TRR 2472
Low-Volume Roads 2015, Volume 1

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Every four years, since 1975, the Transportation Research Board has collected the work, experience, and innovations of authors from six continents on the subject of low-volume roads. This 11th publication in a series of peer-reviewed volumes provides a special forum for the exchange of information and innovative ideas on the design, construction, maintenance, operations and safety of low-volume roads. Low-Volume Roads 2015 is presented in three volumes with 80 papers. This volume, Volume 1, presents the keynote paper, followed by 25 papers that address the following aspects of low-volume roads: design, environment, safety, and traffic engineering.

TRR 2474
Low-Volume Roads 2015, Volume 3

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Every four years, since 1975, the Transportation Research Board has collected the work, experience, and innovations of authors from six continents on the subject of low-volume roads. This 11th publication in a series of peer-reviewed volumes provides a special forum for the exchange of information and innovative ideas on the design, construction, maintenance, operations and safety of low-volume roads. Low-Volume Roads 2015 is presented in three volumes with 80 papers. This volume, Volume 3, presents 26 papers that address the following aspects of low-volume roads: materials, pavements, freeze-thaw, heavy loads, and construction.

TRR 2475
Railroads: Freight and Passenger Systems 2015, Volume 1

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This issue contains 12 papers concerned with freight and passenger system aspects of railroads. Specific topics addressed include: global high-speed rail experience; high-speed rail lines and market competition; high-speed rail and urban decentralization; the financial relationship between railway industry players in shared railway systems; high-speed rail revenue management; and life-cycle cost, system reliability, and service reliability in passenger rail system design. Additional topics include energy efficiency of passenger rail systems; passenger train capacity and level of service; sequencing and scheduling in railway classification yards; online rail freight exchange; optimization of shunting yard operations; and capacity issues of single-track railway lines with short sidings.

TRR 2476
Railroads: Track, Equipment, and Safety 2015, Volume 2

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This issue includes 17 papers concerned with track, equipment, and safety aspects of railroads. Specific topics addressed include the following: concrete crosstie rail seat deterioration; environmental vibration induced by subways in a tunnel; the impact of water level rise on the behaviors of track structure and substructure; fine-scale ballast-tie interface pressure distribution; calculation of critical velocity of trains; timber and concrete crosstie maintenance and replacement; mitigation of differential settlement in a bridge transition zone; tie support at transition zones; and freight and passenger rail fuel efficiency. Additional topics addressed in this issue include: data-driven wheel wear modeling and reprofiling; distracted driving at highway-rail grade crossings; accident prediction at railroad grade crossings; light rail crossing safety performance functions; IdaShield signs at highway-rail crossings; traffic safety at road-rail level crossings; freight train derailment rates; and a historic analysis of U.K. railway accidents caused by human error.

TRR 2477
Freight Systems: Economics, Planning, and Logistics, Volume 1

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This issues contains 11 papers concerning freight systems. Specific topics covered are as follows: effects of Railway Labor Act election rule changes; estimating link travel time on highway corridors, seasonal daily traffic flow of agricultural products; and efficient insertion heuristics for multi-trip vehicle routing. This issue also covers shuttle tanker transportation network flow; freight traffic assignment for intermodal networks; international freight carbon dioxide emissions; and fuel consumption of container ships. Additional topics include: logistics spatial patterns in Paris; border-crossing choice behavior of trucks along the Toronto-Chicago trade corridor; and commodity value-weight trends.

TRR 2478
Freight Systems: Urban Freight and Trucking, Volume 2

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This issue contains 14 papers concerned with urban freight and trucking aspects of freight systems. Specific topics include: congestion charges and low emission zones; environmental access restrictions; off-hour delivery programs; the relationship between commercial vehicle parking citations, parking supply, and parking demand; urban distribution centers; freight intermediaries; and urban logistics measures. The issue also includes papers that address: optimum routes for fuel delivery trucks; a geographic information system tool for enhancing administration of overweight-vehicle permits; data analysis of heavier truck weights; permit fees for overweight trucks; truck body configuration volume and weight distribution; freight corridor analysis using global positioning system data; and carrier reservation prices for truckload capacity.

TRR 2479
Marine Transportation, Port Operations, and Intermodal Freight

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This issue contains 11 papers concerned with marine transportation, port operations, and intermodal freight. Specific topics addressed in the issue include: the adoption of liquefied natural gas as a fuel for shipping on the Great Lakes; vessel route choice; big data-based estimation for ship safety distance distribution in port waters; shipping emissions reduction strategies; funding improvements on inland waterways; measuring port effectiveness; real-time disruption recovery for integrated berth allocation and crane assignment in container terminals; bunker procurement planning for container liner shipping companies; an intermodal network model of coal distribution; subsidies for maritime freight transportation; and the business value of supply chain visibility and monitoring.

TRR 2480
Research and Education

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This issue contains 7 papers concerned with research and education. Specific topics addressed include: journal citation reports’ impact factor; financial achievability of department of transportation research and development projects; multimodal tools for construction education and student internships; motivating students to pursue transportation careers; the inverted classroom teaching method; transportation engineering instructional practices; and a multiagent route choice game for transportation engineering.

