25.00
Grants / 9,789.00 / 1,000.00 / 10,789.00 / 14,911.00
Miscellaneous / 0.00 / 0.00 / 12.37 / 0.00
9,789.00 / 1,000.00 / 37,900.75 / 61,593.11
2 / Fund-raising and publicity income
Sale of goods / 0.00 / 0.00 / 65.00 / 579.65
Events / 0.00 / 0.00 / 2,685.00 / 6,304.90
100 Club / 0.00 / 0.00 / 876.00 / 864.00
0.00 / 0.00 / 3,626.00 / 7,748.55
3 / Direct charitable expenditure
Salaries / 0.00 / 13,401.32 / 13,401.32 / 12,273.98
Rent and rates / 0.00 / 4,000.00 / 4,000.00 / 4,000.00
Insurance / 0.00 / 654.77 / 654.77 / 663.73
Equipment repairs and renewals / 0.00 / 862.73 / 862.73 / 0.00
Stationery / 0.00 / 219.55 / 219.55 / 488.40
Postage / 0.00 / 331.47 / 331.47 / 102.87
Telephone / 0.00 / 508.00 / 508.00 / 450.34
Bank charges / 0.00 / 32.00 / 32.00 / 47.83
Employee expenses / 0.00 / 287.10 / 287.10 / 114.30
Volunteer expenses / 0.00 / 358.30 / 358.30 / 1,261.68
Recruitment advertising / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 33.95
Fundraiser commission / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 1,695.22
Small Grants / 0.00 / 500.00 / 500.00 / 0.00
Project Training / 1,001.20 / 0.00 / 1,001.20 / 0.00
Project Consultants Fees / 3,179.33 / 0.00 / 3,179.33 / 2,859.30
Project Resources / 1,519.35 / 0.00 / 1,519.35 / 28.00
Project Publicity & Promotion / 3,758.24 / 0.00 / 3,758.24 / 0.00
Subscriptions/regional levy / 0.00 / 329.40 / 329.40 / 177.92
Litter / 0.00 / 200.72 / 200.72 / 177.92
Depreciation / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 150.00
9,458.12 / 21,685.36 / 31,143.48 / 24,525.44
Continued overleaf
4 / Fund-raising and publicity costs
Miscellaneous / 0.00 / 31.00 / 31.00 / 38.40
100 Club prizes / 0.00 / 603.90 / 603.90 / 531.44
Printing (including Countryside Review) / 0.00 / 323.19 / 323.19 / 1,950.88
Awards / 0.00 / 184.29 / 184.29 / 598.72
Events / 0.00 / 1,130.37 / 1,130.37 / 3,308.56
0.00 / 2,272.75 / 2,272.75 / 6,428.00
5 / Governance costs
Committee expenses / 0.00 / 798.93 / 798.93 / 703.59
AGM / 0.00 / 282.76 / 282.76 / 40.05
Accountancy / 0.00 / 664.00 / 664.00 / 335.90
0.00 / 1,745.69 / 1,745.69 / 1,079.54
CPRE Norfolk
Acknowledgement of Donors - Year ended 31 December 2014
CPRE Norfolk would like to thank all of our members, friends, supporters and volunteers for their invaluable contribution to the charity’s success in 2014.
Patrons 2014
Sir Nicholas BaconCharles Barratt
Ivor Braka
Marquess Cholmondeley
Viscount Coke
Thomas Cook
Helen Corbin
Paul Gismondi
The Earl of Leicester
Sir Rupert Mann
Rosalie Monbiot, OBE
Professor Timothy O’Riordan
Lord & Lady Walpole
Other Patrons have asked to remain anonymous.