/ True Friends
10509 108th St NW
Annandale, MN 55302
Tel: 952.852.0101 Fax: 952.852.0123



NAME:______SEX: Female______Male______

last first

ADDRESS:______CELL PHONE: (______) ______

CITY:______STATE:______ZIP:______HOME PHONE: (______) ______

BIRTHDATE: ______/______/______Are you under the age of 18? Yes _____ No ______(If so you must have a parent or guardian sign the release form on the bottom of the back page)



ADDRESS:______CELL PHONE: (______) ______

CITY:______STATE:______ZIP:______HOME PHONE:(______) ______

WORK PHONE:(______) ______



ADDRESS:______CELL PHONE: (______) ______

CITY:______STATE:______ZIP:______HOME PHONE:(______) ______

WORK PHONE:(______) ______

If under the age of 18, please complete the following:



ADDRESS:______CELL PHONE: (______) ______

CITY:______STATE:______ZIP:______HOME PHONE:(______) ______

WORK PHONE:(______) ______


ADDRESS:______CELL PHONE: (______) ______

CITY:______STATE:______ZIP:______HOME PHONE:(______) ______

WORK PHONE:(______) ______

**INSURANCE: Please remember to bring your health insurance card with you to camp so that in the event you need to be seen offsite you can provide this information to the health care facility.**

COMPLETE back page

Camp______Position ______Seasonal ____ Year round______

Seasonal\HC\HC forms\Health History\9-2013

ALLERGIES: Please list ALL allergies (environmental, medication, & Food related): ______


Describe reactions: Please circle any of the following: hivesdifficulty breathing


Do you carry an Epi-pen or kit for treatment of allergic emergencies? Yes______No______

Special DIET/Restrictions: Weare happy to accommodate the following special dietary needs with a minimum three week notice. Vegetarian Gluten Free Lactose Free Diabetic  Other/ Special Instructions:


**If you have any other special diets, we will do our best to accommodate however, we recommend bringing in your own food to supplement our meals.

*Please note that the vegetarian options provided at camp may be prepared with milk/eggs/cheese. The food service department may not be

able to accommodate all individual tastes and needs. Gluten Free diets are prepared in a NON- Gluten Free kitchen and cross contamination could happen.

TETANUS HISTORY: Please give date (month/year) of most recent tetanus shot/ Booster: ______

PHYSICAL:Are you capable of meeting the physical requirements of your position as outlined in your job description and discussed with your supervisor? Yes _____ No _____

CURRENT MEDICATIONS/CONDITIONS: **If at any time during the course of your employment you begin taking a medication or have a condition that may affect your ability to perform your job functions please discuss this with the camp nurse or Director of Health care. **

This health history is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. EMERGENCY INFORMATION: I give permission to the medical personnel selected by True Friends to provide routine health care, administer camp standing orders and to seek emergency medical treatment. I also give permission for the True Friends health care personnel to administer prescribed medications in the event that I am not capable. I agree to the release of any records necessary for medical & insurance purposes. I give permission for necessary related transportation. In the event that the emergency contact cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the health care facility selected by the camp to secure and administer treatment including but not limited to; hospitalization, injections, routine tests, X-rays, anesthesia or surgery, for the person named on this form. If I/my child is released to True Friends, the camp has permission to obtain copies of my/my child’s treatment and health record from any provider who treats me/my child. I understand that the information about me/my child’s health will be obtained only as needed and shared on a “need to know” basis with camp staff. I will notify True Friends in writing of any health related changes between the date of this form and my/my child’s arrival at camp.

Signature of Staff/Volunteer member:______Date:______/______/______


Signature of parent/guardian if staff/volunteer staff member is under age of 18: