Date: Wednesday 7th May 2014

Time: 6.00pm @ SD

Attendees: L Johnson (EHT), P Burton (Chair /Academy Trustee), J George (Community Trustee), R Gurteen (Community Trustee), M Moriarty (Academy Trustee)

1. si / Apologies and consent for absence
Apology accepted for Sharon Sykes.
2. si / Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes accepted as true record. Proposed and seconded by M Moriarty and J George.
3. si / Matters Arising
4. si / Declaration of interest
5. si / Items declared confidential
Item 8
6a. / Field Lane SDP reviews and summer priorities
The following questions were raised from the SDP reviews:
·  Q: What is De Bono
A: EHT advised it is a thinking skill strategy. It is used to look at decisions from a number of different perspectives. Makes children to move outside their normal thinking style, and helps them get more rounded view of a situation. Different colours of hats denote different types of thinker.
·  Q: What is Blooms?
A: Used to assist children to compose questions on different levels of thinking. This taxonomy ranges from lower to higher levels of cognitive thinking. Children use Bloom question fans to develop lateral thinking and not just remembering.
·  EHT advised the reviews are updated with senior leadership team to look at the impact of the objectives from the development plans and evaluate progress and identify what actions to be taken in the summer term. Curriculum is led by: Cho - SD; KB- FL, EYFS – HT across both schools; Literacy SC- FL; SEN – VD FL; T & L – AP/VD.
·  Technical problems with IRIS at FL have occurred, system not recording/saving, which has caused a delay in teachers’ videoing themselves. EHT advised priority is for teachers to have completed 2 lessons and also shared a lesson before Spring Bank. Evaluation report for trustees re: IRIS will be completed after spring bank. / FL- Teaching staff
6b. / Field Lane SIP Visit report
·  Trustees reported they felt the SIP report downgraded the progress made. EHT advised that due to the SIP drilling down deeper in to the data it sometimes distorts the progress being made especially when analysing data in small group numbers. Points highlighted were:
o  Early Essence proving helpful
o  EYFS – low on track – but would expect that.
o  In year tracker Y1 – haven’t made enough progress
o  Progress for Y4/5 – does require improvement
o  EHT advised there is no national expectation in KS1 for 8 points progress.
·  EHT advised next year she would prefer to use a NLE/Ofsted contact instead of current SIP.
6c. / Field Lane Attendance Summary
·  From summary discussion EHT to follow up comments in main evaluation that ‘some families have high levels of anxiety around their children and keep them away from school when there is not sufficient reason’ plus sickness reports for both SD & FL. / EHT
7a. / Siddal SDP reviews and summer term priorities
·  No questions asked.
7b. / Siddal SIP Visit Report
·  From summary discussion overall progress in KS2 progress at SD was highlighted in the report. EHT advised that Ofsted do not drive down in depth and was not sure what the SIP means.
·  EHT reported that the Ofsted inspector has commented that she was given too much detail, and just needed the number on track to make expected progress.
·  Q: What do we do with the SIP report findings?
·  A: EHT advised the issues raised in the reports are discussed with Senior Team.
7c. / Siddal Attendance Report
·  EHT reported 2 children in Y6 are causing the problem. The families have moved addresses but have not moved schools. Will continue to monitor. / SD – Learning Mentor/HoS
8. / Trust Development
·  Confidential Item
9. / Website plans
·  Members asked to send pen portraits to the Chair as soon as possible. Good examples of portraits can be found on HBH academy trust website. / Trustees
10. / Recruitment
·  LF – HoS interviews Weds 14th May.
·  FL – DHoS – 1 application received – good candidate.
·  BF – Teachers – interviews Fri 16th May.
·  SD – Caretaker appointed.
·  Senior Site Manager – was appointed but after receiving information from previous employer regarding misconduct SBM will be withdrawing the verbal offer of the position. Decision now taken to delay appointment of a Senior Site Manager.
·  EHT advised once LF – HoS; FL-DHoS & Teachers posts are filled, will need to look at Learning Mentor; HLTA and Admin positions for LF.
11. / SCR
·  SCR checked and accepted as correct.
·  Governors SCR to be checked every 3 year. M Moriarty & J Stewart identified as renewal needed Jul 2014. SBM to action. / SBM
12. / Correspondence
·  EHT passed on thanks from FL staff to FL LGB Chair for thank you cards from the LGB.
·  Chair reported she had taken celebration assembly at FL.
·  Local press – Brighouse Echo has covered the success of FL inspection.
·  LF – will be school of the week in Friday 9th May - Evening Courier.
·  Field Lane Celebration Event – Friday 23rd May – The Heath RUFC (West Vale) – all governors invited. Clerk to circulate invitation to both LGBs.
·  Letter of congratulations to FL received from Head of Learning. / Clerk
10. / AOB
·  EHT advised Revell Ward Accountants have been appointed due to poor service from Hentons. Members all agreed to the appointment.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm

Signed by: ...... Date: ......