TRR 2481
Maintenance and Preservation

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This issue contains 17 papers concerned with maintenance and preservation. Specific topics include: interstate highway bridge replacement and rehabilitation; performance measures for bridge preservation; risk analysis of vulnerable bridges in France; and non-destructive testing of bridge decks. Additional topics include: pavement preservation strategies for Rhode Island; development of cementitious composites for white-topping overlay; development of the loaded wheel test; patching materials for winter climates; analyzing failure probability through survival analysis; and high pressure water cutting treatment of flushed chip seals. Further topics include: viscosity of hot-applied sealant for asphalt pavement; aging of hot-poured crack sealants; high-friction surface treatments in Virginia; rehabilitation of the Teil Bridge; and bearing assessment using temperature-based measurements. More topics include: repair options for timber piles; and vehicle load effect of long-span bridges.

TRR 2482
Maintenance Services, Transportation Weather, and Winter Maintenance

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This issue contains 17 papers concerned with maintenance services, transportation weather, and winter maintenance. Specific topics covered in this issue include fleet preventive maintenance practices; fuel use and emissions for heavy-duty diesel maintenance equipment; pavement marking service life; and performance-based pavement marking maintenance contracts. Additional topics include: satellite salt facility location; solution-induced weakening of compacted snow; winter road surface condition monitoring; ice formation and the effectiveness of deicing agents; prewetting brines; and icing management on a bridge’s stay cables. This issue also includes papers on the impact of inclement weather on freeway traffic speed; weather conditions and snow removal operations on urban travel speed; fixed automated spray technology systems; the influence of weather on transport demand; cross-asset transportation project coordination; safety performance of urban arterials with lightning; and a multiple-step traffic speed forecasting strategy for winter freeway operations.

TRR 2485
Visibility and Work Zone Traffic Controls

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This issue contains 10 papers concerning visibility and work zone traffic control. Specific topics covered are as follows: speed control for highway tunnels; roadway illuminance at rural intersections; freeway and interchange safety; adaptive lighting; and rapid-flashing beacons. Additional topics include: work zone alarm systems; work zone capacity models; crash causes; response to work zone speed limits; and driveway channelizing treatments.

TRR 2486
Operational Effects of Geometrics and Access Management

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This issue contains ten papers related to operational effects of geometrics and access management in the transportation sector. Specific topics addressed include the following: safety of diverging diamond interchanges; j-turn intersection performance; minimum passing zone lengths; vehicle speeds and speed differentials in curves; pedestrian and bicyclist accommodations and crossings on superstreets; stopping sight distance at crest vertical curves on rural two-lane highways; decision assistance curves in advanced warrant analysis for indirect left-turn intersections; cross-sectional design elements at urban arterial driveway locations; driveway restrictions on corner lot developments; and an economic assessment of access management projects.

TRR 2487
Traffic Signal Systems, Volume 1

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This issue contains 10 papers concerned with traffic signal systems. Specific topics addressed in this issue include emission-based signal timing optimization, sequence optimization at signalized diamond interchanges, signal timing for diverging diamond interchanges, performance ranking of arterial corridors, and signal timing maintenance and optimization. The papers in this issue also address saturation flow rates for dynamic traffic signal control, person-based adaptive priority signal control, large-scale traffic signal evaluation support, dynamic turning restriction management, and off-ramp spillback control.

TRR 2488
Traffic Signal Systems, Volume 2

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Transportation Research Board Business Office

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This issue contains ten papers on traffic signal systems. Specific topics addressed in this issue include the following: evaluation and optimization of signal control plans; multiobjective transit signal priority with prediction of bus dwell time at stops; transit signal priority; time-of-day transitions for arterial traffic signals; and characterization of signalized intersection performance. Papers in this issue also address: traffic signal battery backup systems; truck driver behavior and traffic signal timings; weather-responsive coordinated signal timing operations; resonant cycles; and a real-time offset-tuning algorithm for integrated corridor management.

TRR 2490
Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, Volume 1

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This issue contains 14 papers concerned with traffic flow theory and characteristics. Specific topics addressed include: driver response and traffic evolution under variable speed limit control; network traffic signal control; crowd movement dynamics at signalized pedestrian crossings; modeling travel time variability; desired speed distributions for microscopic traffic simulation; microscopic simulation of synchronized flow in oversaturated city traffic; and real-time travel time prediction framework. Additional topics covered include: collective pedestrian flow characteristics; pedestrian crowd merging; pedestrian crowd exit choice; time headway-vehicle speed bivariate distributions; left-lane changes in laterally unbalanced traffic; driver behavior in work and nonwork zones; and lateral driver behavior in lane-changing executions.

TRR 2491
Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, Volume 2

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This issue contains 13 papers on traffic flow theory and characteristics. Specific topics covered in this issue include the following: trajectory data and flow characteristics of mixed traffic; network exit functions for urban grid network configurations; real-time traffic network state prediction for proactive traffic management; scooter-vehicle mixed traffic propagation; traffic state estimation; driving type categorizing and microscopic simulation model calibration; and estimating typical vehicle accelerations. Additional topics covered in this issue include: capacity drop; spatiotemporal clustering of urban networks; traffic relaxation, anticipation, and hysteresis; a multiscale traffic flow model based on mesoscopic Lighthill-Whitham and Richards models; a large-scale hybrid simulation model; and macroscopic fundamental diagram hysteresis patterns for hierarchical urban street networks.