Alden Update – November 12, 2013
Hello Alden Families:
I try not to send too many emails but it seems we have lots of happenings here at Alden.
Just a reminder that November is Family Literacy Month. Attached is the flyer I sent out last week outlining various activities families can do at home to support this great initiative.
Help support our troops! We’re sending holiday packages of treats and good wishes to our men and women serving in Afghanistan. This year, our shipment will be sent to CPL Thomas Cram, to share with the members of his Marine unit. He is the son of Tom Cram, Alden School custodian, and is currently serving his second tour of duty in Afghanistan. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Crazy Sock Day will be Friday, November 15. Students earned this reward by receiving over 900 respect chips during the month of October.
Author-in-Residence (Wendy Mass) will visit with the Alden students on Monday, Nov. 25 and Tuesday, Nov. 26th. A huge thank you to the PTA for providing our students with this wonderful opportunity.
Please make sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately to go outside at recess - weather permitting. We like to get the students outside when possible.
Legislators to attend November 20 Annual Public Hearing
on the School Budget
Alden School – 7:00 pm – Room 104
On November 20, 2013, the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Ben Tantillo, will be presenting his recommendation to the School Committee for a budget to be presented at the Annual Town Meeting in March 2014.
Senator Hedlund has been invited and Representatives Josh Cutler and Thomas Calter will be present to share upcoming legislation related to school budgets and finance.
Following the presentation, the Committee will provide time for public input.
PTA Information:
11/13-11/15 Gift Wrap Pick Up
Gift wrap orders are in! Orders are sorted by grade and teacher. Please note some boxes contain multiple orders and are highlighted in blue. Please take only your items, not the entire box. If you are the last person to empty a box, please place it in recycling!Pick up times are 11/13 and 11/15, between2-4pmin the Computer Room.Please do not disrupt any classes if you arrive early.Thank you for supporting the Alden PTA. Any questions with orders,
11/14 bFit
Children will be entertained and educated about the importance of fitness, eating properly, daily exercise andpositiveattitudes towards fitness. Through comedy, magic, juggling, and lots of audience participation, they will learn the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and starting now can be instrumental in developing healthy habits for your kids for years to come!So, grab an apple for a snack and head on out the door for a nice walk with your kidson Thursdayafternoon and chat with them about all the great information they were "fed" and all the fun they had while experiencing it!
11/13 Kids Care Club Meeting after school will focus on healthy eating for the food pantry donations with guest speaker Kim Sweeney from Kingsbury Club.
11/14 Bring food donations to school to be dropped in boxes in the Alden Lobby. This donation, through the Kids Care Club, will support local food pantries.
11/20 Photo Re-take Day
11/20 Next PTA Meeting with Dr. Tantillo – 9:30am
Community Information:
The Duxbury High School Football teamis sponsoring a coat drive to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester. Coats will only be collected until Friday, November 15th. We have a box in the Alden lobby to collect any clean coats. Please see the attached flyer for more information.